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Transform With Effective 10 Cardio Exercise At Home

Many times you plan that you will definitely go to the gym from tomorrow and workout fiercely, but that tomorrow never comes. Even at home, workouts do not happen because machines and facilities like gyms are difficult to get available at home. As a result, you became obese. If we say that you can easily exercise in the house without any machine, it is justified to be happy. We are not talking in the air, but with concrete evidence to prove it. In this article, we have brought the 10 most effective cardio exercise for you, which you can do easily perform at your home. However, such exercise not only burn your calories, but also improve your metabolism. We will tell you how to do cardio exercise, as well as its overall health benefits.

10 Cardio Exercise at Home.

  1. Jumping Jack.
  2. Cross Jack.
  3. Spot Jogs.
  4. Skater Squat.
  5. Skipping.
  6. Jumping Lunge.
  7. High Knee March.
  8. Squat Jump.
  9. Surya Namaskar.
  10. Mountain Climber.

Jumping Jack.

If it is said that jumping jack is the most important in the category of cardio exercise, it will not be wrong. Doing this, burns a large amount of calories. At the same time, the thighs are strong and they get the right shape. Not only that, this exercise also helps to bring the stomach into the right shape.

jumping jack

Jumping Jack

How To Do Jumping Jack?

Step 1.

At first stretch your legs and arms before starting this exercise, so that it can be done easily and there is no difficulty while doing so.

Step 2.

Now stand perfectly and keep the waist and head straight. Keep the hands straight on the lower side with the body and the two legs must be interlinked.

Step 3.

Now jump as high as you can in the air with a slight bending of the knees.

Step 4.

Open your feet slightly while jumping and move the two hands above the head, spreading away from the body.

Step 5.

When you come down, the space between the legs should remain and the hands should remain straight upwards.

Step 6.

Now mix the jumping legs together and bring the hands down by spreading away from the body.

*Note. In the beginning you can do two rounds of this exercise and jump at least 30 times each round. Later, when you become habitual, you can make five rounds instead of two. Among of this 10 it is one of the easy cardio exercise which your can perform at your home.

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Cross Jack.

Cross jack is also the best exercise to burn calories. At the same time, this exercise can reduce the excess fat deposited on the thighs, biceps, triceps and calf. It also makes it easier to tone the abs.

Cross jack
Cross Jack

How To Do Cross Jack?

Step 1.

Stand upright by connecting the two legs together and keep the waist and head straight as well as keep the arms straight with the body.

Step 2.

Thereafter, spread your legs slightly and bounce in the air.

Step 3.

Then, when you come back down, place the legs on the ground while crossing each other.

Step 4.

During this whole process, keep your hands near the waist or you can cross the hands to the front side of the shoulder. You can follow the image to understand this process.

Step 5.

Try to breathe when you bounce, breathe in and cross the legs and come down, then breathe.

*Note. In the beginning you can do two sets of this workout and jump at least for 30 times in each sets. Later, when you become habitual, you can make five rounds instead of two.

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Spot Jogs.

One of the best exercise among the effective 10 cardio exercise which can also be easily done at home. It donā€™t take much too time to practice. This workout is hardly completed within a minute. It has to stand in just one place and bring the two legs up one by one, by the knee.

Spot jog
Spot Jogs

It is also necessary to speed up the hands, so that the heart rate can increase and get the full benefit of this exercise. You can also stand in a place like jogging and do it slowly. This cardio exercise can be perform comfortably at home.

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Skater Squat.

This exercise is also beneficial in the case of burning calories. It also helps the core muscles to function properly. By doing this exercise, the glute, puff and waist etc., come in a good shape. In short terms, the skater squat keeps the whole body fit and balanced. There are many ways to do the skater squat, one of which we are talking about here.

Skater Squat
Skater Squat

How To Do Skater Squat?

Step 1.

Stand upright by connecting the legs together and keep the waist and head straight.

Step 2.

Now bend the right foot backwards with the left foot firmly on the ground.

Step 3.

Then bend the left knee and bend forward.

Step 4.

In the meantime, bring the both hands forward, as shown in the image. Then rise back up. Do this whole process fast.

Step 5.

Do it with the left foot after about 15-20 times with the right foot. Thus a set of yours will be completed.

*Note.   At the beginning you can set up close to two like this.

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If you practice skipping only for 20 consecutive minutes then you can easily burned about 200 calories at a time. However, any long and strong rope in the house can be used for this, but it would be more good to use a cheap-priced skipping rope from the market.


At the same time, there is no need for any special training or skill to do it. Doing this is a complete exercise of legs, thighs, waist and wrists etc. as well as it also improve flexibility throughout the body.

How To Do Skipping?

Step 1.

Hold the skipping rope and stand upright. Keep the hands at a distance of about one foot from the body.

Step 2.

Now bring the rope from behind to the back. When the rope goes from front to back, jump over it.

Step 3.

Keep in mind that you have to jump with the force of the claws and rotate the rope through the hands and wrists.

*Note.  You must jump for 25-30 times in a set. Three such sets can be done.

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Jumping Lunges.

Among of 10 this is also one of the best cardio exercise which can be easily done at home. Doing this strengthens the muscles of the thighs. It increase the heart rate and improve blood circulation throughout the body.

jumping lunges

Jumping Lunges

How To Do Jumping Lunges?

Step 1.

Stand upright to do it and keep the waist and head straight.

Step 2.

Now bring the two arms to the waist by folding them with the elbows.

Step 3.

Then bend the right leg forward, while place the left hand near the chest and the right hand behind the back. This is exactly the similar stage as when we are ready for the race.

Step 4.

