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Magnificent Benefits and Side Effects of Skipping Rope

Most of us want to be fit, but due to our regular work pressure we are unable to spare time for our precious health. If we think carefully then we can even stay fit at home, whether you will believe it or not, but it is possible. If you spare some time for exercise then we can stay fit for prolong time with several freehand exercise. One of them, is skipping rope. You can easily engage the entire body while doing this exercise. However, it is also necessary to take care of balanced diet along with the exercise. In this article will tell you the benefits as well as the some side effects or disadvantages of skipping rope.

Benefits of Skipping Rope.

Skipping at the regular basis can be beneficial for everyone. Benefits of skipping rope may be like this:

  1. Improve Strength.
  2. Improve Function and Stamina.
  3. Burn Calories.
  4. Improve Cardiovascular Health.
  5. Improve Bone Density.
  6. Beneficial for Joints.
  7. Improve Mental Health.
  8. Helps to Improve Pulmonary Function.
  9. Helps to Increase Height.

Skipping Improve Strength.

While doing skipping we mostly engage most of the parts of our entire body and core. As a result it provide a better strength to our core muscle groups and the entire muscles of our legs. It is also considered as one of the best compound exercise. Majority of the athletes are practice regularly skipping rope to gain strong core muscle.

Skipping Improve Function and Stamina.

Motor function is related to muscle functioning. While skipping, the muscles work better. This can help to maintain the balance of the body. It is considered to be more beneficial for children. At the same time, it also increases stamina. This can prevent early fatigue while any hard working.

Skipping Rope for Weight Loss.

Majority of people are fed up by their increasing weight. But due to paucity of time, they are unable to reduce their weight. Therefore, skipping is a very good way to lose weight. It improves blood circulation and burns extra fat also give your body a perfect shape. You can burn up to 370 calories with 15 minutes of skipping.(1),(2)

Skipping Improve Cardiovascular Health.


It keeps your heart healthy. In fact, skipping can increase the heartā€™s capacity. It improves cardio circulation i.e., blood circulation, which is necessary to pump blood. Healthy heart can prevent heart stroke and other heart risks.(3) That is why you can earmarked skipping as a cardio exercise.

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Skipping Improve Bone Density.

Nowadays, many people suffering from osteoporosis and other bone related problems. At this stage, the bones become so weak that, even when there is a slight setback, they can break.(4) The NCBI has published a research on improving bone density. While two groups of girls were been taken under this research.

One group regularly practiced skipping. As a result, the bone density of these girls improved as compared to the group which did not do skipping. Thus it can be said that skipping can be included in your routine to avoid a problem like osteoporosis.(5)

Benefits of Skipping Rope

Skipping Beneficial for Joints.

Skipping can also be good for joints. Regular practice accelerates the activity of ankle, knee, hip and shoulder joints. Its positive effect may appear on the joints within few days of regular practice. At present, more research is required in this regard.

Skipping Improve Mental Health.

Physical activity can affect mental health. In a study published by the NCBI, people who those are physical inactive may face symptoms of depression. The symptoms of depression have been found to be low in those who exercise regularly like skipping. On this basis it can be said that skipping as a physical activity can prove to be a better remedy.

Skipping Helps to Improve Pulmonary Function.

Poor food habits and lifestyle cause many health problems. You may face lung disease if you have any problem in pulmonary. Even the respiratory system can be affected.(6) It becomes necessary to keep the pulmonary arteries healthy. Skipping can help to keep them healthy. In fact, it increases the amount of oxygen in the body, which can improve the function of the lungs.(7)

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Skipping Helps to Increase Height. 

If you are always worried about your height, then you can overcome it through regular practice of skipping. It has found through many researches that, regular practice of skipping assist to increase height among the teenagers. However, no concrete results have been reported so far.

How to do Skipping?

There are many ways to do skipping, but some of these are difficult. They need to practice. Here, we are talking about some normal and difficult methods.

Jump with Both Legs.

It is easy and common to jump the rope by lifting both legs together. Those who are beginners can start with this procedure.

Single-Leg Jump.

This method can be done only after a lot of practice. It is used with one foot, which requires the whole body to balance. If you are beginners then you must avoid this procedure.

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Cross Hand Jump.

Here you have to jump by crossing your hands to the front. However, sometimes there is a fear of falling while doing this method. So, only experienced people can do it.

*Noteā€“ If you are a beginner, then you must start with both legs with a lower speed.

Right Time to do Skipping.

Similar like other exercise, it have also a proper time to do skipping in the morning. This can improve blood circulation throughout the body. In addition, you can practice it even in the evening. Both of these times are better for skipping.

Who Should Avoid Skipping?

The skipping should not be done if there is following conditions. These conditions are:

  • Those who are suffering from any kind of heart disease should not do skipping.
  • The person who is suffering from asthma should avoid this, as it can lead to breathe problem.
  • If someone has undergone surgery, which has not been completely cured, then it should be avoided.
  • Those who have some kind of problem related to bones should avoid this.
  • People who are suffering from high blood pressure should not do this. If they still want to do so, consult the doctor once before.
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Side Effects of Skipping.

Along with the above mentioned health benefits of skipping rope, it has also some side effects. Which are:

  • This can cause muscle stretch.
  • It may be hurt joint while doing with improper way.
  • Sometimes the legs can be sprained.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. How to adjust skipping rope?

To adjust skipping rope there are 5 steps. They are:

  • Stand at the midpoint of your rope. Place both your legs at the midpoint of the rope, leaving a gap of 1-2 inches between your legs.
  • Pull the rope taut.
  • Measure where the handles reach.
  • Adjust the length of your rope.
  • Trim the extra wire.
Bottom Line.

After reading this article you will now also be thinking of doing skipping rope and its benefits. It is so rewarding and easy, that anyone can do it. At the same time, maintain a healthy diet is also an important factor in the way of fitness. So, read this article carefully before you start. Hope that this information will help you.

+7 Sources

Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.

  1. The Effects of Jump-Rope Training on Shoulder Isokinetic Strength in Adolescent Volleyball Players;
  2. Ways to burn more calories every day;
  3. The Effects of the Rope Jump Training Program in Physical Education Lessons on Strength, Speed and VO2 max in Children;
  4. Osteoporosis;
  5. Rope skipping increases bone mineral density at calcanei of pubertal girls in Hong Kong: A quasi-experimental investigation;
  6. Pulmonary Health Effects of Air Pollution;
  7. The effects of dance music jump rope exercise on pulmonary function and body mass index after music jump rope exercise in overweight adults in 20ā€™s;

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