In our busy schedule we all are engaged and ignore our health issues which makes us fat and we ignore our precious health which is priceless. Living a healthy life is dream of each and every one. But we cannot spare our time from our busy schedule. Here we suggest you 5 Best Freehand Exercise Tips for the Beginners.
According to the several proven research it is proved that those exercise are most beneficial and effective for each and every one.
5 Freehand Exercise For The Beginners.
- Freehand Push Up.
- Skipping.
- Pull Ups.
- Sit Ups.
- Bench Dips.
(a) Freehand Push Up.
Doing push up is one of the most popular, effective, freehand and simple exercise which one can do to excel his physical strength. From this exercise one can get several benefits which are as follows;

Benefits of Freehand Push Up
1. Budget Friendly.
It is one of the ancient exercise technique which is still follow by large number of people, the reason is it is so effective and budget friendly. For this exercise you don’t have to spent single money either for hiring an expensive trainer or equipment.
2. Increase Your Muscularity.
Muscle power plays a main role for each and every age group. Loss of muscle power bring several kinds of problem like it put extra load on your bone through which we lose bone density which cause osteoporosis. Muscle is the main thing which helps to perform a physical work.
Doing push up increase your muscular power and also make you physically strong. Among of the 5 Best Freehand Exercise Tips for the Beginners this is one of the effective exercise to gain lean muscle.
3. Instant Workout.
Among of various exercise it is one of the famous exercise because any one can do this without any fixed schedule or routine at anytime anywhere. You may perform this workout early in the morning at your home. It takes space little more according to your body structure as well as it takes very short time depends upon your repetition.
4. Effective for Weight Loss.
For weight loss it is one of the effective exercise because you can burn lots of calories by doing more repetition and you will gain lean muscle mass. You can easily maintain your perfect body weight according to height and age.
5. Boost Metabolism.
To perform this exercise body required lots of energy. To meet such energy body boost metabolism rate during and even in the following hours. Metabolism is the key factor to transform body fat to energy and similarly assist you to flow nutrients throughout your body in proper manner.
6. Excel Stability, Stamina and Endurance Level.
Performing this exercise will excel your stability because its engage your core, oblique, back, bicep and triceps. It helps you to release the stress right from your lower back. It is very helpful for those who are suffering from lower back pain because it increase the flexibility and stability in your body.
With more repetition in many times it also boost your stamina. If your endurance level is low then it will absolutely help you to increase it. You can see the result within a few week.
7. Tones Up with Different Variations.
By engaging several parts in your body you can shape up or tones up your chest, back, bicep and triceps. It helps you to achieve perfect shape.
You can also engage most of the part of your body by different variations such as diamond pushup, knuckle pushup, elevated pushup etc. One can burn more calorie and unnecessary fat if they add up this exercise in their daily basis routine.
Apart from those above mentioned benefits it will prove more effective when you add weight training, cardio, treadmill with it. To boost your natural growth hormone it is most effective therefore teenagers can perform this exercise in regular manner to boost their natural growth. Let’s move to our next exercise.
(B) Skipping.

Benefits of Skipping.
1. Release Endorphins.
Endorphins is a hormone which naturally released from human body while he is in joy or feels happiness. Performing this exercise will naturally trigger endorphin hormone as well as reduce stress level. It also rejuvenate you in literal sense with full of joy where age is just a number.
2. Face Challenges.
The beginners those are feeling nervous and feels embarrassed to perform such exercise, they get surprised once they started doing the skipping. It helps you to face all the challenges in your life by breaking down all the social barriers.
It makes you to feel more confident in each and every situation in life and out 5 Best Freehand Exercise Tips for the Beginners this is one of the simple and effective for all age groups.
(c) Pull Ups : Freehand Exercise For Beginners.

Benefits of Pull Ups.
1. Extremely Convenient.
Yes it is, you can perform this exercise only with a bar or in any of your open door frame. You can purchase a bar which fits securely with your door frame and support your body weight. In spite of that you can purchase a gym pull up bar which is cheap. Thereafter you can attach securely with your wall.
2. Highly Effective.
Doing pull up is similar like doing cardio because it is fully effective as it elevates your heart rate which helps you to burn more fat. It is one of the strengthening exercise which helps you to gain pure lean muscle.
3. Increase Mind and Body Connection.
It is one of the effective exercise among 5 freehand exercise for beginners. Performing such exercise will increase your mind and body connection. Without this you cannot perform any exercise in right manner. Focus in right path with the right perspective is important. To achieve mind and body connection pull up helps you in effective manner.
(d) Sit Ups : Freehand Exercise For Beginners.
We all are simply aware about this exercise, it is a great strength boosting exercise which boost your stamina, core muscle and also effective for your back.
If you suffering from lower back pain many doctors advised this exercise because it is very important to improve the condition of your back. It helps you to achieve 6 pack abs also and improve your abdominal health.
Benefits of Sit Ups.
1. Bedrock Exercise.
Without any equipment you can perform this exercise right over your bed at anytime. But to get more benefit one should perform this with empty stomach in morning.
It will also boost your appetite and metabolism rate. In many countries like USA, UK, Germany etc. they include this exercise to measure physical fitness during enrolment in Army along with running.
2. Safe Bodyweight Exercise.
It is one of the safe bodyweight exercise while you can engage most of your back muscle and entire core along with your abdominal. If you have any long back issue it is recommended that start this exercise after consulting to your physician.
But it can be normally recommended that inspite of putting your hands behind your head just perform by crossing your arms on your chest. By doing this one can avoid unnecessary strain on one’s neck and spine.
In spite of that if you want six pack abs you should keep in your mind that you have to follow balanced and clean diet because a balanced diet performs 80% role in transformation. You must avoid fast foods and you will obviously achieve your six pack abs within a few months.
(e) Bench Dips : Freehand Exercise For Beginners.

In the global movement of fitness it is one of the popular and effective freehand exercise for beginners. You must have to add this exercise in your daily routine to transform.
Benefits of Bench Dips.
1. Unique, Irresistible and Irrefutable.
It is one of the unique exercise can perform by each and every person. With an easy movement along with body weight one can do this exercise. It is fully irresistible and irrefutable so it helps to transform your body in effective way.
2. Compound Exercise.
There are two types of dips- one is bench dips and another is upright dip. One should prefer upright dip because it is more effective because it train your shoulders, chest and triceps.
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Take Away.
Last but not the least each and every freehand exercise for beginners has its own effectiveness if one can do this in regular basis with systematic way. However you should also focus to your diet chart, it is one of the key reason that one cannot transform his body and lose hope.
+13 Sources
Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.
- Top 10 Most Common Health Issues;
- Osteoporosis Overview;
- Essential Nutrients;
- Lower Back Pain Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment;
- Endurance;
- Weight Training;
- Growth hormone;
- Why Do We Need Endorphins?;
- Pull-Up and Chin-Up Bars;
- Core (anatomy);
- Stomach Conditions;
- Bodyweight exercise;
- How to Do Bench Dips the Right Way;