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7 Evergreen Exercises for Flat Tummy and 6 Pack Abs

For flat Tummy or 6 pack abs you may have tried lots of strict diet and different kinds of exercises. However, still you have not achieved that result. Not only that, for the flat tummy people leave the foods, drinks and workout day and night.

It is a little bit difficult to get a flat tummy as it required right diet, exercises and lots of patience.

Many people start doing several advance exercise to get abs instead of basic exercises. The effect is that they are not able to do exercise for several days because of the pain in your abdomen or the stretch of the muscles.

So, today we will tell you about some easy exercise to get a flat tummy and tone abs. It is one of the very simple and effective exercises to achieve flat tummy and abs, also perfect for beginners . You can also practice this exercises at your home without any assistance.

Best Exercises for Flat Tummy.

  1. Bicycle Crunches.
  2. The Boat Pose.
  3. Plank.
  4. Alternate Toe Touch.
  5. Leg Raise.
  6. Seated Knee Tuck.
  7. Russian Twist.

Bicycle Crunches for Six Pack Abs.

It is a very good exercise for abs, it make tension on your oblique muscles.

Cycling exercise Exercises for Flat Tummy
Bicycle Crunches Gif

How To Do Bicycle Crunches?

Step 1.

To do this, you lie down on the back and bring both hands behind your head.

Step 2.

Now straighten the left leg by turning the legs at 45 degree angle and bring the right foot to the chest.

Step 3.

Touch the left hand elbow with the knee of the right foot by bringing your upper body up and then switch to the other side.


3 sets of 15 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 20 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 25 reps.
40 seconds rest between sets.

Bicycle Crunches Benefits.    

Including bicycle crunches in your workout routine helps in increasing core strength, slim waist and improves your stability and flexibility. This exercise works for your abs and obstinating and as it keeps your body constantly moving, increases your heart rate, and burns even more calories.

Footnote. Do this exercise slowly in the beginning. You can increase your speed when you practice. This exercise is beneficial for your abdominal as well as core muscle.

The Boat Pose for Six Pack Abs.

This exercise leads tension on the abs muscles and it is a very easy exercise. In yoga it is also known as “Naukasana” or the boat pose. You can click on this link to know the right way, benefits and contradiction regarding “Naukasana”.

naukasana1 Exercises for Flat Tummy
Boat Pose

How To Do Boat Pose?

Step 1.

First you have to lie on the floor and let the hips stay on the ground.

Step 2.

Now lift the lower body and upper body upwards according to the picture. This will become a boat pose and in a little while you will feel the tension on the abs.


4 sets of 40 Seconds.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 1 Minutes.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 11/2 Minutes.
40 seconds rest between sets.

Boat Pose Benefits.

The role of boat pose is huge. When done properly and consistently, the most noticeable benefits include:
• Relieves stress.
• Strengthens the abdominal, hip flexors and spine.
• Stimulates kidneys, prostate, thyroid and intestines.
• Improves digestion.

Footnote. Keep in mind that while doing this exercise, must focus on the abs. It put positive effect on your lower abs and give you an effective result.

Plank for Six Pack Abs.

One of the most popular exercise for abs is Plank. It can be done in many way. It is an ideal exercise for your abs as well as it strengthen your core muscle groups. Plank increases flexibility in the body and also relaxes back pain.

plank exercise Exercises for Flat Tummy

How To Do Plank?

Step 1.

First come to the push up position. Keep in mind that we do push ups on palm and plank is done with the forearms.

Step 2.

Simple touch your elbow with the surface and make a parallel position. Make sure your body should be straight, firm and head should be downwards. Avoid any unnecessary movement of the body while doing this.


3 sets of 30 Seconds.
50 seconds rest between each sets.

3 sets of 1 Minutes.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 11/2 Minutes.
40 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. One of the simple and effective exercise for all age groups. Very popular among the athlete because of its several benefits. By doing this exercise, you can get a flat tummy and an attractive six pack abs.

Alternate Toe Touch for Six Pack Abs.

This exercise stretch the back muscle and four muscle groups located in the back of the thigh. With this exercise you can also strengthen your erector spinal muscles which are located in lower back.

alternate toe touch Exercises for Flat Tummy
Alternate Toe Touch

How To Do Alternate Toe Touch?

Step 1.

Lie on the floor and keep the hands and chest upwards.

Step 2.

First lift the right foot upwards and touch it with the left hand. Now do the same with the left foot and the right hand.


3 sets of 12 reps.
60 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 16 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 20 reps.
40 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. One of the effective exercise to engage your core and abdominal muscles. Person having back problems or injury should avoid this exercise.

Leg Raise for Six Pack Abs.

In leg raise exercise, the legs are raised upwards with the thrust of the abs or abdomen and then come back to the first position. This is a very good exercise for abs. It can be done in 3 ways with 30, 60 and 90 degree angle.

leg raise Exercises for Flat Tummy
Leg Raise

How To Do Leg Raise?

Step 1.

First you have to lie on the floor or mat and then lift the legs on the angle according to your capacity and then bring it down and up by keeping your toes straight.

