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NamasBey Yoga : Latest Trend of Beyoncé Themed Yoga

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Yoga + Beyoncé Music = NamasBey is the latest trend in themed yoga classes that combines two passions in life: yoga and Beyoncé. This kind of yoga is called NamasBey, and this type of classes are designed to challenge your physical body and mind. They has an expertly curated playlist that will extend Beyoncé’s epic career, starting from Destiny’s classics to LeMonade’s new bangers.

Beyoncé Themed Yoga.

The world knows Beyoncé for her illustrious musical career, her acting skills and her newfound passion for beekeeping, but she seems to be adding another career milestone to her belt.

With a fit and attractive physique envied by many, she has reportedly been the most demanding artist by Peloton, a notoriously expensive fitness service that brings a spin class to your home.

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NamasBey Yoga.

This is the latest trend in themed yoga classes that combines two passions in life: yoga and Beyoncé. NamasBey, or in some studio, also known as bay-asanas, is the Beyoncé-themed yoga class you’ve been waiting for.

These Beyoncé-themed yoga classes originated in Los Angeles and Philadelphia, and are now coming up in other cities, including Houston.

From L.A., yoga teacher Paul Schneider (who is also the creator of Namasdrake) encourages themed classes like NamasBey as they bring more people into yoga, especially beginners who may be reveal by the traditional yoga classes setup.

Can there be anything more amazing in life than listening to Queen B in Shavasana?! It’s the Vinayasa class at all levels with a caddie of big booty yoga in The Walnut Room.

Beyoncé Yoga in Houston and LA.

In an interview with The Houston Press, Schneider said that the goal and concept behind NamasBey classes is to “make hatha yoga fun and less intimidating for beginners, or even for those who would have never tried yoga in their lives if it weren’t for fussing. “It’s with his favorite artist.”

Susie Edebor and her husband Nosa also host bay-asana classes at their Houston-based yoga studio. The couple told the Houston Press that their first Beyoncé-themed yoga class was back in 2015, which was considered a one-time fundraising program to help Nosa cover her yoga teacher training costs.

However, the incident was published in their local newspaper, so it received a lot of attention and the incident just started.

“In Houston, Beyoncé represents empowerment, power, and energy, and we wanted to create something fun that brought them all together while connecting people.”

Chanting, ohming, Sanskrit and Sutra, and watching your neighbor yogis fly smoothly – it’s true, all these things can sometimes change your mind to join your first yoga class.

Thereby, this new class themes are helping to make yoga more accessible to namaste-in-bed-types or those who think they don’t fit in at all with the stereotypical yoga crowd.

What do you think—are themed yoga classes a good way to make yoga attractive and welcoming to a wider audience? Would you be ready to form a Beyoncé-themed class? Share your thoughts with us!

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  1. Hold On We’re Going Om With Namasdrake – LA’s Drake-Themed Vinyasa Yoga Class;

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