Now bounce as much as you can and bend the left foot while coming back down, while moving the right foot back. The state of the hands will also change in the same way. Thus a cycle will be completed. Keep it fast.

*Note. At the beginning you may perform two sets of 30 cycles and about 100 cycles in a set after few days later.

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High Knee March.

It is one of the easiest exercise in the category of cardio, but it required a lot of energy. This exercise can give a good shape to your buttocks, thighs and abdominal abs and also boost the stamina of the body.

high knee march
High Knee March

How To Do High Knee March?

Step 1.

Stand upright. Your feet should be touched together and the hands are directly with the body.

Step 2.

Now bring the left hand to the chest by folding it with the elbow, while turning the right leg up with the knee.

Step 3.

Then bring the right foot and left hand down and lift the left foot and right hand up. This process will be exactly the same as we usually do. Just stand in one place and make the feet up and down. You must perform this exercise with average speed for achieve most of its benefits. Do it 50 times, which will take hardly 20 seconds.

*Note. You can do about three such sets.

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Squat Jump.

Doing this intensifies the heart rate and increases blood circulation throughout the body, which affects the metabolism. The squat jump burns a large amount of calories and also increases the capacity of the legs. You can do it anytime and anywhere. It does not require much space, time or instructor.

squat jump Cardio exercise at home
Squat Jump

How To Do Squat Jump?

Step 1.

Stand upright and open the legs slightly and keep the hands straight.

Step 2.

Now bend the knees slightly while keeping the waist straight and spread the hands straight forward.

Step 3.

Then jump in the air as much as possible and move the hands up.

Step 4.

When you come back down, bend the knees again. So, one of your cycles is completed. Gradually make it fast.

*Note.  You can set two of 10 cycles. Keep in mind that, does not put excessive force on the toes and place the feet properly on the ground.

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Surya Namaskar.

There can be nothing better than sun salutation as cardio workouts. It is a single physical activity that is capable of keeping the whole body fit. While doing this yoga, 12 types of physical functions are performed, in which the body is exercising from top to bottom. It is the best yoga to keep yourself fit, both physically and mentally.

surya namaskar Cardio exercise at home
Surya Namaskar

One thing to keep in mind is that it should be perform with empty stomach in the morning. It can burn 350 calories by about 25 minutes. Relax for four-five rounds and then increase your speed later.

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Mountain Climber.

Doing this burns a lot of calories in the body, gives the abs and thighs the best shape, strengthens the muscles and improves blood circulation. This cardio exercise should be include at your home workout routine.

mountain climber Cardio exercise at home
Mount Climber

How To Do Mountain Climber?

Step 1.

Lay down on the abdominal force on the ground and keep the hands on the shoulders and touch the ground.

Step 2.

Then lift the body up by the force of the hands. At this stage, the entire weight of the body should be on the palms and toes. Keep the body straight from top to bottom.

Step 3.

Now bend the left knee and bring it to the chest and stay in the same state for about two seconds.

Step 4.

Then move the left foot backward and immediately bring the right foot forward. This way you will complete one repetition. Now do it continuously without break.

*Note.   You must do 2 sets of 20 cycle in each set, which is later increased to 50.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

1. How many calories have to burn by home cardio workout to became ripped from thin?

Cardio is typically a mixture of moderate or vigorous physical activity which helps to burn lots of calories. However, if a person with 154 pound want to became ripped from a thin body structure he have to burn approximately 140 to 295 along with balanced diet and exercise.

2. Can a patient of distal gastrectomy do cardio as exercise?

It depends upon the condition of the patient. However, according to the doctor it is best to avoid cardio exercise in such situation, as it can increase the problems. Patient should do light exercise like walking.

3. Can one do cardio exercise while taking flotral tablet?

Flotral tablet is used to treat prostatic hyperplasia. However, it is a best practice to exercise like cardio to suppress the effects of this disease. Cardio exercise effectively boost up your physical stamina and endurance. However, one should always take recommendation from the doctor before start cardio exercise in such a situation.

4. Can I do cardio exercise while doing stretching at the same day?

Yes, one can do cardio exercise while doing stretching, as it provide a good stretch in the muscles and also provide sufficient energy and flexibility during cardio. You should stretch before and after the cardio exercise, it help to relax the muscle groups and reduce the risk of muscle soreness. You can choose any out of these 10 cardio exercise at home.

5. What kind of cardio exercise is good to resist vasovagal syncope?

Vasovagal syncope is a condition when your body overreacts to a certain situation or condition, such as emotional distress or sight of blood etc. However, different types of cardio exercise like skipping, swimming, cycling and jogging can effectively resist vasovagal syncope.

6. Which time is best to do abs exercise before or after cycling cardio?

It is the best time to do abs exercise before cardio, as cardio engage majority part of the muscles which cause loss of energy. As a result you canā€™t put your full effort during abs workout. So, it is better to do abs workout before cardio.

7. If a man have blood pressure reading 110/55 can he do cardio exercises?

Yes, cardio exercise is an effective exercise to reduce the high blood pressure. It is also effective to strengthen your heart muscle groups. However, it is recommended to start with light exercise with the consultation of a doctor.

Bottom Line.

Before starting any new exercises mentioned here, make sure that you are healthy for that exercise or not. If there is any difficulty in doing these cardio workouts at the beginning, learn it from an instructor and then do it yourself.

If you are suffering from a serious health problem like heart disease, take medical advice before doing these exercises. All 10 cardio exercise mentioned in the article are effective, if you practice those at your home in regular basis, it has the ability to deliver a positive results. Donā€™t forget to tell us how this information felt in the comments box.

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