Nowadays, the influence of diseases and pandemics are increased day by day. However, over lakh of people are lost their life due to such kind of diseases. According to the several proven studies it is found that person with low immunity power have the maximum health risks.(1) Therefore, we picked out 6 best yoga poses to boost immunity power.
Which Yoga Help in Your Boosting Immune System and How It Boost Immunity Power?
These poses are simple, effective and It can be perform by anyone having any age group. Because age is just a number. Here we guide you with step by step instructions along with its effectiveness and contradictions.
6 Best Yoga Poses To Boost Immunity Power.
- Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Fish Pose.
- Matasana or Fish Pose.
- Uttanpadasana or Raised Leg Pose.
- Pawanmuktasana or Wind-Relieving Pose.
- Katichakrasana or Waist Rotation Pose.
- Hastottanasana or Up-Stretched Arms.
Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Fish Pose.
This pose or asana was named after Yogi โMatsyendranathโ. He was the first who discover this pose. Since it was quite difficult to practice therefore, simple form was introduced and was known as โArdha Matsyendrasanaโ.

Steps of Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Fish Pose.
Step 1.
Spread your legs in front and sit on the ground.
Step 2.
Fold the right foot and place the foot near the right finger. The outer edge of the foot must touch the ground.
Step 3.
Fold the left leg from the knee and keep it out to the right.
Step 4.
Bring the right hand over the left hand and hold the left hand with the right hand. Rotate the left side to the left and move the left arm back and wrap it around the waist.
Step 5.
Turn the arm to the left and look back. Hold this pose upto 5 to 10 seconds.
Step 6.
To get back to the normal just fold the neck and turn the arm in the middle. Then, bring the arms to the side of the body and release gently. Repeat this process in a same way on the other side.
Contraindications or Limitations of Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Fish Pose.
Individuals with peptic ulcers, hernia, enlarged liver or person undergone abdominal surgery should avoid.
Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Fish Pose.
- This asana is beneficial for improving concentration.
- Beneficial for the joints.
- Improve immunity power.(2)
- It strengthening the muscles groups of the body.(3)
- It reduces digestive problems.
- Recommended 2-3 repetitions.
Matsyasana or Fish Pose to Boost Immunity Power.
โMatsaโ means fish. In this asana or pose the body takes the position of a floating fish, so it is called โMatsyasanaโ.

Steps of Matsyasana or Fish Pose.
Step 1.
Bend backward by supporting the arms and elbows. Now, raising the chest, move the upper body upward.
Step 2.
Place the center of the body on the floor. Hold the fingers of the hand with the claws. Place the elbow on the floor. Hold it steadily for 5 to 10 seconds.
Step 3.
With the help of the elbow, lower the chest, bring the head to the floor and open the legs. Sit back to the normal.
Contraindications or Limitations of Matsyasana or Fish Pose.
Avoid if you are suffering from ulcerative colitis, heart disease, cardiac arrest and acute back problems.
Benefits of Matsyasana or Fish Pose.
- Beneficial for those who have mild back pain or discomfort.
- It helps to reduce asymmetry and make the body flexible.
- Boost immunity power.(4)
- It is useful in throat problems such as tendons.
- It reduces anxiety and induces lightness.(5)
- Recommended 2-3 repetitions.
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Uttanpadasana or Raised-Leg Pose to Boost Immunity Power.
In Sanskrit word means โUttanโ means to Stretch and โPadaโ means Leg. In this posture, the legs are pulled upwards. Hence the name of this asana is โUttanpadasanaโ. This is a traditional pose. It can be practiced by one leg or with both legs at a time.

