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10 Super Food For Rapid Weight Loss For Vegetarian

People are being seen doing exercise, yoga, stretching, running and walking etc. in the park. At the same time, people are also concentrating on diet. For this, they are including best healthy food at lunch and dinner, which can help them to the goal of weight loss. Let us know foods that help in weight loss for vegetarian.

But there are some people who do not have take breakfast in the weight loss affair, which is the wrong way to lose weight. During weight loss, you will need to boost your metabolism.

At the same time, there will be a need to include some things in the diet that can help to reduce weight. What kind of food should consumed by vegetarian people which help them to reduce weight. So, here we have bring 10 super food for vegetarian people, through which they can easily fulfill their goal.

10 Super-Food for Rapid Weight Loss for Vegetarian.

The 10 food for vegetarian people that will help to lose weight are;

  1. Beans and Legumes.
  2. Green Salad.
  3. Peanuts.
  4. Fat Free Yogurt.
  5. Salmon.
  6. Pistachios.
  7. Pumpkin Seeds.
  8. Chillies.
  9. Lettuce.
  10. Cinnamon.

Beans and Legumes for Weight Loss For Vegetarian.

Beans and Legumes can be used to Weight loss. They are a good source of protein and also reduce the amount of fat.


It boost metabolism as well as it have low calorie and fibre. They can be consumed by soups, salads or any other dish.

For example, 1 cup (170 g) of cooked Lima beans contains about 209 calories and 11.6 g of protein.

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Green Salad for Weight Loss.

The use of green salads can have lot of benefits. It is a testy and also keeps the stomach full. Using it does not make you feel hungry.

Plant Based Diet or Vegan Diet Types, Benefits and Mistakes
Green Salad

According to a study by Penn State University, people who consumed green salads had consume less food up to 12%. (1)

Green salad contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Which are beneficial for the body in different ways.

Peanuts for Weight Loss.

A good amount of fatty Acid is found in peanuts. That boost the metabolism. At the same time, eating them reduces appetite.


It contains 1.3 per cent protein compared to non-veg, 2.5 per cent more than eggs. Therefore, it should be consumed as a super food for weight loss.

100 gm raw peanuts contain 8.5 gm fiber, 25.8 gm protein. But it has high calories. So, use it in small quantities.

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Fat Free Yogurt for Weight Loss.

Yogurt with proteins, lactose and calcium is considered as a super-food for weight loss. It increases appetite-reducing hormones, making you eat less and assist you to weight loss.


Yogurt is also helpful in reducing the percentage of frozen fats in the body. The daily intake of yogurt with healthy diet can show you a lot of differences with weight loss in the body in no time. Include fat free or low fat yogurt in your diet.

Salmon for Weight Loss.

Salmon fish considered to be the best source of protein, itโ€™s enrich with omega-3 fatty acids. It also helps to control appetite for a long time.

Salmon Fish Weight Loss For Vegetarian
Salmon Fish

Many studies have also shown that consumption of salmon fish make you less hungry than regular days. With support in the muscles gain, triglyceride prevents unnatural growth of heart along with it keeps the heart healthy.

Therefore, those who prefer to eat non-veg can use salmon fish in the diet to lose weight.

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Pistachios for Weight Loss.

Pistachios will show effect only when you know how to consume it, how much to consume and when to consume. All these factors together benefit the body.

pistachios Weight Loss For Vegetarian

Pistachio is like extracting walnuts out of its shell. It is pulled out of the shell in the same way as the nut. So always take it with any other dry fruits. Eating in large quantities will increase calorie intake and weight.

Pumpkin Seeds for Weight Loss.

People who are deficient of zinc or feel weakness, they can eat pumpkin seeds. These seeds also contain zinc with calories.

pulses Weight Loss For Vegetarian
Pumpkin Seeds

Zinc helps to prevent hunger. If you also want to lose weight, you can include pumpkin seeds in snacks or any other meal.

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Chillies for Weight Loss.

Eating chillies boosts the metabolism. This can increase your weight loss speed. The study also made it clear that, chilly diet assist in rapid weight loss.

Chilli pepper Food Weight Loss Weight Loss For Vegetarian

This is due to capsaicin present in it. which helps in reducing appetite. If you are also thinking of weight loss, you must take chilli in one form or the other in the diet.

Lettuce for Weight Loss.

Lettuce is like cabbage in appearance but it is open. It also helps in reducing blood sugar levels in the body, increasing insulin and burning fat.

lettuce Food Weight Loss Weight Loss For Vegetarian

Chromium in it helps in glucose tolerance. So you can use it as a salad.

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Cinnamon for Weight Loss.

Cinnamon is used to make the dish testy. This is a good option if you want to reduce your appetite.

cinnamon Food Weight Loss Weight Loss For Vegetarian

Studies have shown that people who use cinnamon are lose more weight than those who do not consume it. So you can

Frequently Asked Question.

1. Do super-food helps to lose weight?

Yes, Super-food works like a miracle in respect to weight loss. Try to keep at least 1 to 2 super-food in your daily diet. It boost up the fat burning process and also provide maximum nutrients to the body like antioxidants, minerals, anti inflammatory properties and much more.

Bottom Line.

If you also want to lose weight, include these super-food in your diet from the above at the earliest. Then see how good results you get.

According to the several studies it is also proved that if you add some regular yoga or exercise along with this diet then it will more beneficial for you.

For more information regarding โ€œNatural Weight Loss for Vegetarianโ€, you can read our nutrition section.

+2 Sources

Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Salad and satiety: Energy density and portion size of a first-course salad affect energy intake at lunch;
  2. Capsaicin;

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