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6 Incredible Yoga Poses For Diabetes

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Many people spoil their food and daily routines in the way of running life. As a result body lacks necessary nutrients due to the deteriorated diet style and routine. As a result, many serious diseases begin to dominate. One of these disease is diabetes. Diabetes can occur at any age. Sometimes it enters in the life with birth, because it is also a genetic disease, but yoga is an option that can help you to keep the disease away from yourself and avoid the risks. In this article, we are telling you some easy ways of yoga for diabetes, through which you can spend a happy life by adopting it.

How Does Yoga Help in Diabetes?

Yoga is a way to relieve problems like stress and anxiety. It enhances the immunity of the body. It also helps in speeding up the process of insulin formation by improving the metabolic process. This reduces blood sugar levels and relieves the problem of diabetes to a great extent. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that yoga can prove to be a better option to control diabetes.

Yoga For Diabetes.

There are many types of yoga for diabetes, out of which we are going to tell you 6 yoga poses for diabetes. Those are;

  1. Kapalbhati.
  2. Anulom Vilom.
  3. Mandukasana.
  4. Ardha Matsyendrasana.
  5. Vakrasana.
  6. Shavasana.


How Profitable Is?

You can get several positive benefits through kapalbhati. It creates pressure on the abdomen while breathing. This pressure helps to improve the performance of beta cells of the pancreas, which helps in the formation of insulin.

Insulin is a hormone that helps to relieve the problem of diabetes by controlling blood sugar. That is why we can say that kapalbhati is beneficial for diabetes.

Kapalbhati yoga for diabetes
How To Perform?

Step 1.

To do this posture, lay the yoga mats and sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana.

Step 2.

Now breathe deeply and leave it slowly. Then you have to constantly exhale from the nose.

Step 3.

When you exhale, you need to keep in mind that your stomach must be inward while doing so.

Step 4.

Keep the mouth closed and continue to breathe with the nose. Every time you left the breath, the stomach will move inward.

Step 5.

Repeat this process slowly and comfortably continuously. Don’t try to insist.

Step 6.

Pause a little while when fatigue takes off and repeat the process again.

In this way, you can complete four to five chakras of Kapalbhati.

  • Do this posture only on the advice of a doctor in migraine, blood pressure, epilepsy and cardiovascular problems.
  • If pregnant women stay away from this posture, it would be better.
  • This posture should be perform with empty stomach. Therefore, do not eat anything before practice.
  • If you are doing this posture for the first time, practice with the expert.
  • This posture should not be used during menstruation.
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Anulom Vilom.

How Profitable Is?

In yoga for diabetes, you can also include anulom vilom. It is a type of yoga that focuses especially on breathing. Regular practice relieve stress and anxiety, as well as it relieve many problems regarding mental and nervous system.

This yoga also proves to be beneficial in reducing weight by improving the metabolic process, which is an important risk factor in the sugar problem. For this reason, we can say that, this type of yoga is very easy and good for diabetes.

Anulom Vilom
Anulom Vilom
How To Perform?

Step 1.

First of all, you should sit in any of the yoga mat and sit in Sukhasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana or Padmasana.

Step 2.

Now lift your right hand up and close the right side of the nose with the thumb.

Step 3.

Then breathe deeply from the left nose.

Step 4.

Then close the left side of the nose with the middle finger of your right hand. Then release the breath out from the right nose.

Step 5.

Keep in mind that your left hand should be placed on the knee. Repeat this process for about four to five minutes.

  • Women do not practice it, in menstruation and pregnancy.
  • If there is any kind of surgery, do not practice this yoga.
  • If you suffer from heart disease, do not breathe deeply, otherwise the discomfort may increase.
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How Profitable Is?

You can also use Mandukasana yoga for diabetes. During this exercise, the lower abdomen is emphasized. This improves the efficiency of the pancreas and also improves the process of insulin formation. This helps in controlling blood sugar.


How To Perform?

Step 1.

To do this posture, first lay on the yoga mat and sit in the Thunderbolt pose.

Step 2.

Now bring your two hands forward and close the fist on the palm of both the thumbs.

Step 3.

Keep the two hands together with each other on the abdomen near the navel.

Step 4.

Then bend forward with a deep breath.

Step 5.

Keep in mind that you should stop breathing and keep looking at the front while bowing down.

Try to stay for four to five minutes in this situation and thereafter gradually return to your initial position when the time is over.

