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Best Yoga Poses for Sciatica Nerve Pain Relief

Sciatica pain is a pain in the sciatic nerve that affects the hips, buttocks and lower leg through the back. Usually the sciatica affects only one side of the body more. When the spine gets narrow, the nerves begin to have more pressure, causing swelling, pain and numbness in the legs. Therefore, today in this article we will tell you some best yoga poses for sciatica nerve pain relief.

The pain of the sciatica can also be very serious and in some cases there is a need for early treatment. Individuals who have weakened the legs due to the sciatica or feel changes in the intestine and bladder need to undergo surgery.

Symptoms of Sciatica Pain.

The main symptoms of sciatica are as follows:

  • Groin pain.
  • Pain in the back of the leg and severe pain after sitting.
  • Pain in the hips.
  • Experiencing trouble, weakness, and numbness in moving the leg.
  • Pain on just one side of the back of the foot.
  • Severe pain and difficulty in getting up.

The sciatica usually affects just one side of lower part of the body. The pain of the sciatica reaches the thighs of the waist and the lower parts of the foot. The severity of this disease also depends on how much the sciatic nerve has been affected. In addition, the pain can also reach the toes.


The disease of the sciatica occurs when the nerve dries up and the spinal cord is eroded or hurt. In addition, it also arises due to increased bone in vertebrae. Sometimes the nerve shrinks due to tumors or is damaged due to a disease like diabetes, which leads to a disease like sciatica.

sciatica pain

Sciatica Pain

Other Causes.

  • Lumbar spinal stenosis – The spinal cord of the lower back narrows. It causes the problem of sciatica.
  • Spondylolisthesis – A problem in which disc slips overtake the vertebrae from the bottom.
  • Having tumors within the spine can causes the sciatica in the nerve.
  • Infection – It usually affects the spine.
  • Cauda Equina Syndrome – This is the most serious condition of the sciatica, although normally it does not happen quickly but it affects the nerves of the lower part of the spinal cord. It requires immediate treatment.
  • In addition, the disease can also be caused due to spinal cord injury.
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Risk Factors.

The spinal cord also changes with the age. Spine bone may shift or become a bone lump when aging. This is the main reason of sciatica.

Obesity increases the tension in the spinal cord. In addition, excessive body weight also causes changes in the spine and it is normal to have sciatica.(1), (2)

With more weight on the back, a prolonged drive or constant office work can also be the risk factor of sciatica.

Diabetes is also another risk factor of sciatica, it affects the part of the body from which the body uses blood sugar. This increases the risk of nerve damage.(3)


If the symptoms of sciatica are very mild and do not last for more than 4 to 8 weeks, there is usually no need to go to the doctor. But to diagnose this disease, doctors collect information from the symptoms and pain that appear in the patient’s body.

If the pain is stable more than 4 to 8 weeks, the disease is diagnosed by imaging tests like X-rays and MRI. This test examines the causes and symptoms of the compact of the sciatic nerve.


The treatment of sciatica depends on its severity. The treatment of mild and acute pain of the sciatica is done separately.

Treatment For Mild Pain of Sciatica.

  • During mild situation painkillers are given to the patient to treat this disease.
  • The patient is advised to walk and stretching to heal mild pain.
  • It is advisable to use a hot or cold compression pack when the pain starts, it helps to reduce the pain.

Chronic Sciatica Treatment.

  • Physical therapy is given to the patient.
  • Surgery is performed if the treatment is not effective.
  • Widened the spinal cord to reduce the pressure in the back and groin nerves which is called as lumbar laminectomy.
  • The moved disk (herniated disk) is partially or completely removed.
  • The patient is treated on the basis of the reasons that produce the sciatica and should consult a good surgeon before undergoing surgery.
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Prevention of Sciatica.

It is not always possible to protect against sciatica, as this disease can occur frequently. But through some measures, the factors that cause sciatica can be avoided.