Steps of Uttanpadasana or Raised-Leg Pose.
Step 1.
Lie on your back, legs joined together, hands are placed next to the body.
Step 2.
Inhale slowly, and raise both legs up to the core of at about 45 degree and maintain this position for 5โ10 seconds.
Step 3.
To get back to the normal, exhale and slowly down both legs to the surface.
Contraindications or Limitations of Uttanpadasana or Raised-Leg Pose.
- If there is a back related issue, do not practice this asana with both feet.
Benefits of Uttanpadasana or Raised-Leg Pose.
- Beneficial for constipation, indigestion and infertility.
- It strengthens the abdominal muscles.
- Enhance immunity power.
- Recommended 3-4 repetitions.
Pawanmuktasana or Wind Relieving Pose to Boost Immunity Power.
The Sanskrit word โPawanโ means Air and โMuktaโ means Release. This asana is called โPawanmuktโ because it helps to remove the digestive gas trapped in the stomach and intestines.

Steps of Pawanmuktasana or Wind Relieving Pose.
Step 1.
Lie on the floor, legs joined together and hand on the sides of the body.
Step 2.
While breathing, bend both legs at the knees and bring them near the stomach.
Step 3.
Hold the knees with the arms and press on the stomach.
Step 4.
While exhaling, touch your forehead on your knees.
Step 5.
At the time of release, carefully move the head down and open the arms and bring them to the end.
Step 6.
While exhaling, move the feet forward and make a straight posture.
Contraindications or Limitations of Pawanmuktasana or Wind Relieving Pose.
โข Do not practice this if you are suffering from additional abdominal pain or stomach injuries.
Benefits of Pawanmuktasana or Wind Relieving Pose.
- Helps to increase digestive power. (6)
- It helps to flush out the gas in the stomach.
- Boost metabolism by which your immunity power enhance.
- It helps in removing excess fat in the stomach area.
- Recommended 2-3 repetitions.
Katichakrasana or Waist Rotation Pose.
The word โKatichakrasanaโ is a combination of three words Kati, Chakra and Asana. Here โKatiโ means hip, โChakraโ means wheel and โAsanaโ means state of physical body. In this posture, the arms move like a wheel. Therefore, it is known as โKatichakrasanaโ.

Steps of Katichakrasana or Waist Rotation Pose.
Step 1.
Stand straight and make a distance at about 12 inches between both legs.
Step 2.
Now raise your arms and bring both hands and face in front of the chest.
Step 3.
While breathing, move the arm slowly to the right side of your body. Also, move your body backwards, as far as you can.
Step 4.
While moving to the right, keep the right hand straight and the left hand folded.
Step 5.
Exhale and expose the arms. Continue this exercise alternatively to the left.
Contraindications or Limitations of Katichakrasana or Waist Rotation Pose.
โข People suffering from severe spinal or back problems should avoid.
Benefits of Katichakrasana or Waist Rotation Pose.
- It put great stretch to the back and make it flexible and strong.
- It strengthens bones, neck, hands, abdomen and thighs.
- This Yoga Boost Immunity Power and helps you to fight with several diseases. (7)
- Recommended 3-4 repetitions.
Hastottanasana or Up-Stretched Arm.
The word โHastottanasanaโ is made up of three words which is hast, ottan and asana. The word โhastโ means hand, โottanโ means stretch and โasanaโ means the state of the physical body. In this posture, the arms are pulled upwards.

Steps of Hastottanasana or Up-Stretched Arm.
Step 1.
Stand straight on the surface, keep both feet together.
Step 2.
While breathing, raise both hands upward and bend your body inward.
Step 3.
Now snatch your two hands together and bend your body to the right as much as you can. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds.
Step 4.
Now continue this practice on the left side as well.
Benefits of Hastottanasana or Up-Stretched Arm.
- This asana stretch the back muscles.
- It reduces pain in the neck, bones and arms.
- It is beneficial to increase the length of growing children. (8)
- This increases bone marrow flexibility.
- This Yoga Boost Immunity Power.
Contraindications or Limitations of Hastottanasana or Up-Stretched Arm.
- This asana should not be practiced in case of excessive back pain, swelling and abdominal discomfort.
- Recommended 3-4 repetitions.
Bottom Line.
Apart from yoga you should maintain a proper nutrition to get the best result. In this respect you should find out immune boosting foods.
You will get the maximum result when you practice this yoga position in regular basis. However, you may interested in our unique Quantum Yoga to achieve an attractive and toned physique.
+8 Sources
Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.
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