Step 2.

Keep in mind that your feet should not touch the floor during this exercise and your hand should attach with the floor.


3 sets of 15 reps.
50 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 20 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 25 reps.
40 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. If you have any kind of back pain or injury you can do this exercise with folded knee. With a angle of 30 degrees you can engage lower abs, with 60 degree angle upper abs and for full range of motion prefer 90 degree. You can put an effective tension on your entire core muscle. It can also be perform with the both legs together or with alternate leg.

Seated Knee Tuck for Six Pack Abs.

It is very effective exercises to trigger a flat tummy and six pack abs, as it puts adequate tension on core muscle and abs. It can be done on the floor or on the bench.

seated knee tuck
Seated Knee Tuck

How To Do Seated Knee Tuck?

Step 1.

To do this, keep your hands backwards and support the floor or bench with your fingers.

Step 2.

Now try to touch the knees with your chest while bending slightly behind, turning the legs and come back to the first position after holding half a second. It will be called a round.


3 sets of 15 reps.
50 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 20 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 25 reps.
40 seconds rest between sets.

Footnote. Seated knee tuck in effective for your abdominal muscle and for your entire core. You can do this exercise easily at your home or during your training session.

Russian Twist for Six Pack Abs.

The Russian twist also makes tension on the abs as well as core muscles and on the side oblique.

russian twist
Russian Twist

How To Do Russian Twist?

Step 1.

At first, you have to make ‘V’ shape by turning the knees. That means your body should have a balance only on your hips.

Step 2.

Then twist your upper body on both sides. Doing so you will feel a stretch in your abs, as a result all the fats will burn from there.


4 sets of 10 reps.
50 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 20 reps.
45 seconds rest between each sets.

4 sets of 25 reps.
40 seconds rest between sets.

Russian Twist Benefits. 

Russian twists strengthen your root, diagonal and spine. It’s a total core exercise that also improves your balance, builds stability in your spine, and trims your middle part at once.

Footnote. Before doing this exercise stretch your back muscles and legs. By doing this you can prevent injury. Focus on your breath and posture while doing this exercise.
Click here to find out which foods you can add to your diet to get flat and ripped six pack abs.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. Apart from all what are the best exercises for belly fat or best exercises for flat tummy or six pack abs?

Here are 30 abs exercises that will definitely help you to achieve your six pack abs along with flat tummy;
Sit Ups.
Russian twist.
Bear crawl.
Sit ups.
Bird Dog.
Boat tucks.
Flutter kicks.
Scissor legs.
Straight legged sit up.
Boat pose.
Suitcase sit ups.
Supine leg circles.
Seated knee tuck.
Reverse crunch.
Alternate toe touch.
Heel reaches.
Dead bug.
V-Sit hold.
Bicycle crunch.
Jack knife.
Rocking high plank.
High plank.
Leg raise.
Forearm plank.
Side plank.
Thread the needle.
Plank jacks.
Plank reaches.

2. Which machine exercise is best for flat tummy?

Here are the top 4 machines for the flat tummy exercise;
Elliptical machine.
Rowing machine.
Stationary bike.

3. What exercise do cross fitters do for six pack abs?

Cross fitters are follow several unique exercise for their six pack abs, here are the list of top 10 exercises;
Sit Ups.
Russian twist.
Boat tucks.
High plank.
Flutter kicks.
Rocking high plank.
Bicycle crunch.
Reverse crunch.
Alternate toe touch.

4. How can I get flat stomach at home?

You can get a flat tummy with six pack abs at home with this 17 simple and effective tips;
Cut Calories.
Eat more Soluble fibers.
Prefer Probiotics.
Cardio. (2 Times a week).
Consume Protein foodstuffs.
Consume foods contains monounsaturated Fatty Acids.
Prefer complex carbs.
Sit straight on the chair.
Cut off soda beverages.
Consume whole grains.
Eat salad without salt.
Use stairs instead of lift.
Running or walking.
Chair leg raise.
Sit ups.
Vertical leg crunch.

5. How can I workout for my abs?

You should plan your workout routine smartly, for example you should focus on your core and divide your exercise such a way that you can engage your upper as well as lower abs. You must do 2-3 times of abs workout with interval of 1 days.

6. How can you get six pack abs in 30 days?

Yes, you can get your six pack abs in 30 days, here are the 10 tips;
Drink plenty of water.
Cut your salt intake.
Check your improvement.
Chew your food.
Consume more fiber.
Get adequate sleep (minimum 8 hours).
Limit your sugar intake.
Add more protein.
Eat attentively.
Exercise regularly.

Bottom Line.

You may have understood how much it can be benefited by including these exercise in the workout plan. As we know 60 to 70 per cent of the fitness contributes to diet and 30-40 per cent are the contribution of workouts. So take a clean, healthy and balance diet for a positive result.

Read our fitness section for more information and if you have a question about fitness, you can comment and ask for a reply.

+2 Sources

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  1. The Internal and External Oblique Muscles;
  2. Which Are My Core Muscles?;

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