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What is Peptic Ulcer – Cause, Types & Symptoms

Peptic ulcers are generally a common health problem now a days. It is an uncluttered sores that mature in the coating of the upper or lower abdominal. They’re generally formed due to the infection caused by the bacteria or germs. Stomach acids is another reason of peptic ulcer. ­­­­ Thereby, today we will give you a detailed knowledge about what is peptic ulcer, its cause and treatment.

Peptic Ulcer ICD 10. 

As per 2022 edition the code for peptic ulcer ICD 10 is K27.1. 

Types of Peptic Ulcers.

Esophageal Ulcers.

Such type of ulcers are develop in the esophagus.

Gastric Ulcers.

Those ulcers which develop in the abdominal or stomach lining are known as Gastric ulcer.

Duodenal Ulcers.

It develop in the duodenum, also known as small intestine.

Footnote. Peptic ulcers are classified into three types which are Esophageal, Gastric and Duodenal ulcers.

What Cause Peptic Ulcer?

The main component of gastric acid is “Hydrochloric acid” produced by parietal chambers in the gastric glands of the stomach.

The digestive or peptic zone is covered with a lubricated coat that usually defends against such acid. But if the amount of acid is increased or the amount of liquid is shrunk, as a result the digestive tract damage the surface of the stomach.

It can form a painful open sore and cause of an ulcer.

Several common factors can cause the peptic ulcer. Such as follows:

Frequent Use of Pain Relievers. 

Consumption of aspirin (Bayer), ibuprofen (Motrin IB, Advil), naproxen sodium (Anaprox, Aleve), ketoprofen and additional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause inflammation in the coating of your stomach and small intestine. Commonly affected are women and older people.

Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria.  

H. pylori or Helicobacter Pylori is a type of bacteria which found in the mucous layer of the intestine. It protect the tissues of the stomach and small intestine. However, such bacteria is not harmful, but it may cause infection and inflammation in the inside layer of the stomach.

Such bacteria can spread from person to person by close contact. It may contacted through foodstuff and liquid, like water.

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Consumption of Too Much Alcohol.

Frequent consumption of alcohol irritate the mucous lining of your stomach and increase the amount of stomach acid. Which causes peptic ulcer.

Additional Drugs.

Taking steroids, anticoagulants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), alendronate (Fosamax) and risedronate (Actonel) can increase the risk of peptic ulcers.

Other Factors.

Frequent smoking, radiation therapy and stomach cancer, spicy foods may develop the risk of ulcer.

Footnote. There are many common factors which causes peptic ulcer such as Helicobacter pylori Bacteria, pain relievers, consumption of alcohol etc.

Peptic Ulcer Complications.

Peptic ulcer can lead several serious health issues, such as:

Perforation or Infection. 

Peptic ulcers can damage the wall of the stomach or small intestine which cause serious abdominal infection.

Internal Bleeding. 

Due to the infection internal bleeding can take place. Which leads to anemia. Apart from internal bleeding you can face light headednessdizziness, bloody stools and black or bloody vomit.

Blockage or Obstruction. 

Peptic ulcers block the passage of food from the digestive tract. Which causes vomiting and weight loss.

Footnote. Internal bleeding, perforation and obstruction are the common complication identified in peptic ulcer.
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  • Unexpected abdominal pain.
  • Sickness, Indigestion and extreme weight loss.
  • Extreme sweating.  
  • Blood from vomit or dark blood stools.
  • Changes in Appetite.
Footnote. Sudden abdominal pain, excessive sweating, vomiting, sickness, indigestion, extreme weight loss are the common symptoms recognized.

How Peptic Ulcer Diagnosed?

To diagnose the peptic ulcer there are mainly two types of tests are existing. Known as upper gastrointestinal (GI) and endoscopy.

Upper Gastrointestinal (GI).

Most of the Doctor recommends Upper GI test for the person who have low risk of stomach cancer. In this procedure, you have to drink a thick liquid called barium (It helps the doctor to view and treat the ulcer).

Thereafter the specialist will take an X-ray of your esophagus, stomach and small intestine.

Upper Endoscopy.

In this method, doctor insert a long tube along with a camera from your throat into your stomach and small intestine to examine the area of ulcer. This tool also allows your doctor to remove tissue samples for analysis.

However, this method is suggested for the individual with a higher risk of stomach cancer, anemia, gastrointestinal bleeding, swallowing difficulty.

Footnote. There are two types of test are available for peptic ulcer Upper endoscopy and Upper endoscopy.
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Treatment of Peptic Ulcer.

If the cause of the ulcer is H. pylori infection. Then your doctor will prescribed you antibiotics to kill infections and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) up to two weeks. It also help to reduce stomach acid.

You may observed some minor side effects from antibiotics such as diarrhea or stomach problems.

If you don’t have any H. pylori infection then the doctor recommend Prilosec or Prevacid (PPI) for the period of eight weeks which reduce stomach acid and heal the ulcer.

Your doctor may also recommend sucralfate (Carafate) which reduce the symptoms of peptic ulcers.

Footnote. Medicines like proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), Prilosec, famotidine (Pepcid), sucralfate (Carafate) are recommended to treat peptic ulcer. Medication also cause minor side effects (if increase consult with your doctor).

How to Prevent?

Positive changes in lifestyle and habits can diminish the risk of peptic ulcers. Such as:

Defend Yourself from Infections.

Due to the bacteria called H. pylori may cause peptic ulcer. Regularly wash your hands with soap and sanitizers also prefer complete cooked foods.


During medication you must avoid alcohol as this combination increase the risk of stomach upset and you may face several health issues.

Avoid Pain Relievers and Additional Drugs.

