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Bumbu Rum : Amazing Facts

Bumbu rum is distilled and vintage on the island of Barbados in the West Indies Rum Distillery. The sugarcane distillery found in the Caribbean and South America uses the pre-1840 yeast varieties during fermentation and their continuous immersion column distillation. The age of the rum in a used bourbon barrel was up to 15 years. The rums are then mixed with natural flavors before being bottled.

How Is Bumbu Rum Made?

Barbados- The rich and intricate aroma of Madagascar vanilla, soft caramel and fried oak. The cinnamon notes, roasted nuts and allspice are thoroughly mixed for a simple sweetness and a smooth finish to the Bumbu. All natural craft made for rum are up to 15 years in small groups.

How To Drink?

Bumbu D6 Cocktail.

The D6 cocktail is a modern look in the classic Mai Tai, with a nice dark red color, with the right amount of fun and fizz.


  • Rum spice.
  • Pineapple juice.
  • Pomegranate juice.
  • Lemon juice.


Mix all the ingredients in shaker in the following ratio:

  • 60 ml of Bumbu rum.
  • 30 ml of pineapple juice.
  • Pomegranate juice 30 ml.
  • 15 ml fresh lemon juice.
  • Stir the mixture well.
  • Top with ginger.
  • Garnish with pomegranate seeds as desired.
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How Strong Is Bumbu Rum? 

It is distilled at the West Indies Rum Distillery in Barbados. Rum has grown into a bourbon pipe filling for the first time with the oldest spirit of 15 years. Packed in 35% ABV. Fragrant rum with a variety of spices, natural or artificial.

Who Owns Bumbu Rum?

The Bumbu rum company belongs to Brett and Brian Berish of Sovereign Brands, brewers of Luke Belair sparkling wine, and McQueen and Violet Fog, a new Brazilian gin. Sovereign Brands is a family-owned company, international wine and spirit headquarters in New York.


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  1. Brazilian Gin & Distilleries in Brazil;

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