  • Do not perform this posture in case of abdominal injury or pain.
  • Do not try to do this posture when there is pain in the knee.
  • Avoid this posture in the stomach ulcer.
  • Do not put too much strain or tension on the abdomen during practice.
  • Stay away from this posture when there is a problem of high blood pressure, insomnia and migraine.
  • Pregnant women should avoid this posture.
  • If you practice it for the first time, then you must perform under the supervision of a yoga trainer.
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Ardha Matsyendrasana.

How Profitable Is?

It is said that even in Ardha Matsyendrasana, it creates tension in the lower abdomen like mandukasana, which improves the functioning of the pancreas and also enhances the process of insulin formation. Therefore, it can be said that the problem of sugar can be controlled by incorporating this type of yoga for diabetes.

ardha matsyendrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana

How To Perform?

Step 1.

First, lay the yoga mat and spread the legs straight towards the front.

Step 2.

Now bend your right knee and place it out on the side of the left foot knee.

Step 3.

Then bend the left knee, place the left heel under the right hip.

Step 4.

Keep in mind that the spinal cord should be straight in this situation.

Step 5.

Now try to catch the right ankle while keeping the left side outside the right knee.

Step 6.

Rotate neck and waist to the right and stay in the same position for a few seconds. Later, repeat the process from the other side also.

  • Do not do this posture in the problem of peptic ulcer and hernia.
  • If there is pain or injury in the spinal cord, this posture should not be used.
  • Women should avoid doing this posture during menstruation.
  • Pregnant women do not practice this posture.
  • If there is any type of surgery, avoid doing this posture.
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How Profitable Is?

You can also include the Vakrasana in yoga for diabetes. This type of yoga posture creates pressure and stress on the pancreas. This causes activity in the relaxed beta cells of the pancreatic and increase production of insulin. That is why we can say that this type of yoga helps in controlling blood sugar.

Vakrasana Yoga for Diabetes

How To Perform?

Step 1.

First, lay the yoga mat and spread the two legs forward.

Step 2.

Now place your two hands on the ground next to the waist.

Step 3.

Keep in mind, your spinal cord must be perfectly straight and the eye is on the front.

Step 4.

Now bend the right leg with the knee and bring it to the knee of the left foot and place the claws on the ground with the knee.

Step 5.

Now move your right hand backwards and put the palm on the ground.

Step 6.

Then bring your left hand forward from the top of the right knee and place the palm on the ground near the toes of the foot, with the knee to the elbow of the hand.

Step 7.

Now try to move your neck as far back as possible, rotating it slowly to the right.

Step 8.

Now try to stay in this situation for a while. Finally come back to your starting position.

  • Do not practice it when there is pain in the neck.
  • It is advisable not to do this posture in case of abdominal or groin pain.
  • This posture requires more caution, so do it under the supervision of the yoga trainer until the practice is done.
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How Profitable Is?

Yoga for diabetes also includes shavasana. It is a posture in which the whole body being relaxed. By doing so, the body goes into a state of rest and relieve stress and anxiety. Also, other functioning systems of the body get relaxed. This improves their efficiency. Experts believe that regular practice of shavasan can also control the increased amount of blood sugar.

shvasana Yoga for Diabetes

How To Perform?

Step 1.

First, lay down on the back by laying yoga mat.

Step 2.

Now keep your palms at some distance from the body.

Step 3.

Keep in mind, while doing so, palms should be stay on the sky.

Step 4.

Keep the both legs straight and keep some distance between them.

Step 5.

Leave the whole body loose. Now close your eyes and try to concentrate.

Step 6.

Breathe lightly and consider that your body has become completely lighter. In the meantime, note that your brain is completely calm.

Stay in this position for about four to five minutes. Finally come back to the starting position.

  • Keep in mind, don’t sleep in this posture.
  • Pregnant women use pillows under the neck during practice.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. Is yoga good for diabetes?

Yes, according to several studies it is proved that regular yoga practices reduce blood glucose levels and also reduce stress related hyperglycemia. It also provides a positive effect to control blood glucose and help in the management of several diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus. So, it is a one of the cost effective options in the treatment and prevention of diabetes.

2. Which poses are good for diabetes?

Here are six yoga poses which are effective for diabetes;

  1. Kapalbhati.
  2. Anulom Vilom.
  3. Mandukasana.
  4. Ardha Matsyendrasana.
  5. Vakrasana.
  6. Shavasana.

Bottom Line.

In this article of Yoga for Diabetes, you have know that the yoga posture not only provide peace and stress, but also help in relieving a serious disease like sugar. You have also come to know about the methods of yoga for diabetes and the precautions associated with them. Then, from today, include yoga in your life and say goodbye to many other diseases like sugar. Hopefully this article will prove beneficial for your health.

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