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9 Best Yoga Poses for Lumbar Spondylosis With Safety Tips

Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis is an effective way to find relief from the chronic pain associated with this condition. Practicing specific poses can help improve flexibility, strength, and balance, while also reducing stiffness and tension in the lumbar spine. This article will provide an overview of some of the most beneficial yoga poses for those with Lumbar Spondylosis, and how they can be incorporated into a regular practice.

Benefits of Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis.

1. Relieve Pain and Discomfort.

Yoga is a great way to help relieve the pain and discomfort associated with lumbar spondylosis, a degenerative spine condition.

2. Improve Posture and Flexibility.

Practicing yoga can help strengthen the muscles that support your spine, improve your posture, and increase flexibility, all of which can help reduce pain and increase mobility.

3. Reduce Inflammation.

Studies have also shown that regular yoga practice may reduce inflammation in the spine, helping to reduce symptoms such as pain and stiffness.(1)

4. Improve Quality of Life.

Yoga for lumbar spondylosis also has other benefits that can help improve your quality of life. It can help reduce stress, boost mood, and even improve sleep. Additionally, it can help you become more mindful of your body and how you move it, so you’ll be better able to prevent further injury.

Footnote: Overall, incorporating yoga into your daily routine can be a great way to manage lumbar spondylosis and make your life easier. If you’re living with lumbar spondylosis, give yoga a try and see how it can benefit you!

9 Best Yoga Poses for Lumbar Spondylosis.

1. Child’s Pose.

Child’s pose is a calming and restorative yoga posture that can be beneficial for those with lumbar spondylosis. It helps to stretch the hips, thighs, and ankles, while simultaneously calming the mind and relieving any tension in the lower back.

Balasana Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis
How to do Child’s Pose?
  • To begin, start in a kneeling position on the floor with your feet together and your buttocks resting on your heels.
  • Stretch your arms out in front of you and slowly lower your torso down to the floor, reaching your arms as far away from your body as possible.
  • Rest your forehead on the floor or a pillow and hold this pose for up to five minutes.
Footnote: You can also use this pose as an opportunity to practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques to further reduce stress and pain in the lower back. The benefits of yoga for lumbar spondylosis are clear, and a child’s pose can be a great place to start.

2. Bridge Pose.

The bridge pose is one of the best yoga poses for people with lumbar spondylosis. It is an intermediate-level pose, and it helps to relieve back pain caused by the condition. It also strengthens and stretches the back muscles and improves posture.

hip roll and bridge
How to do Bridge Pose?
  • To do the Bridge pose, begin by lying down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Place your hands on either side of your body and press into the floor with your feet.
  • As you inhale, lift your hips up towards the ceiling and squeeze your glutes.
  • Hold for a few breaths before releasing and lowering your hips back to the ground.
Footnote: This pose helps to strengthen the lower back and can provide much-needed relief from the pain of lumbar spondylosis. Be sure to listen to your body and not push too hard – if you feel any sharp pains or discomfort during this pose, come out of it slowly and gently.

3. Downward Facing Dog.

Downward-facing dog is one of the most popular poses in Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis. It helps to gently stretch and strengthen your spine, shoulders, and hamstrings, while also improving your posture and spinal alignment.

adho mukha savasana Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis
Downward Dog Pose
How to do Downward Facing Dog?
  • To do this pose, start in a tabletop position with your hands and knees on the floor.
  • Spread your fingers wide and tuck your toes under.
  • Lift your hips up and back, as you straighten your arms and legs.
  • Press your chest towards your thighs and heels towards the floor.
  • Relax your head and neck and stay here for five breaths.
Footnote: This pose can be modified if it’s too difficult or if you have any pain. You can place a folded blanket underneath your pelvis to reduce the intensity.

4. Cobra Pose.

The cobra pose is one of the most popular Yoga poses for Lumbar Spondylosis. It is a gentle backbend that helps to stretch and strengthen the spine, relieving pressure and pain in the lower back.

This pose can help to improve posture and relieve stiffness, which can often be associated with Lumbar Spondylosis.

Prone Cobra Exercise Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis
Cobra Pose
How to do Cobra Pose?
  • To practice the Cobra pose, begin by lying on your stomach on the floor with your legs extended out behind you.
  • Place your palms flat on the floor beneath your shoulders, pressing into your hands to lift your chest off the floor.
  • Be sure to keep your pubic bone and navel pressed into the floor, engaging your abdominal muscles.
  • Keep your elbows bent and your shoulder blades drawn together as you draw your head back slightly to look up toward the ceiling.
  • Hold this pose for up to five breaths before lowering back down to the ground.
Footnote: Cobra pose can provide a great stretch for those suffering from Lumbar Spondylosis, but it is important to listen to your body and only do what feels comfortable. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop the pose and try a more gentle variation such as Child’s pose.

5. Locust Pose.

Locust pose (Salabhasana) is a great yoga pose for those suffering from Lumbar Spondylosis. This pose can help to reduce tension and pressure in the lower back, strengthen the spine, and provide relief from pain and stiffness.

Locust Pose Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis
Locust Pose
How to do Locust Pose?
  • To get into the pose, start by lying on your stomach.
  • Take a few deep breaths, then lift your legs and upper body off the ground, as you reach your arms out behind you.
  • Hold the position for up to 20 seconds and then slowly lower down to your starting position.
  • As you practice this pose, keep your back long, shoulder blades pulled down your back, and abdominal muscles engaged. Locust pose is an effective pose to add to your Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis routine!

