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10 Home Workout That Can Be Done with Brick

These days, people of all ages are more concerned about their health. For this, tendency towards exercise are increasing. Therefore, we are giving you tricks about 10 home workout that you can do with the help of brick.

Most of the people unable to go to the gym due to lack of time, don’t have gym facilities or they can’t afford. Exercise is not depend upon the gyms. With a brick, you can do 70 per cent of the workout at home.

Through this exercise you are not only gain quality of muscles but also boost stamina if you follow the balance diet. Because nutrition plays a vital role in fitness. We plan this home workout with brick for the beginners, intermediate and advance people, by which you can contract each muscle groups in an effective way.

Several frequently asked questions regarding home workout plan or best home workouts with brick has been arise nowadays, such as –

  • How to exercise at home without Equipment?
  • How to do exercise in home at lock-down?
  • Can I make body at home?
  • How to make muscle at home?
  • Can I make core muscle at home?
  • How to make chest at home?
  • How to do squats at home?

Apart from those many more question have asked in the internet regarding home workout with brick. Hence, here you find out all the answers of your questions.

Here we do this entire home workout with no equipment only with the help of brick. These exercises are done in the gym with the help of barbell, dumbbells or machines. But here we will learn to do with the help of Bricks.

10 Home Workout That Can Be Done with Brick.

  1. Bicep Curls.
  2. Standing Lunges.
  3. Shoulder Front Press.
  4. Should Front Raise.
  5. Wide Leg Squat.
  6. Lateral Raise or Side Raise.
  7. Sumo Squat.
  8. Overhead Triceps Extension.
  9. Incline Push ups.
  10. Standing Triceps Kickback.

Bicep Curls.

Our biceps are made up with two muscle groups known as short head and the long head. This exercise usually perform with barbells and dumbbells in the gym.

Bicep curls brick
Bicep Curls


Biceps (long and short head).

How To Do Bicep Curls?

Step 1.

Stand holding the bricks in each side of the body. Ensure that your elbow must be attached with your upper body.

Step 2.

Now, exhale and gradually lift the weight one by one up to the shoulder level by contracting your bicep muscle.


3 sets of 10 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 12 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 14 reps.
30 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote.  It is recommended to do this exercise at the end of other compound exercise. By which your short head and long head will contracted effectively.

Know how you can set up your new home gym?

Standing Lunges.

One of the finest workout for the thighs. We usually do it in the gym with two dumbbells or sometimes even with barbells. Here, we will do it with the help of a brick.

Standing Lunges Brick
Standing Lunges


Hamstrings, glutes, quads and calf.

How To Do Standing Lunges?

Step 1.

You have to hold one or two brick (according to your capacity) with both hands. Go down while breathing and come up accordingly.

Step 2.

Engage your thighs muscle by bending down from the knee. Thereafter, change the leg and do the same.


3 sets of 10 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

3 sets of 12 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 14 reps.
30 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. Standing lunges is one of the effective exercise for all age groups. In this exercise we usually engage big muscles parts such as quads, hamstrings, glutes and calf. However, its primary focus on quads i.e. front thigh.

Shoulder Front Press.

The shoulder front press is amazing workout. It works simultaneously on three muscle groups (Upper Pectoralis Major, Lateral Deltoid, and Anterior Deltoid). There are two variations in this workout. With a barbell or with a dumbbell.

When we do it with a dumbbell, the hands remain very close and the whole focus is on the front shoulder. Here we will do this workout with the help of a brick.

Shoulder front press brick
Shoulder Front Press



How To Do Shoulder Front Press?

Step 1.

Lift the brick on both hands and stand straight. While breathing, push it upward and downward slowly.

Step 2.

Keep the shoulders and weights parallel. You must give the pause when the weight comes down.


3 sets of 8 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 10 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 12 reps.
30 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. However, it is an effective exercise for shoulders but it also tone up your triceps and back. While doing this make proper alignment of the body and focus on your breath.

Shoulder Front Raise.

