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Bursitis: Know About Its Treatment and Side Effects

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Before we know about the bursitis causes and treatment, let’s know in brief about what is bursitis.

What is Bursitis?

In medical terms Bursitis is also known as swollen and redness. The condition of bursitis is painful and basically caused by inflammation or irritation of bursa. Bursa is a pouch filled with lubricating fluid and located between tissues like bones, muscles, tendons and skin. There are many concurrent causes of bursitis like trauma, auto-immune disorder, infection and medical nitrogenic factors.

Causes of Bursitis.

Bursitis is most often caused by pressure and duplication. Shoulders, elbows and knees are the most affected parts of the body. There may be other conditions that can cause inflammation of the bursa. These are gout, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and scleroderma. Immune deficiencies like HIV and diabetes can also cause bursitis. Traumatic injury along with other chronic systemic diseases are another causes of bursitis.

Symptoms of Bursitis.

The most common symptom of bursitis is pain. The pain becomes severe when calcium accumulates in the bursa. Severe loss of motion in the shoulder called ‘adhesive capsulitis’ or frozen shoulder, also caused by immobility and pain associated with shoulder bursitis. The areas that are affected become itchy and hardened, causing pain when moving and pressing. The affected areas became red and swollen. It’s treatment depends upon whether the condition is infected or non-infected. Bursitis, that is not infected can be treated with adequate rest, ice, height, physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers etc. Infected or worse conditions can be treated with drugs. Corticosteroids help to reduce inflammation and pain. Antibiotic therapy and surgical therapy can also be useful for bursitis. Apart from these, injection can be used to relieve pain but mostly not recommended due to side effects.

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How To Treat Bursitis?

Doctors can diagnose bursitis based upon the signs and symptoms. They can recommend physical tests to determine whether the patient is infected or not. Tests may include image tests and lab tests. Doctors may recommend blood tests or fluid analysis from swollen bursa to ascertain the exact cause of joint pain and inflammation. X-rays, MRI and ultrasound can also help in the diagnosis of bursitis.


Bursitis Treatment.

Treatment of bursitis varies upon the types of inflammation and bursitis of the hips, shoulders, elbows etc. Mild bursitis that are not infected can be cured with adequate rest, ice condensation and painkillers. In addition to these conservative methods, other methods of treatment can be applied to cure bursitis.

Over the counter drugs like corticosteroids can be used to reduce pain and cure inflammation. Sometimes corticosteroid drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium can also be injected into bursa to relieve. It is a quick way to treat bursitis, but can adversely affect the patient and therefore it is avoided in most cases unless it is necessary.

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Other Ways of Treat.

Physiotherapy and exercise will help to strengthen the muscles and prevent recurrence of inflammation. In addition, people should use auxiliary means and tools to keep the affected area free from further pressure and speed. Use of walking sticks or other equipment can prevent additional pressure on the affected areas and facilitate faster health benefits. Surgery is rarely used in the treatment of bursitis.

Who is Eligible for The Treatment of Bursitis?

People may face swelling and related pain in the joints for many other reasons other than bursitis. Swelling and pain can occur due to injury, cuts and overuse etc. In those cases, adequate rest will relieve the pain in only two to three days. People do not need to be consulted for medical treatment or care in these cases. Only, if the pain remains persistent and affects the activities and functions of daily life, then one should consult a doctor for medical help.

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Who is not Eligible for Treatment?

When people face pain and stiffness in their joints and other parts of the body, they should consult the doctor. If you get symptoms of bursitis such as swelling, redness and heat in the areas around their joints, illness, incapacitating joint pain, inability to move the affected area and fever over 102 F, then you should consult the doctor.

Side Effects of Bursitis.

The risk of complication is comparatively low by methods of treatment. But, the corticosteroid injection method of treatment can cause some side effects. These side effects are very rare and mild and are resolved in a few days. Some side effects of the injection are swelling at the wound. (1)

People may face increased appetite and an increase in heartbeat rate, insomnia, headache, abdominal cramps or flatulence. You may face signs of excessive water retention in the body as well as bloated face and mild fever. In patients with diabetes, injections of corticosteroids may increase blood sugar levels for a few days. For these adverse effects doctors usually avoid this method.

Guidelines to Follow After Treatment.

  • After treatment, people should avoid too much pressure or overuse the affected parts of the body.
  • Exercise and physical therapies including medications and advice from the doctor should be taken.
  • People with diabetes should also check their blood sugar levels every month as these drugs may lead to an increase in blood sugar levels.
  • In addition, they should consult a doctor if there are signs of recurrence of the condition or if the condition does not improve.
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Frequently Asked Questions.

1. How long does bursitis take to recover?

The time taken to recover from the treatment of bursitis will vary depending on the severity of the condition, the location of the injury and the type of treatments. Usually, it takes two to three weeks to recover from bursitis after proper treatment. Whether it is knee bursitis or shoulder inflammation, people suffering from mild bursitis do not take more than five weeks to recover.

However, for severe and extreme cases, where surgical treatment is involved, it may take six to eight weeks to recover. Sometimes, it takes three months to fully recover and can perform their daily work without any problems or issues.

2. What is the price of treatment in India?

The cost of treatment varies depends upon the severity, location of inflammation, the pain and the type of treatment. Injection method and surgical operation require a higher cost than other treatment methods such as OTC drugs to remove the cause of inflammation. The cost of corticosteroid injections and surgeries is 7000/- – Ranging from 140000 /- – Can be up. 500/- for medications and physiotherapy – Ranging from 5000/- – Requires far lower costs. Mild bursitis that recovers automatically with rest and compression of ice, which does not require any additional cost.

3. Are the results of treatment permanent?

In most cases, affected and inflated part of the body part is relaxed, the treatment is permanent. However, pain and swelling can occur with greater restraint by excessive pressure or overuse of the affected area of a bar. However, after the treatment, people should be careful and take precautions.

4. What are the treatment options?

Taking an over-the-counter painkiller may help to temporarily reduce the pain and discomfort of bursitis. But, you may experience some side effects. You can use some Home remedies such as joint rub can reduce inflammation without any drugs.

Peppermint and frankincense oil can be applied to the affected areas to promote blood circulation, reduce inflammation and pain. It can be applied before or after stretching during massage therapy and can also be used for bathing.

Bottom Line.

Bursitis is a painful inflammation which cause in between the tissues like bones etc. It is very much painful and sometimes unbearable. However, it can be treated and cured with proper measures. Regular exercises and physiotherapy can help in this situation. Along with this above mentioned guideline need to be followed. In case if any problem occurs contact doctor immediately.

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