Such as daily exercise should be done to keep your waist and back strong. Particularly, you must focus on abdominal muscles and the groin muscles.

Always sit in the right posture where you get better support from behind. By folding the pillow or towels behind your seat, the back and waist are supported and the curve remains normal. Keep your hips and knees at normal levels while sitting.

Yoga for Sciatica and Lower Back Pain.

The pain of the sciatica occurs in the foot. In this case, the patient has difficulty in walking. This problem is seen to be more in people aged 30 to 40 years. It can also be overcome with the help of some yoga poses. So, the best yoga for sciatica are as follows;

1. Bhujangasana.

Cobra pose or Bhujangasana is the same in which the upper part of the body is raised like a serpent. It is also beneficial for reducing the fat of the stomach along with the sciatica and eliminating the problem of thyroid. Avoid this posture if you are disturbed by the problem of hernia and ulcers.

Bhujan-Asana Sphinx Pose


  • First lie down on the abdominal force to Bhujangasana.
  • Keep the short distance between the two legs and lift the upper body up while breathing.
  • Keep in mind that there is no more stretch on the waist and hold the posture according to your ability.
  • Do it 3 to 4 times at the beginning, and increase the number after practice for few days.

2. Apanasana.

Doing this posture gives almost complete relief from the pain and numbness of the sciatica. Apanasana is a form of wind-freeness. In addition to the sciatica, it is also beneficial to reduce the fat deposited on the abdomen, if you have pain in the knees or neck, this posture should avoid. So, it is consider as one of the best yoga poses for sciatica nerve pain.

apasana yoga


  • At first lie down on your back.
  • Now lift your two legs and bring the knees to the chest.
  • Thereafter, lift your head and touch the chin with the knees and bend it with the knees. Now, take it into the circles of your arms.
  • Hold as long as you can stay in this posture, then straighten the legs while breathing.
  • In the beginning, do it for a few minutes.
  • It provides relief to the back pain and body aches caused by the sciatica. It also strengthens the bones of the foot. Regular practice also helps in eliminating the problem of high blood pressure.

3. Downward Dog Pose.

adho mukha savasana
Downward Dog Pose


  • First lie down on both hands and knees to do this posture.
  • Now lift the back of the body and straighten the knees and hands.
  • Spread both hands forward.
  • Stay for 1 to 3 minutes.
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4. Supta Padangusthasana.

The focus of this posture is on stretching the legs which gives a lot of relief to the problem of sciatica.

Supta padangustha asana
Supta Padangustha Asana


  • First spread the two legs and lie down.
  • Now lift one leg and take a long cloth that can be put in the claws and hold it well in the hands.
  • Stretch the foot slowly. Try to bring the foot towards the head without turning the knee. It remained the same for some time.

5. Salabhasana.

Regular practice gives a lot of relief to the groin and back pain from the sciatica. It is also helpful in eliminating asthma, weight loss and getting rid of the problem of constipation.

It is also practice to strengthen the hands and shoulders. This yoga gives a lot of relief to the sciatica. It ease back pain and also helps to stretch the muscles.



  • First, lie down and then take your feet up while breathing inside.
  • Now place the fist of the hands under the thighs.
  • Breathe deeply while keeping the legs straight without bending.
  • Then gently exhale and keep the feet down.

6. Balasana.

Regular practice of Balasana helps to relax the body and make it healthier. It opens your spine and provide stretching. It increases flexibility in your hips and helps to remove tightness in the hips, thighs and lower waist.


If the pain of the sciatica is high or you are unable to do this posture comfortably, you can also place a pillow or cushion under the thighs, chest and forehead.

7. Ardha Chandrasana.

The half-moon pose gives strength to the body. It also helps you to provide stability and balance. It enhances flexibility in the body, removes tension and also gives good stretch to the spinal cord as well as glutes and thighs.

ardha chandra asana
Ardha Chandra Asana

If you are doing this posture for the first time, you can resort to the wall for support. In addition, you can also keep blocks under the hands.

