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7 Wonderful Yoga Poses To Reduce Cholesterol

You may have often heard many people say that anything unhealthy is always harmful. The same thing happens with the nutrients needed for our body. Irregular diet is one of the major reasons. Irregular diets sometimes cause some elements to become so high in our body, which increases the risk of many diseases. One of these is cholesterol, which causes many heart-related problems. Yoga is a great option to reduce cholesterol. In this article, we will explain in detail how yoga is beneficial to control high cholesterol.

What Is Cholesterol?

For good health and better development, the body needs a variety of nutrients. However, all the nutrients we get from food, but there are some of them that our body manufactures. Cholesterol is also one of these. It is a type of fat and is sticky like wax and fat in appearance. Cholesterol mainly produced in the liver.

Therefore, it does not need to be taken from the food (dairy products, which are its alternative sources). Control of cholesterol becomes very important. Uncontrolled cholesterol can cause many health risks related to heart disease (e.g. blood thickening, obesity, high BP and heart stroke). Therefore, cholesterol levels must be normal.

How Does Yoga Help in Cholesterol?

It is generally advisable to take a balanced diet with regular exercise to control cholesterol. Of course, exercise and balanced diet are essential for health, but in some situations it cannot be controlled with exercise and diet. So, doctors also recommend yoga with exercise to reduce cholesterol in their routines.

In a research conducted in this regard, it is mentioned that yoga reduces the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the amount of good cholesterol (HDL). This can reduce the risks arising in high cholesterol conditions (e.g. blood thickening, obesity, high BP and heart stroke). For this reason, it can be said that yoga can prove to be a good way to relieve from this problem.

After knowing the benefits of yoga for high cholesterol treatment, we will now talk about some of the special yoga postures that are beneficial in this problem.

Yoga to Reduce Cholesterol.

Many postures of yoga are used to reduce high cholesterol, out of which we are going to tell you some effective yoga poses. While talking about profit, all these postures of yoga strengthen the metabolic process in the body and reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the amount of good cholesterol (HDL). It improves health and also strengthens the immune system.

7 Yoga Poses To Reduce Cholesterol.

  1. Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand Pose.
  2. Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend Pose.
  3. Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire.
  4. Ardha matsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Fish Posh.
  5. Anulom Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise.
  6. Shalabhasana or Locust Pose.
  7. Chakrasana or Wheel Pose.

Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand Pose To Reduce Cholesterol.

How To Do Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand Pose?

Sarvangasana yoga

Step 1.

First lay the yoga mat and lie down comfortably on the back. In the meantime, keep the hands with the body next to the waist.

Step 2.

Now gently lift your feet up. Now support the waist and hips with your hands and lift them up from the ground.

Step 3.

Then support the elbow with the hands and straighten the legs with the hands on the ground.

Step 4.

Keep in mind that while doing so, the knees and feet should be join together. Also, make sure that the whole weight of the body is on your shoulders, head and elbow. At the same time, touch the chin with the chest.

Try to stay in this position for a few seconds and slowly breathe and leave.

Now release a deep breath and return slowly to the initial position.


  • Do not do this posture at all in the problem of hernia.
  • Do not try to do this posture when there is injury or pain in the neck or shoulder.
  • Practice this posture under the supervision of the instructor when there is thyroid.
  • This posture should not be used when there is a heart disease.
Read Now: 10 Essential Yoga Poses for Anxiety and Depression

Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend Pose To Reduce Cholesterol.

How To Do Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend Pose?


Step 1.

First, lay the yoga mat on the ground and spread the legs forward.

Step 2.

Keep in mind that while doing so, keep the knees remain straight and the feet are adjacent.

Step 3.

Keep the head, neck and spinal cord straight.

Step 4.

Now slowly exhale and bend forward and try to catch the legs of the feet with your hands. Keep in mind that don’t turn your knees.

Now try to stay in this state for a few seconds and breathe slowly.

Then take a deep breath and get straight.


If the back, waist or any other organ has been operated, do not do this posture.

  • People suffering from diarrhea should stay away from this posture.
  • Pregnant women should not do this posture.
  • People with asthma, ulcers and slip discs (joint related disorders) should stay away from this posture.
Read Now: 14 Unexpected Health Benefits of Yoga

Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire To Reduce Cholesterol.

How To Do Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire?


Step 1.

First, lay the yoga mat and sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana.

Step 2.

Now take a long deep breath and leave slowly.

Step 3.

In the breathing process, keep in mind that your stomach should inward while doing so.

Step 4.

Now keep the mouth closed and keep breathing and take it from the nose. While doing so, your stomach will move inward.

Step 5.

Do this process slowly and comfortably. Don’t try to insist at all.

Keep doing this process as long as possible. Stop a little longer when fatigued and repeat the process again.

Thus, you can repeat four to five chakras of Kapalbhati.


