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Barberry Bush: Benefits and Side Effects

Barberry bush is also known as Daruharidra. It is enrich with many nutrients, so it is effective to cure many diseases. Barberry has been used as a herb for centuries. It’s a wild fruit, which is commonly known as Berberis Aristata
Barberry is found in the temperate Himalayas in India at an altitude of 2000-3000 meters and in the hilly areas of Nilgiris

Beneficial For Diabetes

Effective in Diarrhea

Contains High Nutrition

Effective in Metabolic Syndrome

Better Dental Health

Prevent Cancer

Effective in Inflammation

Effective in Piles

Effective in Fever

Effective for Eyes

Helpful During Periods

Effective for Skin

Side Effects of Barberry Bush

Reduce blood sugar levels

It can be consumed by children and during breastfeeding but in a limited quantity

Seek medical advice to use during pregnancy

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