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Applications That Can Help With Mental Health: Top Picks

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For most people, taking care of physical health is the equivalent of going through the motions of good diet, exercise, good sleep and hydration. It almost comes naturally. However, when it comes to taking care of one’s mental health, most people feel like they are in uncharted territory. 

For this reason, it is advisable to seek support to nurture your mental health. Because of the advancement in information technology, this support comes from more than therapists and medication. 

There are between 10,000 to 20,000 mental health apps out there. One of the major reasons why we are observing an acceleration in the mental health app industry is that they have proven to be a gateway to systematic care. Oftentimes, these apps pave way for an enhanced treatment because most of the work happens outside the clinic. 

Having support in your pocket helps, all you need is a reliable internet connection and a smartphone. If you would like a connection that does not fail you in your time of need, check out Cox Internet plans and bundles. There are several different kinds of mental health apps out there. Each of them is designed for a different purpose and to address different kinds of crises. Let’s discuss them by category and the best available apps in these categories. 

1. Online Talk-Therapy.

During the pandemic, the online talk-therapy apps gained velocity because people were not able to make it to their therapists’ offices. The intuitive offering of online talk-therapy allows the user to seek help without having to get daunted by the logistics so they are able to take sessions from the comfort of their own safe spaces. 

These apps have a vast directory of well-rated therapists. The user can choose the communication methods most suited to them from texting, video-calling, voice calling, etc. The most notable apps in this category are BetterHelp and Talkspace. 

2. Meditation and Mindfulness.

Meditation and mindfulness apps play an important role in calming your nerves and checking in with yourself through the course of the day without having to schedule an appointment. These apps help you keep grounded through cognitive behavioral therapy and emotional brain training.

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These apps helps do so with the help of a variety of built-in tools to aid meditation and mindfulness. There is also a vast library of resources that can guide your choices that help in creating a more meditative state of mind. 

Some of the most popular meditation and mindfulness apps are Sanvello, Headspace, Mindfulness Coach, Insight Timer, and Stop, Breathe, and Think!

3. Mood Boosting.

Sometimes your brain needs just the kick to eliminate negative thinking patterns and start producing the happy chemicals. These apps facilitate your wellness journey by inculcating and reinforcing positive patterns in your daily life. 

Features and tools operating on the principles of CBT and EBT coupled with well-researched materials help tackle certain recurring and unexplained dips in your mood. Some of the best examples of mood-boosting mental health apps include Moodfit, Happify, Spiral Up, and 10% Happier. 

4. Sleep Management.

Insomnia is a pressing mental health concern. Eight hours of sleep is instrumental in maintaining a healthy mind. Most people find it difficult to seek medical help just to be able to fall asleep without prescription aid. 

There are several apps with tools and features that help you fall asleep and create a healthy bed-time routine. They do so by employing age-old psychological techniques of tackling insomnia. These apps instruct you about sleep hygiene, have a sound-library with several different kinds of audio sleep aids. 

Out of all the sleep-aid apps, Sleep Easy, Oura, Somryst, Calm, Headspace and CBT-i Coach have gained massive popularity. 

5. Stress, Anxiety and Depression Management.

The big three of mental health can be very challenging to deal with. There is a large variety of apps that help you in tackling these disorders by adjusting your behavioral patterns. They use an abundance of helpful tools like guided journeys, hypothetical scenarios, identifying your triggers and helping you keep track of your spirals. 

These apps also use age-old methods based on CBT, EBT, and wider research by the mental health fraternity. These techniques are refined, digitized and made accessible to public through these apps. 

Most used and effective apps that we have shortlisted to manage stress, anxiety and depression are Worry Watch, Sanvello, Mindshift, Meru Health, and AnxietyEase.  

The aforementioned online talk apps are the most effective way of getting therapy while suffering from these conditions if you are dealing with a tight schedule or anxiety pertaining to logistics of a doctor’s visit. 

6. Battling Addiction.

Addiction is something one battles at every second of their day. Having a friend in your pocket that helps you along the way makes your journey of sobriety a lot easier. Sobriety apps help you find the triggers that take you off the wagon and help you address them. Recovery is not an isolated activity, it requires a support system and a network. These apps help you acquire those. 

They also give you frequent reminders and positive reinforcements that help you avoid the actions that send you back to your old patterns. Because of the nature of addiction, there is also a heavy involvement of holistic CBT and EBT techniques. These tools, research-based self-help materials, guides and talks help you in your recovery. Some of these apps also let you know about AA meetings and live events you can attend. 

Few of the apps that have gained popularity in this area are I Am Sober, Sober Grid, WeConnect, and RecoveryBox etc. 

Bottom Line.

Your journey of self-improvement and combating your inner demons on a daily basis is not an easy one. You need all the help you can get in reaching your wellness goals. Although it is advisable to seek medical treatment, it is also a good idea to aim for supplementary support systems like the aforementioned apps. 




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