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6 Healthy Foods Every UFC Fighter Eats That You Should Have in Your Diet

It’s no surprise that UFC fighters must keep their health up and maintain a fit lifestyle. While they exercise a lot, they also give importance to their diet and what they put in their bodies daily.

As fighters should stay fit to fight in matches, they require more nutrients and energy than a regular person. There are many things you can take from a UFC fighter’s diet that may help you live a good life.

You should regularly eat healthy food and maintain an active lifestyle. You will notice changes in your body and performance when following a healthy diet. If you follow top UFC fighters you probably have read about their diets as well which are important for their physical preparation for their upcoming matches and affect the latest UFC odds of their fights.

While you may know the basic healthy foods you need, very few people eat them with dedication. You should look after yourself as staying healthy is a lifelong task that never ends. Taking some tips and recommendations from a UFC fighter’s diet may help you live a prosperous life.

Dark Berries.

Blackberries, blueberries and raspberries are healthy for you as they have several benefits, ranging from boosting your brain health to fighting diseases. UFC fighters often include these in their diets as they are also known to help you recover faster from an injury.

Sunflower Seeds.

All seeds are, without a doubt, nutritious and healthy for you. You can see sunflower seeds are often included in fighters’ diets as they can boost their energy levels and reduce the stress they experience from training and fighting. Unless you do heavy physical exercise every day, you won’t need to reduce exercise-induced stress, but don’t worry, sunflower seeds have other benefits and can help you a lot.

Sunflower seeds can reduce inflammation and improve your heart’s health. They come in shells which should be taken off before eating and can be eaten raw or roasted. It’s alright if you don’t like sunflower seeds, as eating them alone isn’t the only option. They can be taken with something else, e.g., salads or oatmeal, or even mixed into baked goods.



Have you spent your life thinking coffee is extremely unhealthy? Well, you thought wrong. Coffee can actually be a healthy drink for you if consumed in small amounts. UFC fighters want to work hard and give their all, so they drink coffee from time to time. It helps them train for longer hours and makes them feel energized.

You can also feel rejuvenated and pumped after drinking some coffee. Moreover, coffee boosts your concentration levels and helps in decreasing any muscle pain. It can be a great drink that will help you focus better when you need to put in long hours at work.

Green Leafy Vegetables.


Green vegetables like spinach, kale and lettuce have several vitamins and minerals, and help fighters improve their performance. You should also think about switching to a green-based diet if you want to maintain your energy.


Potatoes are one of the most common and cheapest foods that can be found anywhere. Contrary to popular belief about them being solely carbohydrates, potatoes are healthy and have many of the nutrients an athlete’s body requires, just like green leafy vegetables. They can boost a fighter’s energy levels when they work out or fight in matches.

You can also get the benefits of potatoes by including them in your diet. As they are dense in nutrients, they will also make you feel full faster.


This goes without saying but it’s extremely important that you drink loads and loads of water every day. UFC fighters drink a lot of water every day because they lose lots of fluids by working out. However, everyone should drink a lot of water every day to maintain their body’s water levels.

You may often think that you drink plenty of water throughout the day, but many people don’t realize that they do not drink enough. When you are busy with your daily routines, you may only remember to drink water when you are starting to get dehydrated.

You must keep drinking a lot of water throughout the day because your body loses more fluid than you realize. Try to drink water even when you aren’t thirsty, so you don’t become dehydrated.

Bottom Line.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has always been important and everyone needs to work on this. While you may not understand the harmful effects in the present, you might suffer a lot in the future and pay the price for leading an unhealthy life.

It might be challenging to completely change your eating habits and shift to a nutritious diet. In that case, you can make gradual changes and adapt to a healthy and active lifestyle at your own pace.

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