How To Take Care of Elderly At Home?

How To Take Care of Elderly At Home

Ageing is a universal process and should be regarded as a normal biological phenomenon. No one knows when old age begins. The process of ageing varies with individuals. Some being to look old at 50 years or so while others look young even at 65 or 70 years. From the statistical angel and for the …

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Drugs, Intoxication And Simple Home Remedies

drug intoxication

Cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, tea are the milder and more common forms of stimulants or intoxicants. The more dangerous ones are opium and its derivatives, bhang, hashish, marijuana etc. Certain hallucinogens like L.S.D and smack are becoming more and more common. Life saving drugs and certain drugs used in the treatment of mental diseases are morphine, …

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How Does Insulin Injections Work in Diabetes?

diabetes 1

How does insulin injections work in Diabetes? What is insulin resistance? How does insulin work at the cellular level? Those are the frequent questions often asked by the diabetic patients. So, it is important to know about the function of insulin in the body, as it is the most common problem nowadays. However, before discuss …

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12 Important Benefits of Optimal Testosterone Level

benefits of optimal testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone that stimulates sperm production as well as a man’s sex drive. It also helps in building muscles and bones. Production of testosterone usually decreases with aging. So, today, we will discuss about testosterone hormone, what are the benefits of having optimal testosterone level? and signs of high testosterone in men. What …

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Ankylosing Spondylitis In Females: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Back problems are a very common source of pain and disability, and the terms spondylosis and Ankylosing Spondylitis in females are commonly used when talking about them. These conditions are easily confused, but are quite distinct. Definition of Ankylosing Spondylitis? Ankylosing spondylitis denotes any disease which gives rise to inflammation of the joints between vertebrae …

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