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8 Types of Warm Up Exercise With Advantages

Many people do not consider it necessary to have a warm up before weight training, high-intensity interval training and cardio etc. Some people say that doing warm up is a waste of time. If you think or do the same, you may be hurt during exercise. Some people think that warm-up is just for the beginners. While the fact is that professional body builders also do warm-up before exercise. You will also have a question of how and how much you should do. So, in this article we will tell you in detail about different types of warm up exercise along with several other advantages.

What Is Warm Up?

Warm-up is a type of action before exercise that heats our body and prepares it for exercise. It is done to make any exercise easier. Warm-up makes your body resilient, it prepares the muscles for vigorous actions.

Athletes, bodybuilders, actors and others warm up before putting stress on their muscles. Let see the right way to warm up and its benefits in detail.

Footnote. Warm-up increases performance by increasing body temperature, reduce the risk of injury, increases the presence of blood flow and oxygen in the muscles. Its increases neuromuscular sensitivity and strength. As a result you can lift more heavy weight easily.
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Advantages of Warm-Up Exercise.

Exercise is compulsory for a healthy and fit lifestyle. Warm up heat up the body. You may have noticed that players must warm up before starting any game.

During exercise our muscles are stretch and this stretch suddenly falls on our body, so our body parts are likely to get hurt and sprained, so warm up is done to avoid these problems.

Increases Muscle Temperature.

Warm-up mainly prepares cardiovascular systems for workouts. While doing the movement, the muscles become warmer and shrink more loudly and relax quickly. This increases both the speed and strength of exercise. (1)

It also reduces the response to the heart by pumping more blood faster. Warm-up makes it easier for the cardiovascular system to move blood to each organ and it prevents the occurrence of a sudden increase in blood pressure.

Raise Blood Temperature.

Warm-up increases the temperature of our muscles so that the blood of the muscle also gets heated. As the blood temperature increases, the oxygen bond for hemoglobin weakens. The muscles that work in exercise are more easily available with oxygen, thereby it increase stamina.

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Trigger Hormonal Changes.

The production of various hormones during exercise, that are responsible for controlling energy levels in the body increases during warm-up.

This hormones assist to provide more carbohydrates and fatty acids for energy production. Thus warming before exercise improves hormonal balance and helps to boost metabolism.

Enhances Co-Ordination.

When the nervous system is prepare, it positively communicates with the muscles. A dynamic warm-up is especially effective in stimulating the central nervous system. The body reacts quickly over time when the muscles from the nerve are clearly infused.

This benefit of warm-up before exercise can help you to perform better exercise and also helps in more challenging workouts.

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Prevent Injuries.

Exercise is an effective and safe way to connect the brain with the body. Warm up is required just before workouts, as it especially helps your body to adapt the condition. It is a way to tell the body to get ready for more rigorous activity. One of the physical benefits of warm-up before exercise is that it makes workouts more secure and more efficient.

Boosts Mental Preparedness.

People who have stress they cannot focus on their exercise. Stress distracts them and even slows the mental focus. Those people fail to focus during exercise, become careless and even get injured many times. Warm-up clean your mind, increase focus and skills.

Activate Core and Protect the Joints.

The range of motion during warm-up helps to improve the joints of hips, knees, ankles and shoulders. It prepares the body to stay stable and balanced during workout session. Prevent injuries during workouts is one of the major physical benefits of warm up.

Dilate Blood Vessels.

It increases blood flow and puts less stress on the heart. Thus it is necessary to warm up before doing any workout.

Footnote. Warm-up gradually increases body temperature and heartbeat, which opens up your muscles. This makes you ready for heavy workouts. It also helps to increase your stamina. This allows you to take advantage of every exercise.
Right-way of warm up prepares you mentally for rest of the workouts. It also activates the neuro-muscular system. If you want to avoid any kind of injury, you must do warm-up before start workouts.
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Types of Warm Up Exercise.

Walk Up Warm-Up Exercise.

Walk Up
Walk Up

Walking is the easiest way to warm up, you go to the ground to walk and start walking. Bend your two hands with the elbow in order, until the angle of 90 degrees on the elbow is made. This makes your body warm.