Regular use of pain relievers can increase the risk of peptic ulcer. Always consult with your doctor before taking such medicines and prefer lowest possible dose.

If you consume nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) then you must add some additional medicines like antacid, PPI, acid blocker or cytoprotectively agent.

According to a study it is found that a class of NSAIDs known as COX-2 inhibitors may decrease the cause peptic ulcers however it may increase the risk of heart attack.

Regular Exercise.
Hot Wave Bar

To live a healthy lifestyle you should prefer a light exercise such as walking, freehand exercise, yoga in regular basis. It is the secret key of a healthy lifestyle.

Prefer Balanced Diet.
Healthy Diet

A balanced diet enrich with micro and macro nutrients will prevent peptic ulcer. Such as fruits, green leafy vegetables and whole grains.

Footnote. Avoid pain relievers, alcohol, spicy foods can prevent peptic ulcer along with light exercise and balance diet.
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Diet for Peptic Ulcer.

Consumption of the following foods can be a great choice to fight with the bacteria which causes peptic ulcer:

  • Apples.
  • Cauliflower & Cabbage.
  • Probiotic enrich foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha.
  • Radishes.
  • Berries (Straw, Blue, Rasp, Black).
  • Greens vegetables for example, kale, spinach and other leafy vegetables.
  • Olive oil.
  • Cherries.
  • Honey.
  • Turmeric.
  • Broccoli.
  • Garlic.
  • Green Tea (Decaffeinated).

Foods must Avoid if You have Peptic Ulcer.

You must avoid the following foods if you are suffering from peptic ulcer, as it may cause an acid reflux:

  • Chocolate.
  • Coffee (caffeine).
  • Spicy and fast foods.
  • Alcohol.
  • Citrus and tomatoes (acidic foods).
Footnote. To prevent peptic ulcer one should prefer the above mentioned foods also avoid alcohol and fast foods.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. Which agent is least likely to protect the upper gastrointestinal tract from ulcer formation?

A Biological agent named Helicobacter pylori is likely to protect the upper gastrointestinal tract from ulcer formation.

Helicobacter pylori suppression and risk stratification with suitable gastroprotection strategies when used with antiplatelet drugs and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are effective in preventing peptic ulcer bleeding.
Collaborations of aspirin and NSAIDs and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is used for preventing peptic ulcer bleeding. 
Dairy foodstuffs like raw milk, yogurt and other dairy products are the rich source of H. pylori bacteria (e.g. sheep and cow) which are beneficial for prevent and control peptic ulcer. According to a study by Mousavi, 30% of cheese, 27% of ice cream, 15% of cream and 5% of butter are consists H pylori and those all were made from unpasteurized milk.

2. Can ulcer patients take Valibo tablet?

Tablet Volibo 0.2 Mg is usually used for lower blood glucose levels in the patients with “Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”. This medicine is belongs to a group known as “Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitors”.
This medicine is not recommended for those who are suffering from long term digestive disorders, Gastroesophageal reflux disorder, ulcer, heartburn and inflammatory bowel disorder etc.

3. Which drug is the best to cure gastric ulcer plus dyspepsia?

H2-receptor blockers, PPIs, high-dose antacids and sucralfate all are the effective way to cure gastric ulcer plus dyspepsia. It heals more than 90% of ulcers within 4 to 6 weeks.

4. How to heal peptic ulcer naturally?

With the help of balanced foods enrich with nutrients you can naturally heal ulcer. For example fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

5. Is folic acid good for peptic ulcer?

Folic acid prevent the formation of ulcers by 32% and reduced the reserve of mucus by 50%. Therefore pre-treatment with folic acid is a positive way to get rid of peptic ulcer.

6. Can peptic ulcers leads to cancer?

Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori the bacterium linked to ulcers and in many cases it has been turned in stomach cancers.

7. Why aspirin is not used in peptic ulcers?

Several NSAIDs like ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen can cause ulcers, as it interfering with the stomach’s ability (it protect itself from gastric acids). Stomach acids plays vital role in the digestive process, it can cause damage if the defensive walls of the stomach are compromised.

8. Is milk good for ulcers?

Those who have peptic ulcers is suggested to drink milk, as it calm the stomach and help to heal the ulcers. However, it is not applicable in all aspects. It may be helpful for few minutes. Apart from that milk also encourages your stomach to produce “Hydrochloric Acid”, which may hurt more on your ulcers.

9. What are the home remedies to treat peptic ulcers?

Probiotics like milk and Yogurts.
Fruits. (Grapes, apple, berries and banana etc).
Drink Fresh Carrot and Cabbage Juice.
Eat Garlic Cloves.
Slippery Elm.
Whole wheat breads.
Brown rice.

10. Which Medication For Peptic Ulcer Disease Cause Hallucination?

The medicines which cause hallucinations are: 

Bottom Line.

Peptic ulcers are an organized spots or infections that developed in the layer of the upper or lower abdominal. Because of infection caused by the bacteria or germs. Stomach acids such as “Hydrochloric acid” is the another reason of peptic ulcer.

You must add above mentioned foods in your diet plan as well as avoid fast and spicy foods. Regular exercise and a healthy meal is the key to a lead a healthy lifestyle.

+6 Sources

Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Prevention of upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage: current controversies and clinical guidance;
  2. Role of food in environmental transmission of Helicobacter pylori;
  3. Dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease, and esophageal reflux disease;
  4. Antiulcer properties of fruits and vegetables: A mechanism based perspective;
  5. Effect of folic acid supplementation on oxidative gastric mucosa damage and acid secretory response in the rat;
  6. Can peptic ulcer disease lead to cancer?;

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