With time the craze of mountain biking has been one of the most hyped interests of bikers. It has been already three years that this sport is ruling in the biker’s world.
However, it’s quite tricky for a beginner to ride on mountain trails. Therefore, following specific rules or keeping them in mind before starting riding is essential. Or else, it can be terrifying and let your confidence down for the first time and that can lead you to lose interest in it.
Here, in this article, we are mentioning some of the critical points of mountain riding that you should keep in mind before you start. Hopefully, after reading this article, you will make fewer mistakes and there’s enough motivation to keep you going for your favorite hobby. Let’s go!
5 Things To Know Before You Start Mountain Biking.
- Choosing the Right Route.
- Go to Gym.
- Get the Perfect Body Position.
- Your Body Needs Fuel.
- Try Again and Again.
Choosing the Right Route.
Choosing the right route is vital in the case of mountain riding. Also, knowing the path is crucial because otherwise, you won’t be comfortable while riding. Knowing the way does not mean that you know all the roads of the area. Moreover, it means understanding the specific path correctly where you are going to ride next.
Besides, being comfortable with your bike is simultaneously crucial. Only knowing the road isn’t enough. You must know your gears, brakes and other parts of your bike very well. Although this might seem like a big challenge, this is an essential part of your riding.
Go to Gym.
Although it’s only your legs that are doing the job while riding, your whole body has to do a lot with it. The secret of expert riding is your strength. Therefore, your entire body needs to be strong for being a successful mountain biker.
Especially in the case of mountain biking, the rider should be stronger compared to other riders as it requires a high amount of effort in every turn and brake. Therefore, going to the gym regularly might help you to prepare your body for your favorite rides.
Without a healthy body, it’s not even possible to ride on the straight roads. Hence mountain riding needs more of your core strength. Hopefully, it doesn’t need more explanation to make you understand how crucial it is to be a gym buddy to be a good rider.
Therefore, hitting the gym for at least 4 to 5 days in a weak is essential for a mountain rider. Hence you can achieve the required strength and ride in the mountains like a pro.
Get the Perfect Body Position.
Every part of your body has to do its job during a mountain bike ride. Starting from head to toe, each part has different job to do.
Your head plays a vital role to keep the balance while riding. You have to keep eyes at least 20 to 30 meters ahead of your body to know exactly when to catch the brakes.
On another note, your waist must have the balance so that the bike stays under control. Or else, there’s a chance to fall off anytime.
On the other hand, putting the right weight on the right wheels is also essential. As keeping the bike under control is quite challenging, your body posture has to perfect to maintain it.
Sincerely speaking, body position has a vital role in the case of mountain biking. Therefore, always try to practice to make the body position perfect due to keeping your riding safe and sound. Want to know more about bike? Check here for more about bike models, brands and other bike related information.
Your Body Needs Fuel.
To be a successful rider, you need a sound body and due to keeping your body strong and healthy, you need to fuel it properly. Does it sound complicated? It’s not actually.
It is essential to drink and eat some food before you start with your bike. As mountain biking requires more energy than other road biking, you have to prepare your body accordingly.
Although it’s important to eat before each of your rides, you can modify your food according to the duration of every ride. For instance, you can have a short energy drink just before a small ride. On the other hand, before a long ride, you should go for something strong. There are many professional drinks out there, specially made for such bikers.
Get those drinks and prepare yourself for the best ride. Or else, lack of enough food may lead you to several risks like feeling dizzy and crashes etc. Be active, stay healthy and ride the best!
Try Again and Again.
It’s true that mountain biking is one of the most challenging jobs that people do out of their curiosity, but it is full of mistakes when you start. However, one should not stop because of the errors. Mistakes are the stairs that take you to the pick of learning. Experts say, the more you make mistakes, the more you learn through them.
Therefore, demotivating yourself after inevitable mistakes or little crashes is not cool. Instead, you should get up and convince yourself to start it all over again and guess what! This time you have those additional experiences that you gained through your previous mistakes. Isn’t it?
Also, quitting when you fail, is not a good idea. Remember, they don’t fail who fall; they fail who refuse to get up and start again. So, make mistakes and never hesitate to start it again.
Bottom Line
Adding the bottom line to such a topic is quite challenging as there are plenty of things to elaborate on. However, the bottom line helps the readers to wrap up the thoughts and concentrate on them.
Mountain riding is undoubtedly a tough job. However, the right practice, proper training and preparing the body right can make this thing easier.
Also, not giving up after every mistake is essential to keep you going. Therefore do not hesitate to try it more and more, no matter how wrong you make it. All the best!