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Alexander Devore Avant : Net Worth, Wife, Workout & Diet Plan

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Alexander Devore Avant was born on 3rd August, 1971. As per profession, he holds degrees from the University of Southern California and Howard University School of Law but prefers to keep these undisclosed.

Alexander was born to Clarence Avant (father) and Jacqueline Avant (mother). His father is an accomplished American businessman in many industries, including entertainment.

His mother passed away from leukemia on December 1st, 2021. He also has a sister named Nicole Avant who served as U.S. Ambassador before becoming the head of FEMA during Hurricane Irma.

Alexander Devore Age.

Born on August 3rd, 1971, in Los Angeles, California, United States, Alexander is believed to be fifty one in 2022.

Alexander Devore Avant Wife.

Alexander Avantโ€˜s marital status not known. We donโ€™t comprehend he is married or not as it is not stated anywhere.

Personal Information.

NameAlexander Devore Avant {Alexander Dubois Avant}
DescriptionAlexander Devore is the son of Clarence Avant.
BirthAug 3 1971

Alexander Devore Avant Net Worth.

It’s hard to say for certain because not everything he owns is publicly known about. If you had to estimate, it might be around $500,000 – $1 million.

Alexander Devore Workout.

Alexander Devore has been working with many trainers to come up with a workout routine.

Bench Press
  • Skull crushers (3 sets of 10 reps).
  • Incline dumbbell press (3 sets of 10 reps).
  • Bench press (3 sets of 10 reps).
  • Weighted dips (3 sets of 10 reps).
  • Triceps extensions (3 sets of 10 reps).
  • Chest Flys (3 sets of 10 reps).

He approaches these like a HIIT training circuit doing 1 set of each and completing at least 3 circuits.

  • V-ups (3 sets to failure).
  • 30 minutes running, cycling, or rowing.
  • Dumbbell burpees (3 sets to failure).
  • Bicycle crunch (3 sets to failure).
  • Reverse crunch (3 sets to failure).
  • Abs crunch (3 sets to failure).
  • Side crunch (3 sets to failure).
  • Leg raises (3 sets to failure).

Alexander Devore Diet Plan.

Along with a strict workout routine he pays close attention to his diet. For example, he counts calories and macros. But don’t think this means starvation like in The Hunger Games. He keeps things simple without overthinking things.

This means avoiding junk food and sugary treats while keeping calorie intake slight below maintenance level. A sample meal plan might look something like:

6 oz chicken breast protein
Chicken Breast
  • Breakfast– 5 egg omelet.
  • Mid- Morning– Fresh berries with Greek yogurt.
  • Lunch– Fish or skinless chicken breast, large serving of vegetables.
  • Snack– Post work out protein shake or energy bar.
  • Dinner– Lean meat (steak/chicken/pork), brown rice/sweet potatoes; big bowl of fresh salad.

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