You may have seen a very large truck tire in the gym many times, a big ball full of air or a rope on the ground. In addition, you will be constantly seeing people’s interest growing in burpee rather than push-ups. In fact, this is actually due to CrossFit exercise.
These exercises, the whole body is used to train instead of targeting only one muscle group. Many people have started adopting full body workouts every day except for heavy weight lifting exercises.
History of CrossFit Exercise.
CrossFit was founded 20 years ago today in 2000 by “Greg Glassman” and “Lauren Jenai“. This exercise was planned to conscious people regarding health. In these 20 years, this CrossFit has been very popular and many people in the world have adopted it.
CrossFit is an outstanding mix-up exercise which includes aerobics activities, weight lifting exercises and Olympic weightlifting techniques.
Benefits of CrossFit Exercise.
Due to the intensity of CrossFit exercises, the players who do it have immense capacity and strength. People who do other types of exercises are either called wrestlers or gym trainers, while persons with CrossFit exercise are considered athletes. By doing this exercise, every part of the body gets strong.
In CrossFit exercises, the person also performs weight lifting exercises along with bodyweight workouts, which makes the level of strength in the body grow more rapidly.
Speed and Flexibility.
Due to the involvement of a variety of activities in CrossFit, it is highly flexible as compared to strength training. Exercising the activities also speeds up your workouts.
Weight Loss.
CrossFit is considered to be the most effective for weight loss worldwide due to different types of activities and use of all muscles. Being a new exercise every day in a week, the person’s CrossFit never reduces interest.
Strengthen The Heart.
With the fast activities of the players, the heavy weight lifting like wrestlers continues to pump the heart during workouts, thereby reducing the apprehension of heart related assets.
Everyday Activities.
CrossFit activities can be beneficial in daily activities, such as lifting cylinders or bringing heavy goods from the market.
Less Time.
CrossFit workouts don’t take as much time as other exercises. These can be completed in just 45 minutes at the gym.
Essential Tools.
Most of the activities in CrossFit exercises are inspired by sports, gymnastics, rowing and swimming, so the equipment used in it is of different types. These include gymnastics rings, climbing ropes, pull-up bars, towing jumping rope, dumbbells, barbell and kettlebell as well as rowing machines.
Due to the high type of CrossFit exercises, the person can also exercise according to the available equipment. A variety of CrossFit exercise can be done without any machine such as body weight exercise like sprint.
How To Do CrossFit?
CrossFit exercises are carried out according to their ability and range of exercise. In addition, you can practice the CrossFit exercises daily by choosing them. It is always advisable to do with low intensity before starting any new exercise and then gradually increase the level of intensity.
There are a variety of exercises that can be combined together to create a number of new exercises, but there are some things that cannot be converted into a world of CrossFit such as-
Cross Fit Exercise List.
Burpee Exercise.
This is a type of body weight exercise that acts on almost all muscle groups in the body.

You can feel the effect of this amazing exercise when you constantly push up, squat and jump together.
Olympic Lifting.
It is very important to strengthen the core to do this exercise, as it trains the whole body.

You may have seen many people in the gym raising the barbell rod with shoulders, just as in Olympic lifting barbell is raised higher than the head.
The person who practice squats to strengthen the muscles of his legs every day is also not able to do this type of CrossFit workout easily.

This workout has to maintain the most difficult balance after lifting weights. Thruster is a difficult exercise in which you have to raise your hands upright in the air and raise the barbell from your head and then squat.
Squat Jump or Air Squats.
You may have done a lot of free squats before starting difficult exercises, but air squats include more force in exercise, in which you jump into the position of the squat and stand upright in the same position.

Battle Rope.
This exercise is extremely popular in CrossFit and “HIIT” exercises. The most common way to do this is to toss the rope intensely towards the floor with both hands, you can do it together or one by one in both directions.

Battle rope exercise is another core train exercise in which the arms, shoulders as well as side muscles are engaged.
Precautions To Take While Doing CrossFit Exercises.
CrossFit is one of the most popular exercises in the world of fitness. Due to high intensity and fast weight loss, players with sports or fitness are also attracted to it. However, for many people this high intensity exercise can also prove to be dangerous. So, before starting a CrossFit exercise, take special care of the following:
Like all kinds of exercises, it is very important to warm up before starting exercise in CrossFit, as during these exercises you put a lot of stress on your muscles and joints, which can damage them.
Everyone is familiar with the activities of exercises inspired by Olympic lifting or other sports. Therefore, it is very important to have patience at the time of their practice. Early play in any exercise can cause a malfunction in the poster. This can cause side effects contrary to the benefits of exercising.
It is very important that a person understands the capacity and limitations of his body and chooses a CrossFit exercise accordingly.
Risk of Injury.
CrossFit exercises are extremely effective with high intensity and as a result it can injured to the players. Some common injuries may hurt people in the back or joint tendons such as rotator cuffs, achilles tendons, knees or elbows.
Crossfit Exercise at Home.
There are several ways through which you can practice crossfit exercise with the following ways, such as;
- Squats.
- Pull-ups.
- Running.
- Jumps and Lunges.
- Push, Pull, Run.
- Burpee Box Jumps.
- Tabata Push-Ups and Lunges.
- Dumbbells and Jump Ropes.
- Sumo squats and Wall Balls.
- Push Ups and Burpees.
- Mini “murph”.
- Interval Cardio.
- Cindy.
- Full-body Sprint.
Frequently Asked Questions.
1. What type of exercise is crossfit?
Crossfit is a kind of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). It is a considered as one of the strength and conditioning workout that promotes functional movement performed with high intense level. These movements are basically perform in day-to-day life like squatting, dragging, pushing etc. In crossfit you perform this movements with dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, ropes, pull-up bars and medicine balls.
2. Is plank a crossfit exercise?
Yes, plank is one of the effective exercises for your core and abs, as it strengthen your overall body posture and health. You can add plank in your crossfit exercise routine.
3. What crossfit exercise to avoid when you are pregnant?
During pregnancy You must avoid contact with some crossfit movements, such as broad jumping or hopping, burpees, pulling or pushing, as it can make effect during your pregnancy. We have suggested that all pregnant women should skip these movement patterns from three to four months.
4. What crosssfit exercise work for biceps?
Here are some effective exercise for biceps;
- Kneeling biceps alternating curls.
- Floor dumbbell skullcrushers..
- Incline bench pressdowns..
- Lying overhead curls.
- Wall hammer curls..
- Bodyweight skullcrushers
- Parallel bar dips.
- Banded pull downs.
- Single arm dumbbell row.
- Elevated push ups.
5. What crossfit exercise work for chest?
The following are some effective crossfit exercise for your chest;
- Barbell incline bench press with medium grip.
- Incline dumbbell press.
- Decline Push Ups.
- Incline dumbbell flyes.
- Parallel Push ups.
- Incline Push ups.
Bottom Line.
Workouts of high intensity and high impressive range in CrossFit are meant to get quick results. You should always understand the boundaries and activities of your body. In general, CrossFit gyms are expensive, as a result majority of the people can’t take advantage of it.
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- The Benefits of Burpees and How to Do Them;