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7 Yoga Poses for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain

Today, we need everything better than the other. Better home, better salaries, better points and even better worlds. It’s going to be better and the struggle is getting us all crazy. You can say that this is a continuous advancement. But the speed at which we want to achieve progress is adversely affecting our health — mentally, physically and emotionally. In later, it gives a lot of troubles like muscle injuries for example— neck pain.  Therefore, to overcome this today we will discuss some effective yoga poses for neck pain.

Our wishes have taken the form of requirements and commitment is necessary to work to meet these. In this order, we turn the body into a factory by making ourselves more stressed than needed. Then the body begins to rupture. A very common disease that affects us all is neck pain.

Neck pain, called cervical in medical terminology, is mostly caused by prolonged sitting in the same posture or not sleeping properly all night and due to lack of exercise.

To get rid of neck pain, we offer you 7 easy yoga poses which are easy to do and will not hinder your everyday busy schedule. The most important part of yoga is that it is more than five thousand years old and is still going well.

7 Yoga Poses for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

The 7 Yoga poses for cervical spondylosis and neck pain are:

  • Balasana or Child Pose.
  • Nataraj Asana or Lord of the Dance Pose.
  • Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose.
  • Marjaryasana or Cat Pose.
  • Viparita Karini Asana or Leg Up the Wall Pose.
  • Trikonasana or Triangle Pose.
  • Shavasana or Corpse Pose.

Balasana or Child Pose for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

Bala means “baby” or a child. In Balasana, we take a thunderbolt posture like an infant and tilt the hands and body forward. This posture is very easy and also very beneficial. It relaxes the waist muscles and also removes the tension. This posture calms the nervous system.

Balasana Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis

Benefits of Balasana for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

  • Deep relaxation of the back.
  • Relieves constipation.
  • Soothe the nervous system.

How to do Balasana?

Step 1.

Sit on your ankles, place the heel on the hips, bend forward and put the forehead on the ground.

Step 2.

Place the hands on the ground moving forward from both sides of the body, palm towards the sky, if it is not comfortable, you keep the forehead comfortably by placing the other palm over a palm.

Step 3.

Gently pressure the chest to the thighs. Maintain the situation. Gently rise up and sit on the heel and straighten the spinal cord slowly and relax.


  • Do not practice if there is pain in the back or knee.
  • Pregnant women must avoid this posture.
  • Avoid this postures if you are suffering from diarrhea or have recently been cured.

Natarajasana or Lord of the Dance Pose for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

Nataraj is called the dancer form of Lord Shankar. This posture of yoga is very beneficial for the spinal cord.

Supta Matsyendrasana Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis

Benefits of Natarajasana for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

  • The mind and body feel deep peace.
  • Spinal cord are stretched.

How To Do Natarajasana?

Step 1.

Lie down on the back and spread both hands. Put the palm on the floor and keep the shoulders straight.

Step 2.

Bend the legs and bring it to the heel. Lay the knee towards the sky and breathe deeply. The soles touch the ground completely.

Step 3.

While breathing, tilt the knees to the right and look at your left.

Step 4.

Breathe and try to bring your knees and shoulders to the ground with every breath. Keep in mind that the shoulders should touch the floor.

Feel the stretch in the thighs, waist, hands, neck, abdomen and back. Leave each breath and rest in the posture.

Breathe and raise the knee, look up and exhale and tilt the knees on the left side and look at the right. Stayed at this stage and breath.

Slowly straighten the head and knee. Spread the legs directly on the floor. Repeat this posture from another side.


  • Do not do this posture in case of spinal cord injuries.

Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

Gomukhasana is a Sanskrit word. It consists of two words. The first word “Go” means “cow” and the second  “mukh” means “mouth”. This posture means the same as the cow’s face. It is known as Cow Face Pose in English.

gomukha asana

Benefits of Gomukhasana for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

  • It is a very good yoga practice for the lungs and helps in respiratory related diseases. It reinforces the chest and enhances its capacity while cleaning the lungs. Therefore, patients who are suffering from asthma should practice this posture regularly.
  • If you need to strengthen the muscles of the back and arms, you must practice this posture.
  • Practice this posture if you are suffering from hips pain.
  • It keeps the spine upright and strengthens it.
  • It is considered to be a very useful practice for hemorrhoids.
  • By practicing this posture you can get rid of a lot of troubles such as shoulder stiffness, neck pain and cervical spondylosis.
  • This posture is very effective in eliminating sexual problems. It is also very beneficial for gynecology.
  • With its regular practice, you can relieve the problems of back pain.
  • It plays an important role in keeping your liver and kidneys healthy.
  • By doing this posture, the body becomes toned and flexible.
  • It stimulates your pancreas and helps in the control of diabetes.
  • Also, opens the chest and improves your normal seating and standing posture.
  • It reduces leg cramps and strengthens the leg muscles.
  • If you practice it for 10 minutes or more, it will reduce fatigue, stress and anxiety.
  • It develops a strong will.