8. Pawanmuktasana.

This is the best yoga posture to remove the muscles tightness of your lower back, hips and glutes.


To make this posture easier, you can do it with one leg at a time.

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9. Rajakopatasana.

rajakapotasana Exercises for Sciatica Pain

It is another best yoga poses for Sciatica nerve Pain. Regular practice of Rajakopatasana helps the waist to support your lower back and has less pressure on your hips. Doing this posture also gives good stretching to your glutes and hips as well as the piriformis muscles.

10. Setu Bandhasana.

setu bandhasana Exercises for Sciatica Pain
Setu Bandhasana

Regular practice of this pose gives stretch to spine and relieves pain, tension. Its positive effects also helps in increasing blood circulation in the body. In addition, it also helps to make the legs, glutes and cores strong.

11. Ardha Matsyendrasana.

Ardha Matsyendrasana Exercises for Sciatica Pain
Ardha Matsyendrasana

This postures provide sufficient stretch to your spine. It also gives you relief from pain and tension. In addition, you will be able to feel the relief that you receive in the lower back while turning the body.

12. Viparita Karani.

viparitakarini Exercises for Sciatica Pain
Viparita Karini

Regular practice of this posture provide energy of the body. It helps to rest, relax and recover your body. If you have problems while practicing this posture, you can also put a pillow under the hips.

Chair Yoga for Sciatica.

Here is the video on chair yoga for sciatica.

Chair Yoga for Sciatica Video Source: T.R.Y. | Chair Yoga for Sciatica Pain Relief | Stretching for Sciatic Nerve Pain |

Prenatal Yoga for Sciatica.

The best prenatal yoga for sciatica are:

  • Chair Stretch.
  • Pigeon Pose Stretch.
  • Seated Piriformis.
  • Hip flexor stretch.
  • Adho Mukho Svasana.
  • Prasarita Padottasana.

Exercises or Yoga to Avoid in Sciatica Nerve Pain.

There are also some yoga postures that you should avoid when there is a problem of sciatica. Practice of these yoga poses may further increase the problem of sciatica. So, it is better to practice yoga in view of the ability, whenever you have a slight pain in doing yoga, you should immediately stop practicing.

When there is a problem with the sciatica, you should never make postures in which you have to stand up or sit and bend to the front. However, suboral respiration can be considered an exception. If you do such postures, the pain can start immediately in the pelvis and lower back.

Since the pain of the sciatica occurs in most cases only one foot. So, if you are having problems doing any yoga poses, you can also do that with another foot. You are free to bend your knees while doing any posture. If you feel discomfort, you can also put a pillow under the knees at convenience.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. Will doing exercise while having sciatica first causes more pain and gradually decreases the pain?

Yes, at first it will be difficult to do exercise while having sciatica but if you do it on a regular basis it will ease your pain and help you to get rid of pain. But don’t force yourself too much as it may worsen your pain by exacerbating sciatica tissues.

2. What are the activities to avoid with sciatica pain?

The activities one should avoid with sciatica pain are;

  • Avoid twisting sports.
  • Sitting for too long.
  • Lifting heavy weights.

Bottom Line.

If you also have complain of sciatica nerve pain, these yoga postures can provide you relief. If you are competent, you can join yoga classes or you can take the help of a yoga professional once a month.

In addition, it is also very important to consult a doctor before starting yoga for the sciatica. If you have a pain of sciatica for more than 2 months, you should not practice yoga without consulting the doctor.

+5 Sources

Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Obesity as a risk factor for sciatica: a meta-analysis;
  2. Does Obesity Lead to Sciatic Pain A Comparative Study;
  3. Diabetes increases sciatic nerve susceptibility to endothelin-induced ischemia;
  4. Causes of Groin Pain and Treatment Options;
  5. Cauda Equina Syndrome;

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