Core plays a vital role in our body function, it’s like a base of the body. A strong core support your body posture and your back. Apart from this it provide complete strength to the entire body. Here we pick up 6 best core strengthening yoga poses for all.
A strong core is not all about six pack abs but apart from this it have lot more. Core muscle are consist rectus abdominis (abs), lower back and spine etc. Those muscle group is less visible but supports our entire body and provide us stability at time of bending and twisting. This yoga poses not only strengthen the core but also makes the body flexible.
6 Core Strengthening Yoga Poses.
- Phalak Asana or Plank Pose.
- Adho Mukha Shvasana or Downward Dog Facing Pose.
- Utkatasana or Chair Pose.
- Naukasana or Boat Pose.
- Vajrasana or Adimintine Pose.
- Setu Bandha Asana or Bridge Pose.
Phalak Asana or Plank Pose.
“Phalak Asana” also known as “Plank Pose”. It is an intermediate pose that warm up your body for the different yoga poses or exercises.
This yoga asana or pose places pressure on your core and shoulder muscles. It tones your body and generates heat. This pose is also ideal for those looking to enhance their shoulder or arm strength.
Step by Step Instructions.
Step 1.
By standing position bent forward and keep both feet backside at about 4 to 5 feet. (It is similar like a push up position).
Step 2.
Spread the hand according to your shoulder and arms should be straight. Hip and the upper body should be parallel.
Step 3.
Take a gentle breathe and hold this position for 2 to 6 breaths.
Step 4.
To get back to the normal bend the knees to the surface or bend the elbows and lower down.
Contraindications or Limitations.
- If you have chronic injury to the arms, back and shoulders then you must avoid this position.
The Best Part or Benefits.
- Strengthen core muscle groups.
- Boost stamina.
- Enhances metabolism.
- Strengthen stomach muscles (abdomen, core obliques and transverse abdominis).
- Reduces belly fat.
- Build up back muscles.
- Relieves from lower back pain.
- Beneficial from several muscle groups like shoulder, biceps, triceps, lower back, knee, neck, hips and quadriceps, chest, hamstrings and calves.
- Improves the function of respiratory system.
- Relieves migraines, menopause, insomnia and osteoporosis.
- Reduces stress, depression and improve mood.
- Improve bone health.
- Strengthen spine.
- Improve mental durability or strength.
- Boost energy.
- Recommended 3-4 repetitions.
Adho Mukha Shvanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose.
“Adho Mukha Shvanasana” simultaneously known as “Downward Facing Dog pose”. It looks similar like a dog when it bend forward. It is one of the best core strengthening yoga poses.
Step by Step Instructions.
Step 1.
Stand on your four limbs and make a table like structure.
Step 2.
Breathe out and lift your hips. Thereafter, straighten your elbow and knee. You must form a ‘A’ shape.
Step 3.
Hands should be parallel to the shoulders and feet with your hips. Your toes must be point towards the outside.
Step 4.
Thereafter, press your hands on the surface and extend your neck. Ears must be touch your inner arms and look to your navel.
Step 5.
Hold this position for 8-10 seconds.
Contraindications or Limitations.
- Avoid if you suffering from dislocated shoulder and diarrhea.
The Best Part or Benefits.
- Relieve stress and minor depression.
- Rejuvenates the body.
- Supports the legs.
- Reduce symptoms of menopause.
- Releases menstrual distress (in head supported pose).
- Prevent osteoporosis.
- Increases digestion.
- Beneficial for headache, back pain, insomnia and fatigue.
- Stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, and hands.
- Helpful for high blood pressure, flat feet, asthma, sciatica.
- Recommended 3-4 repetitions.
Utkatasana (Kursiansana) or Chair Pose.
The Sanskrit word “Utkatasana” means ‘lifted up’. This is also known as “Chair pose”. In this posture the hips are elevated. This posture is also a state of balance. This is also beneficial for the intermediates Yogic and it is one of the effective yoga to strengthen back and core for beginners.
Step by Step Instructions.
Step 1.
Stand on the floor and stand straight. Make a convenient space between the legs.
Step 2.
Raise both arms upward and the palms should be facing down.
Step 3.
Sit on the balance of hip (half). Maintain this position for 5 – 10 seconds.
Contraindications or Limitations.
- Those who have problems of dizziness and have pain in the knee or hip should avoid this exercise.
The Best Part or Benefits.
- Train the spine, hips and upper body muscles.
- Improves willpower.
- Tones the thigh, leg, ankle and knee muscles.
- Strengthen The Lower Back and chest. (1)
- Balances the body. (2)
- Recommended 3-4 repetitions.
Naukasana or Boat Pose.
The Sanskrit word Nauka means ‘Boat’. The final position of this asana resembles the shape of the boat, hence it is named “Naukasana”. It also called “Boat pose”. However, this yoga pose boost abdominal strength positively.
Step by Step Instructions.
Step 1.
Lie down on your back in a straight position.
Step 2.