How To Do Gomukhasana?

Step 1.

To do this posture, sit in an open ventilated place on a mat laying cross-legged posture.

Step 2.

Then drag your left foot towards your body and take it to you.

Step 3.

Thereafter, place your right foot over the thighs of the left foot and drag it to your body.

Step 4.

Now move your right hand over the shoulder and move as much as you can behind your back of the elbow bend.

Step 5.

Now bend your left hand from the elbow and move from the side of the abdomen to the back.

Step 6.

Now try to pull the two hands together and hold the hands behind the back with each other. Stay in this pose for a while and breathe 10-12 times.

When you start getting inconvenience in this situation, you should come to your initial position again. Open your hands and straighten the legs.


  • If you have pain in the shoulders then you should not do this posture.
  • Whether you are suffering from back pain, you must consult a doctor before doing this posture.
  • If you are a pregnant woman, do not do this posture in the first three months.
  • While your hemorrhoids are bleeding, do not do this posture.
  • If there is trouble holding the hand behind the back, do not force.
  • Do not do this posture if there is any problem or pain in the spinal cord.

Marjaryasana or Cat Pose for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

Pets can also teach us yoga.  A yogi can also acquire knowledge from the world around him.  Marjaryasana are an excellent borrowing of cat stuff stretch. It is one of the best yoga poses for neck pain.

cat cow Yoga for Neck Pain

Benefits of Marjaryasana for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

  • Makes the rid bone flexible.
  • Increases the capability of the shoulders and wrists.
  • It massages the glands of the digestive process.
  • Improves the digestive process.
  • It gives perfect shape to the stomach.
  • Increases blood flow.
  • Soothe the mind.

How To Do Marjaryasana?

Step 1.

Come on your knees and hands and make the body in a table shape, make the upper part of the table from your back and make the four feet of the table with the hands and feet.

Step 2.

Just below your hands, keep the palms to the ground and make a gap between the knees.

Step 3.

Keep the neck straight and eyes in the front.

Step 4.

Take your chin up and move the head backwards, press your navel to the ground and move the bottom part of your waist towards the roof and feel the stretch.

Step 5.

Keep this position and take long deep breaths and keep leaving. Now you will do the opposite position. Exhale the chin with the chest and lift the back as much as you can in the bow shape.

Keep this position in a long time and then come to the table-like position as before. Repeat this process five to six times and rest.


  • If you have back pain then you must avoid this posture.

Viparita Karani Asana or Legs Up the Wall Pose for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

In this posture you are in a comfortable inverted posture that calms the mind and relieves the symptoms of stress. It is also an effective yoga poses for neck pain.

Viparita Karini Yoga for Neck Pain
Viparita Karani

Benefits of Viparita Karani Asana for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

  • Relieve ache and tiredness in the legs.
  • Relaxes the hind parts of the legs, torso and neck by bringing them lightly.
  • Relieves mild back pain.
  • Soothe the mind.
  • Therapeutic for anxiety, arthritis, digestive problems, headache, high and low blood pressure, insomnia, migraine, mild depression, respiratory disorders, urinary disorders, varicose veins, menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome.

How To Do Viparita Karani Asana?

Step 1.

Lie down directly on the ground and relax the body and gently raise both legs.

Step 2.

When the legs come up to 45 degrees, raise the hips with the hands supporting the waist.

Step 3.

Now raise the legs further until it is straight up.

Step 4.

Keep in mind that the elbows remain on the ground and keep the waist support with their hands.

Step 5.

The body should be about 45 degrees from the ground. Breathe in this pose for 30-60 seconds. Do all the steps in the opposite order to get out of the posture.


  • If you have serious eye problems, such as cataracts, do not cause a reverse.
  • If there is a serious neck or back problem, do this posture under the supervision of an experienced teacher.
  • Do not do this posture during your menstrual cycle.

Trikonasana or Triangular Pose for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

This posture also called triangular pose in English. The eyes are kept open to maintain the balance of the body in a triangle posture. And it is an effective yoga poses for neck pain.


Benefits of Trikonasana for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

  • This posture strengthens the legs, knees, ankles, hands and thorax.
  • It produces more openness and stretch in the buttocks, hips, thigh muscles, shoulders, thoracic and spinal cord.
  • It increases physical and mental hierarchy.
  • Helps in improving digestion.
  • Relieve stress, anxiety and back pain.