  • Do this posture with an expert if you starts practicing for the first time.
  • If there is blood pressure, epilepsy, migraine and cardiovascular problems, take the doctor’s advice before doing this posture.
  • Pregnant women should avoid doing this pose.
  • Do not eat anything before the kapalbhati.
  • Avoid this posture during the menstrual cycle.
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Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Fish Pose To Reduce Cholesterol.

How To Do Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Fish Pose?

ardha matsyendrasana Yoga To Reduce Cholesterol
Ardha Matsyendrasana

Step 1.

At first, lay the yoga mat and spread the legs straight in the front.

Step 2.

Thereafter, bend the right knee and place it out on the side of the left foot knee.

Step 3.

Now, bend the left knee and place the left heel under the right hip.

Step 4.

Keep in mind that the spinal cord should be straight in this situation.

Step 5.

Now try to catch the right ankle while keeping the left side outside the right knee. Now rotate the neck and waist to the right.

Stay in the same posture for a few seconds and repeat the process from the other side also.

  • Women should avoid this posture during menstruation.
  • Pregnant women must avoid this posture.
  • If you have any type of surgery then avoid doing this posture.
  • This posture should not be practice in the problem of peptic ulcer and hernia.
  • Do not do this posture if there is pain or injury to the spinal cord.
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Anulom Pranayama or Alternate Nostrils Breath Exercise To Reduce Cholesterol.

How To Do Anulom Pranayama or Alternate Nostrils Breath Exercise?

Anulom Vilom Yoga To Reduce Cholesterol
Anulom Vilom

Step 1.

At first, lay the yoga mat and sit in Padmasana. You can also sit in Sukhasana, Siddhasana or Vajrasana.

Step 2.

Now raise your right hand up and close the right hole of the nose with the thumb. Then take a long deep breath from the left nose.

Step 3.

Then release the breath out of the right hole by closing the left hole of the nose with the smallest finger of your right hand.

Keep in mind that your left hand will remain on the knee while doing so. Repeat this process for about five minutes.

  • Do not breathe deeply if you have any heart disease, otherwise the discomfort may increase.
  • Women should avoid during menstruation and pregnancy.
  • If a particular organ has undergone surgery, do not practice it at all.
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Shalabhasana or Locust Pose To Reduce Cholesterol.

How To Do Shalabhasana or Locust Pose?

Shalabhasana Yoga To Reduce Cholesterol

Step 1.

First, lay down on the abdominal force by laying yoga mat.

Step 2.

Keep both your feet straight and spread the toes of your foot outward.

Step 3.

Now make a fist with both your hands and press under the thighs.

Step 4.

Thereafter keep the head and mouth straight towards and look at the front.

Step 5.

Now take a deep breath and try to lift both the legs above the ground. Keep in mind that don’t bend the knees.

Step 6.

Move the legs to your maximum height as much as possible and try to remain in the same situation as long as possible. On completion of the time, slowly exhale and bring the legs down and come back to your initial position.

Repeat these exercises about three to four times at a time.

  • Do not eat anything before doing this posture.
  • If there is pain in the spine, neck and head, do not try to do this posture.
  • Pregnant women do not do this posture at all.
  • Consult a doctor before the practice of this posture when there is pain in the groin, back and knee.
  • While doing this posture, breathe through the nose, do not try to breathe from the mouth.
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Chakrasana or Wheel Pose To Reduce Cholesterol.

How To Do Chakrasana or Wheel Pose?

Chakrasana Yoga To Reduce Cholesterol

Step 1.

To do this posture, first lay down on the back by laying yoga mat.

Step 2.

In this situation, make sure that both your hands and feet remain straight.

Step 3.

Now bring your feet closer to the hips by folding it with knees.

Step 4.

Now take your palms to the sky and take it to the back of the head and hinge on the ground.

Step 5.

Now breathe deeply and lift the hips above the ground while weighing on your feet.

Step 6.

Then lift your hands up by weighing on both your hands and gradually straighten your elbows. Keep in mind that the distance between the two legs and hands are same.

Step 7.

Now straighten your hands with the elbow and the feet completely from the knees.

Step 8.

Now try to bring your head down the waist as much as possible. Keep in mind that, do not try to exceed your ability to bring the head down to the waist. Try to stay in this situation for a few seconds.

Finally take a deep breath and gradually return to the initial position.

  • Do not do this posture if there is a problem of wrist pain or carpal tunnel syndrome (numbness of muscles when pressure occurs).
  • Avoid doing this posture in case of pain in the back, shoulder and groin.
  • This posture should avoid in the problem of high blood pressure.
  • Pregnant women do not do this posture.
Read Now:  Adho Mukha Svanasana and Its Health Benefits.

Bottom Line.

Now you know how beneficial yoga is to reduce high cholesterol through the article. You may also have been aware of how it is possible to control cholesterol through yoga. In this article, we have told you about certain postures of yoga and the right way to do them. Through these, you can not only make your body healthier, but also keep yourself away from many serious diseases. If you also fully agree with it, then start from today. Read all the information related to this subject in the article thoroughly and apply them in your daily routine.

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