Front raise is an effective exercise of traps. Traps are the body part that give you an attractive look from behind and you can make a unique personality with a toned traps.

You can do this workout with the help of a brick at home. It is difficult to carry a heavy load in the front raise. However, you have to choose weight according to your capacity.

shoulder front raise brick
Shoulder Front Raise


Shoulders and traps.

How To Do Shoulder Front Raise?

Step 1.

Hold the brick with a strong grip of both hands, lock the shoulders and keep it straight.

Step 2.

While breathing raise the brick toward front parallel to the shoulder and bring down the accordingly. Use your hands just like a liver.


3 sets of 10 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 12 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 14 reps.
30 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. In this exercise we engage traps along with minor body parts. Choose a suitable load according to your capacity and focus on your breath.

Wide Leg Squats.

It is quite similar to sumo squats, but we have made a gap between the legs. The exercise works on the legs, but it mostly affects the hamstrings.

Usually in the gym we do it with the help of barbell or dumbbell. Here we have neither dumbbells nor barbell. Therefore we do it with the help of brick.

Wide leg squat brick
Wide Leg Squat


Legs and thighs.

How To Do Wide Leg Squats?

Step 1.

Keep a reasonable distance between the legs. The claws will remain on the outside. Keep in mind here you don’t have to open feet like sumo squats.

Step 2.

The position of the feet will be more open than the normal squats. This will facilitate you to sit deep. The workout also loads less on the waist.

Step 3.

Breathe while sitting and release the breath while rising. Keep the eye on the front side. If you are a beginner then keep the eye slightly upwards, it makes easier to get up.


2 sets of 8 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

3 sets of 10 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 12 reps.
30 seconds rest between sets.

Footnotes. Wide leg squats is popular for its effectiveness. It usually contract the pelvic muscle and thighs. Do this exercise with accurate form give you more benefits.

Lateral Raise or Side Raise.

It is an effective way to achieve a V-shaped upper body. You create a unique impression among the mob. It tone up your shoulder blades and give you a wide shoulder.

lateral raise or side raise brick
Lateral Raise or Side Raise


Shoulder and back.

How To Do Lateral Raise or Side Raise?

Step 1.

Stand straight with the brick in both hands. Keep both hands parallel to the body and keep your back straight.

Step 2.

Now, slowly lift the weight parallel to the body. Bent your elbow slightly.

Step 3.

With gentle breath keep it down towards the floor.


3 sets of 8 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 10 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 12 reps.
30 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. To achieve ‘V’ shape structure you should go with this exercise. Focus on your contracted muscle group give you many positive result.

Sumo Squats.

Sumo squats are generally perform with barbells and dumbbells. There are also two positions with the dumbbell. In one, the dumbbell lives down and the other near the chest. Now we don’t have a dumbbell. Instead, we will use bricks.

sumo squat brick
Sumo Squat


Hamstrings, glutes and thighs.

How To Do Sumo Squats?

Step 1.

Keep the brick close to the chest, according to the picture. Make a position of sumo squats. Open the legs and keep the claws as far as possible.

Step 2.

Keep the claws outside, accurate posture will put more intensity on your hamstrings and glutes. By which you can engage your big muscle groups. It also boost testosterone level in the body.

3 sets of 10 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 12 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 14 reps.
30 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. Sumo Squats is one of the effective exercise for your core muscle. It also strengthen your thigh muscle. Boost testosterone level in the body. While doing this exercise focus on your breathing, while go down exhale and while up inhale. The eye will remain on the front side and body will be remain straight.

Overhead Triceps Extension.

We have three major heads in triceps muscle known as lateral, medial and long. You can do this exercise in standing as well as in sitting position.

overhead triceps extension brick
Overhead Triceps Extension


Triceps (Lateral, medial and long).

How To Do Overhead Triceps Extension?

Step 1.

Make a straight and firm position by holding bricks in your right hand. Your marrow should be straight.

Step 2.

Now, raise the brick vertically from the starting position. Make a 45 degree angle.

Step 3.