How To Do Trikonasana?

Step 1.

Stand upright and make a convenient distance between your legs (about 2 to 4 feet).

Step 2.

Rotate your right paws to 90 degrees and left claws to 15 degrees.

Step 3.

Bring the center of your right heel into the center of the rotation that is formed with your left foot.

Step 4.

Make sure your claws are pressing the ground and the body weight is equally on both legs.

Step 5.

Take a deep breath inward, turn your body right, move your body downwards from the hips, keep the waist upright, lift your left hand up in the air and move the right hand down to the ground. Thus keep your two hands in parallel.

Step 6.

Place your right hand on the heel or keep your waist without bending wherever possible. Pull your left hand towards the roof and bring it into the shoulders. Put your head in the middle or bend towards the left, center the eyesight towards the left palm.

Step 7.

Keep in mind that your body is folded from the edge. The body is not tilted forward or backward. The buttocks and the thorax remain completely open.

Stable while maintaining maximum stretch in the body. Keep taking deep breaths. Relax the body with every breath that goes out. Focus on your body and breath.

Whenever inhaled, rise upwards, bring your hands downwards and straighten the legs. Do the same process from the other side as well.


Do not do this posture if you are hurt on migraine, diarrhea, low or hypertension and back (those who suffer from hypertension do not raise their hands over the head, otherwise their blood pressure may be increase).

Shavasana or Corpse Pose for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

Shava is a Sanskrit word which means dead body. This posture has got this name because it looks like a dead body. The order of a whole yoga begins with activity and ends in relaxation. This is the situation when your body gets full rest.

SHAVASANA Yoga for Neck Pain:

Benefits of Shavasana for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain.

  • It frees the body from stress and completely heals the cells.
  • By practicing this asana, your body is again filled with energy. This is the best posture to eliminate the order of full yoga practice, mainly when you have done yoga at a fast pace.
  • The posture is great for patients with blood-pressure, insomnia and anxiety.
  • It is the best posture to stabilize and heal the body.

How To Do Shavasana?

Step 1.

Lie down on the back to support without a pillow or anything. You can put a small pillow under your neck if needed. Close your eyes.

Step 2.

Spread your feet comfortably and give full rest to your knees and claws. The fingers of both legs should be alienated from each other.

Step 3.

Keep your hands with the body, but they don’t touch your body. The palms spread towards the sky.

Step 4.

Take your attention slowly to every part of the body and relax your entire body.

Step 5.

Move your attention to the right paws and then move it to the right knee, thus move your attention to the entire right foot and then move your attention to the foot, gradually resting every part of the body and move your attention to the head.

Breathe slow, deep and rest with every breath. Every breath that comes in gives you energy and every breath that goes out gives you rest. Do not pay attention to the excitement, quickness or anything that is coming up in your mind. Just be with your body and mind. Dedicate your whole body to the earth and rest. You should not go to sleep while meditating on this posture.

Step 6.

After 10-20 minutes, when you reach a complete rest, close your eyes and turn to your right. Stayed for 1 minute in that situation. Take recourse to your right hand and sit down.

Take some long deep breaths while keeping your eyes closed and gently bring your attention back to your environment and body. When you encounter perfection, you can open your eyes slowly.


There are no contradictions to the shavasana. Do not do this posture if you have refused to lie directly on the ground by a doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions. 

1. Which yoga is best for neck pain?

The best yoga for neck pain are:

  • Balasana.
  • Nataraj Asana.
  • Gomukhasana.
  • Marjaryasana.
  • Viparita Karini Asana.
  • Trikonasana.
  • Shavasana.

2. Which exercise can I do to get rid of neck pain? 

Here are the 12 best exercise for the neck pain;

  • Neck Tilt.
  • Side-to-Side Neck Tilt.
  • Neck Stretch.
  • Aerobic conditioning.
  • Neck Turn.
  • Chair stand.
  • Single leg raise.
  • Neck strengthening.
  • Staggered chair stand.
  • Heel raise.
  • Standing side leg lift.
  • Front plank on table.

Bottom Line.

Apart from those yoga posture you must have to choose a healthy lifestyle along with a healthy diet plan. Through which you can easily increase the effectiveness of this yoga postures.

We hope that your neck pain will be gone after doing these simple yoga postures and you will be living a relaxed happy life. Till then, happily practice these yoga poses for cervical spondylosis and neck pain.

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  1. Respiratory Diseases;

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