6. Mountain Pose.

Mountain pose, or Tadasana, is a foundational yoga posture and an important part of any yoga practice. It is a great choice for those with lumbar spondylosis, as it helps to increase spinal alignment, stretch the lower back muscles, and improve posture.

How to do Mountain Pose?
  • Stand tall with your feet slightly apart and your arms by your sides.
  • Draw your shoulders back and down and keep your chest lifted.
  • Engage your abdominal muscles and slowly lift your heels off the floor as you straighten your legs.
  • Lift your arms up and out to the sides, stretching them as far as possible, with your palms facing down.
  • Take five deep breaths and feel the stretch in your spine.
Footnote: Mountain pose is a great way to begin any yoga practice for those with lumbar spondylosis, as it helps to stretch and strengthen the lower back muscles and improve spinal alignment. In addition, it can also help to reduce stress, improve balance, and increase energy levels.

7. Cat Pose.

Cat pose, or Marjariasana, is a popular yoga pose for those with lumbar spondylosis. This gentle stretching pose helps to relieve tension in the lower back and also increases flexibility.

Cat Cow Pose Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis
How to do Cat Pose?
  • To practice the cat pose, begin on your hands and knees. Place your palms flat on the ground and make sure your wrists are directly below your shoulders.
  • As you inhale, draw your shoulder blades away from each other and arch your spine upwards.
  • Make sure to keep your head in a neutral position and your gaze downward.
  • As you exhale, round your spine towards the ceiling, tucking your chin towards your chest.
  • Hold this pose for three to five breaths before slowly releasing back into a neutral tabletop position.
Footnote: Cat pose is a great way to stretch and lengthen your spine while providing some much-needed relief to those with lumbar spondylosis. The gentle movement can help to increase flexibility and mobility while also helping to reduce pain and discomfort. It’s important to remember to move slowly and not overexert yourself when practicing this pose.

8. Rabbit Pose.

This pose is a fantastic yoga pose for those with lumbar spondylosis as it stretches the spine and helps to strengthen the back muscles.

Sasangasana Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis
Rabbit Pose
How to do Rabbit Pose?
  • To perform this pose, begin by sitting on your heels and bringing your forehead to the floor.
  • Reach your arms behind you and grab hold of your heels with your palms facing up.
  • Press your hips forward, pushing your shoulder blades and head into the floor.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds before releasing your feet and returning to a seated position.
Footnote: When performing Rabbit Pose, ensure that your back remains straight and your belly is pulled in. This will help you to open up your chest and stretch the spine while supporting your lower back muscles.
This pose can be modified by placing a block between the feet or using a wall for support. With regular practice, this yoga pose can help to alleviate discomfort associated with lumbar spondylosis and increase mobility in the lower back.

9. Surya Namaskar.

Surya Namaskar, or the “sun salutation”, is an ancient sequence of twelve yoga poses that can be used to increase flexibility and strengthen the body. It is also an effective way to reduce pain associated with lumbar spondylosis.

YouTube video

This powerful practice combines the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of yoga. Surya Namaskar starts in Mountain Pose and follows a set pattern of stretching and bending while focusing on the breath. The movements help to activate energy flow in the body, open the hips, and release tension in the spine.

As you move through the poses, begin with gentle inhalations and exhalations. Aim for slow and steady movement as this helps to calm your mind and relax your body.

As you progress, you may find yourself increasing the intensity of each pose, but always remember to remain conscious of your body’s limits.

When performing Surya Namaskar for lumbar spondylosis relief, it is important to be mindful of how your body feels throughout the sequence.

Pay attention to any areas where you are feeling pain or discomfort and make modifications as necessary. Additionally, be sure to include some restorative poses at the end of your practice to fully restore your body.

Footnote: By incorporating Surya Namaskar into your regular yoga practice, you can gain many benefits such as increased strength and flexibility in the spine, improved posture, and relief from chronic pain caused by lumbar spondylosis.

Safety Tips.

Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis can be a great way to find relief from the pain and stiffness associated with this condition. Before you begin your practice, it is important to keep a few safety tips in mind.

  • First, start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your poses as you become more comfortable. It is better to move slowly than to jump into more intense poses too quickly.
  • Secondly, be sure to keep good form in all of your poses. Avoid any movements that cause pain or discomfort, and always move within your own personal range of motion.
  • It is also important to keep your breathing steady while practicing yoga. Deep breathing can help to release tension and create relaxation.
  • Additionally, make sure you take regular breaks throughout your practice. Listening to your body’s signals and resting when needed is key to keeping your practice safe and beneficial.
  • Finally, make sure you have an experienced teacher or instructor who can help you adjust your poses for maximum safety and effectiveness. A qualified professional can provide guidance and help you modify poses as needed to accommodate your body and its needs.

By following these tips, you can safely practice Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis and benefit from its many benefits.

Yoga Poses To Avoid in Lumbar Spondylosis.

Yoga poses that need to avoid during lumbar spondylosis are:

  • Camel pose.
  • Boat pose.
  • Shoulder stand.
  • Full wheel pose.
  • Seated forward bend.
  • Bow Pose.
  • Fish pose.

Bottom Line.

Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis can be a great way to find relief from the pain and discomfort associated with this condition. By incorporating yoga poses into your regular routine, you can help reduce inflammation and strengthen your spine, as well as improve your flexibility and range of motion. Remember to practice safely and consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen. With the right yoga poses, you can enjoy the many benefits of Yoga for Lumbar Spondylosis.

+1 Source

Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Effect of Selected Yogic Practices on Pain and Disability in Patients with Lumbar Spondylitis;

Last reviewed on

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