Gradually exhale and lower the weight toward the surface from behind the head by making a horizontal posture. Contract your triceps muscles. Thereafter, alternatively change the hand and do the same with other hand.


3 sets of 10 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 12 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 14 reps.
30 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. This exercise mainly focus on the triceps muscle. You must avoid this exercise if you have any injury on the elbow joints or in the ligaments. Focus on your movement while doing this exercise. In this way you allows full range of motion.

Incline Push Ups.

Incline push ups is an effective way to achieve an attractive chest. This exercise targets the chest muscles (Pectoralis major and minor). This is a perfect exercise for beginners, intermediate and even for advance people. You are recommended to consider this as warm up exercise.

incline push up
Incline Push Ups


Chest, shoulder and minor parts of triceps.

How To Do Incline Push Ups?

Step 1.

Stand straight toward the brick and make a gap between the legs.

Step 2.

Now, lean towards the brick and place your hand on the edge of the brick. Make your hand and body parallel.

Step 3.

Lock your core, slowly inhale and lower the chest between the gaps of the bricks.

Step 4.

Push your body upward while exhale and do the same accordingly.


4 sets of 10 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 14 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 16 reps.
30 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. Don’t spread your hand so far, as it causes injury in your shoulder as well as it reduce the range of motion. Focus on the posture and breathing. This movement is more effective rather than simple push ups.

Standing Triceps Kickback.

The Standing Triceps Kickback is one of the most effective exercise because it contracted your triceps muscle actively. Along with large and toned triceps it also provides flexibility, balancing and stretching.

standing triceps kickback brick
Standing Triceps Kickback



How To Do Standing Triceps Kickback?

Step 1.

At first stand straight and lean little bit forward by making gap between the legs at about 1 to 11/2 feet.

Step 2.

Now, hold the brick with firm grip, inhale and slowly lift the bricks behind you and feel the contact in your triceps muscles.

Step 3.

Made a movement with this by locking your arm and thereafter change the hand accordingly.


3 sets of 10 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 12 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 14 reps.
30 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. This exercise assist you to target the triceps muscles. Do this workout with complete range of motion with a proper form. By lean forward you put more load to the triceps.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. What do I wear during brick workout?

You can wear T-shirts with half pants or you can wear any flexible cloth which are comfortable during the movements.

2. How many bricks I can use for this workout?

It is fully depends upon your capacity and efficiency. If you are a beginner you must start with couple of brick and if you are an intermediate or advance then you can choose more bricks.

3. Is it effective to do this exercise with brick?

Yes, as a beginner it is most effective because you are at learning session. This moves give you a basic knowledge regarding this kind of exercise. If you do this exercise in regular basis with balance diet you can absolutely transform yourself.

4. How often should I do the exercise?

If you are a beginner you must do exercise at least half an hour for six times a week. You must focus on your muscle groups during the workout by which you can gradually build strength and endurance. Apart from this if you are an intermediate or advance then you can do this exercise for 1 hour for 5 times a week.

5. How much muscle I can gain with this workout?

If you do this exercise according to the above mentioned steps along with balance diet then only you can gain quality of lean muscle mass through this exercise.

6. Can I loose weight with this exercise?

Absolutely you can burn lots of calories during these workouts. By which you can loose your excessive weight. For more effectiveness you can add some cardio with this exercise.

Bottom Line.

This simple and effective exercises will transform you from your home without spending money. You feel a huge difference in your appearance within a few month.

With a time of period you may increase the load according to your capacity or you can challenge your efficiency by adding 5 more reps.

Apart from this focus more on your daily diet. You must plan a flexible and effective diet with the ingredients easily found in your surroundings.

No problem if you are a vegetarian. You may go with several plant based vegetarian foods which will help you to meet your daily protein requirement. So, start your transformation with this simple and effective Home Workout with Brick and earn an attractive look today!

+3 Sources

Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.

  2. The anatomy of the short head of biceps – not a tendon;
  3. Long head of biceps: from anatomy to treatment; 

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