Jumping Jack Warm-Up Exercise.

jumping jack
Jumping Jack

Jumping is one of the effective types of warm-up exercise, as it provide several positive advantages during workout session. Stand upright in one place to do it. Now jump and keep your two legs at equal distance and straighten your two hands upwards. Now jump again and bring your feet nearby and bring the hands down. Jump at least 10 times.

Foam Roller Warm-Up Exercise.

foam roller
Foam Roller

You can also heat the muscles by rolling the foam. The foam roller collects the fluid component of the tissue and activates the muscles. For this, 5-10 minutes of roll will active the muscles that are stiff.

Stretching Warm-Up Exercise.

stretching Warm Up Exercise

It is a very good means of warm-up. It stretch the muscles of our body. To take full advantage of this, you should stretching the part of your body that you are going to exercise. This will bring flexibility to your part and you will be able to do that exercise well.

Jumping Rope Warm-Up Exercise.

skipping Warm Up Exercise

Jumping rope is a good warm-up before doing any exercise. It intensifies your heart beat and improves blood circulation. It also warms your body and prepares you for exercise.

Marching Warm-Up Exercise.


This warm-up exercise is very beneficial. It warms your feet and makes them functional. Stand upright and raise your two legs one by one to 90 degrees respectively. First raise the right foot to 90 degrees then lower the right foot and raise the left foot to 90 degrees.

Cycling Warm-Up Exercise.

cycling Warm Up Exercise

Before exercise cycling is a good warm-up exercise. In addition you can also use the gymā€™s cycling machine for warm-ups. This leads to a stretch of the muscles of your feet, which helps you to exercise.

Upper Body Twist Warm-Up Exercise.

Upper body twist means rotating the upper body. Is the simplest and most famous warm-up to be done before doing any physical exercise. To do this, stand upright and keep the width of the shoulders between your two legs with equal distance.

twist Warm Up Exercise
Upper Body Twist

Thereafter, turn your two hands in front of the elbow and take a fist dam. Now bend the hips and torso to the right while keeping your feet stable.  Wait for a few seconds and return to the center. Now bend the hips and torso to the left, keeping your feet stable again. Practice it for 10 times in both directions.

Footnote. Warm-up should be done with low intensity. If you spend more energy in it, you will have very little energy for workouts. For example, if you are planning for chest exercise, shoulders or upper body parts, you should do the upper body warm up.

Usually it is enough to warm up for 10-15 minutes. In winter you can increase its time by 20 minutes. Do Skipping, Jumping Jack or Cardiovascular Movement for Warm-up. This will intensify your heart beat and the body will also heat up quickly.

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Warm Exercise for Kids.

The warm up exercise for kids are:

  • Jumping jacks.
  • Simple stretching.
  • Arm and shoulder stretching.
  • Marching.
  • Skipping.

Soccer Warm up Exercise.  

The soccer warm up exercise are:

  • Forward and backward jogging.
  • Skipping with backward arm circling.
  • Skipping backward and sideways.
  • High knees.
  • Butt kicks.

Frequently Asked Questions. 

1. What Is Static And Dynamic Stretch?

In static stretching, you stop every movement for 5-60 seconds. The same dynamic stretching has to move quickly. A lot of people are also confuse about warm ups.

The likelihood of injury decreases after static and dynamic stretching, but static stretch is relax the muscles before training and performance may decrease. According to the expert, it is right to make a body warm up by dynamic stretch.

2. What Happens If You Donā€™t Warm up Before Exercise?

If anyone doesnā€™t do warm up before exercise, it creates an unnecessary stress on heart and lungs which in later can adversely affect your body.

Bottom Line.

Most people believe that warm-ups have a flexibility in the body. In any person, the flexibility may vary according to his workouts. That means, there is a need for a flexibility to do anything.

Flexibility in the gym means the ability to do any work out with full range of motion. If your bodyā€™s flexibility is high during exercise, your body may have face weakness.

So donā€™t forget to perform different types of warm up exercise before starting any kind of workout in the Gym to prevent injury during workout and other positive advantages.

+1 Source

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  1. The effect of warm-ups with stretching on the isokinetic moments of collegiate men;

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