Add joints and legs to the left. The arms should lie on the sides of the body and the palms on the floor.
Step 3.
Breathe slowly and raise your legs. Also, raise the head and torso (upper body) up to 45 degree angle.
Step 4.
Lift the arms upward and maintain this position for 5 – 10 seconds.
Step 5.
Slowly exhale and bring the head and torso down to the floor thereafter bring the legs and arms down to the floor and relax.
Contraindications or Limitations.
- People with hernia, asthma, low blood pressure, heart disease, migraine, chronic diseases should avoid this asana. Women should avoid at the time of pregnancy.
The Best Part or Benefits.
- Strengthens arms, thighs, shoulders and abdominal muscles.
- Improves the condition of all internal organs (abdomen especially) like liver, pancreas and kidneys.(3)
- Increase the blood flow in the body.
- Reduce blood sugar level. (4)
- Strengthen the muscles of shoulder, neck and legs.
- Effective to burn belly fat.
- Improve digestion, easing gas problems and constipation.(5)
- Acts as a distress tool and bring peace of mind.
- Recommended 2-3 repetitions.
Vajrasana or Adamintine Pose.
It is a meditating situation also known as “Adamintine Pose”. This is the only posture that can be practiced immediately after taking a meal. This yoga pose is effective to improve core strength and posture.
Step by Step Instructions.
Step 1.
Spread the leg in front, put the hand on the floor next to the body.
Step 2.
Bend the left leg from the knee and put it below the left buttock.
Step 3.
Now, fold the right leg and place it below the left buttock.
Step 4.
Keep the two heels in this position so the claws cover each other.
Step 5.
Rest the buttock on the line between the heels and place the hand on the knees in front.
Step 6.
Keep the marrow straight, look at the front or close your eyes. Initially you can stay in this position for 10-15 seconds.
Contraindications or Limitations.
- Those who have chronic knee pain, they should not practice this exercise.
The Best Part or Benefits.
- Improves digestion and eradicates constipation.(6)
- Prevents ulcers and acidity.
- Build up the pelvic muscles.
- Reduce menstrual cramps.
- Strengthen the back and give relieves from lower back pain and sciatica.
- Recommended 3-4 repetitions.
Setubandh Asana or Bridge Pose.
The meaning of “Setubandh” Asana is to Make Bridge. In this position the thighs, waist and dorsal part are raised upwards. The shape is similar to a bridge. Hence, it was given the name Setubandh Asana or Bridge Pose.
Step by Step Instructions.
Step 1.
Lie down on the support of your back. Put the body, arms and legs on the floor.
Step 2.
Fold both legs, touch the surface and take the heel near to the buttock.
Step 3.
Hold both the legs tightly with the hands or keep both arms near the sides.
Step 4.
Raise the thighs and the back upward as much as possible. Keep the neck and shoulders firmly pressed on the surface, support the body with the head, shoulder, hand and foot. Make a comfortable pose.
Step 5.
To get back to the normal position release the grip, thighs are brought down on the floor. Spread the legs in front. Bring the legs and arms together to the side of the body.
Contraindications or Limitations.
- If you are suffering from heart disease and excessive obesity avoid this exercise.
The Best Part or Benefits.
- Stretches neck, chest and spine.
- Calms the brain, relieve stress, depression and headache. (7)
- Get rid of the signs of menopause.
- Eradicate menstrual distress.
- Reduces anxiety, backache, fatigue and insomnia.
- Beneficial for asthma, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.
- Fuels abdominal organs, lungs, and thyroid.
- Strengthen legs.
- Develops digestion.
Recommended 2 -3 repetitions.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Yes, yoga is one of the simple and effective way to boost up your strength. Some poses such as three legged dog pose, plank pose, downward facing dog pose and boat pose etc, which boost your endurance level. With regular practice you can positively strengthen your back, arms, legs and core.
Core Yoga means the yoga poses which engage all of our core muscles such as rectus abdominis (abs), lower back and spine etc. effectively. It is one of the dynamic poses which empowers and strengthen your mind, soul and entire body.
Here are the 11 yoga poses which strengthen your entire core;
Phalak Asana or Plank pose.
Adho Mukha Shvanasana or Downward facing dog pose.
Utkatasana (Kursiansana) or Chair pose.
Dolphin Pose.
Four Limbed Staff Pose.
Happy Baby Pose.
Naukasana or Boat pose.
Setubandh Asana or Bridge pose.
Vajrasana or Adamintine pose.
Cat Pose or Marjaryasana.
Crane (Crow) Pose or Bakasana.
Bottom Line.
Core plays a vital role in human body. It is the base of the body, it assist the proper function and movement of the body along with support physical posture. Regular practice of these core strengthening yoga poses help you to tone your physical state.
It is personally recommended by several trainers regarding the importance of Core Strengthening Yoga Poses. Apart from the physical benefits it also boost your mental stamina.
This is also recommended to take a tour to the nutritional benefits and other unique quantum yoga by which you can gain some other crucial knowledge.
+7 Sources
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