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Effectiveness of Pipli For Weight Loss and Other Diseases

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For centuries, natural medicines have been used to treat various health problems. It has special importance, especially in Ayurveda. We ignore natural medicines due to lack of information and modern medicines, but their properties are undeniable. So, in this article, we are going to talk about a particular medicine called Pipli and its effectiveness for weight loss, health benefits and side effects. The reader should note that Pipli is not a cure of any disease. It can only play a helpful role in reducing their impact.

What Is Pipli?

Pipli is a long and black spice. Which tastes as pungent as pepper. It is known as long pepper or Pipli, while in English it is called Piper Longum (Long Pepper). The effect of Pipli is extremely hot. Due to which Pipli has been used since ancient times as a Ayurvedic herb.


Production of Pipli was first start in India 2000 years ago. Today, Pipli is produced in the Central Himalayas of India to Assam, lower hills of West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and western Ghats. Apart from India, it is also found in Greece, The Us subcontinent, Spain and Europe.


The soft stems of the Pipli extend up to 1-2 meters on the ground. Its dark smooth leaves are 2-3 inches long and 1-3 inches wide, heart-shaped. Its floral rods are 1-3 inches and fruits are less than 1 inch or more long mulberry-shaped. The colour of the raw fruits is light yellow and when cooked, the dark green color turns black. Its fruits are called small Pipli or long pepper.


It have mainly two types i.e. large and small. However, four species are mentioned in Nighantu:

  1. Pipli.
  2. Gaj Pipli.
  3. Sainhali and,
  4. Van Pipli.

Nutrients Present In Pipli.

  • Carbohydrate.
  • Fat.
  • Proteins.
  • Amino acids.
  • Vitamin.
  • Minerals.

Use of Pipli.

Since Pipli is a spice, it is usually used for cooking, but it is consumed in very small quantities as it is extremely hot. In addition, Pipli is used to make Ayurvedic medicines. It is considered to be a panacea in Ayurveda to eliminate the tridosa (kapha, pitta and vata) of the body.

Pipli For Weight Loss.

Consumption of Pipli is effective for weight loss. As it discard the stagnant fat toxins present in the body to reduce excessive weight. You should add Pipli powder with 2 grams of honey and consume it regularly 3 times a day for a few weeks. You must avoid to consume anything except water for an hour after consuming Pipli powder for weight loss. However, water is also to be consumed while you are very thirsty. This will definitely reduce your excessive weight.

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Apart from weight loss Pipli have several other health benefits. Lets see:

Other Health Benefits of Pipli.


Its natural properties can also effective in constipation. In fact, it also act as a digestive agent, which can boost up your digestion.


It also effective in stool extraction to relieve constipation.(1)

Bacterial Infections.

Pipli is also effective for bacterial infections. In fact, according to a research by the Journal of Acupuncture and Marine Studies, extracts such as petroleum ether and ethyl acetate obtained from Pipli can be effective in antimicrobial effects against many microorganisms.(2)

bacteria Pipli For Weight Loss

In addition, Pipli’s antimicrobial properties can also help to prevent bacterial infections like cholera.


It can be used to keep the liver healthy. In fact, it has hepatoprotective properties that keep the liver healthy. Due to this property, Pipli can also be used to avoid liver issues.


According to a research it was proved that Pipli can increase glutathione (a type of antioxidant).(3)



It has anti-malarial properties that can help to prevent malaria and reduce its effects to some extent.(4) Therefore, it can be said that Pipli can be used alternatively to prevent malaria.

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Pipli powder can help to reduce the effects of cough as it has the Antitussive effects, which can help to prevent cough and provide relief.

cough Pipli For Weight Loss

So, a patient can consume Pipli powder on medical advice.(5)


Consumption of Pipli can provide relief from problems like indigestion as it contain natural digestive properties. In fact, it also help in proper digestion of food, which can relieve indigestion.

indigestion Pipli For Weight Loss
Stomach Pain Due to Indigestion

Therefore, it can be said that Pipli can be used alternatively to get rid of indigestion.


Pipli contains an alkaloid called piperine, which can act like herbal medicine in a variety of health problems. These include cough, fever and headache as well as toothache.(6)

toothache Pipli For Weight Loss

Therefore, it is effective to reducing toothache.



Using Pipli in case of diarrhea can proved as better remedy. In fact, a medical research suggests that piperine, the main component of Pipli, has anti-diarrheal properties which can control the intensity of stool during diarrhea. The research also mentions that piperine can also be beneficial in diarrhea caused by castor oil. Therefore, it can be said that the use of Pipli during diarrhea can be beneficial.(7) Keep in mind that people suffering from severe diarrhea must consult with doctor.

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Pipli can be useful in the case of Bronchial Asthma. Bronchial asthma is a condition in which the respiratory tract (Airway) is Inflamed. As a result, the respiratory tract contracts and causes shortness of breath.(8) Pipli here can help to some extent, as it is rich in anti-inflammatory properties.

asthma Pipli For Weight Loss

This property can have a positive effect on inflammation of the respiratory tract, which can provide relief during bronchial asthma.(9) According to health experts a smaller Pipli is more effective than a large Pipli for asthma. If the problem is serious, you must consult a doctor.


If you are suffering from frequent sleep loss or insomnia at night, consume a very small amount of Pipli powder with honey before sleeping at night. It will help to cure insomnia.


You should take this measure only 2-3 times a week.

Effective In Anemia.

If you are suffering from anemia, it would be beneficial to consume very small amounts of Pipli powder daily with honey. It can purify the blood.

anemia Pipli For Weight Loss

Because it contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory elements.

Detoxifies The Body.

Pipli is rich in anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory elements, which helps to remove the problems related to phlegm, air and bile accumulated in the body. It is beneficial to consume Pipli powder 2-3 times a week with honey or use it in food.

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Effective In Stomach Spleen Problem.

If you suffer from a small size of spleen, the belly spleen, it is beneficial to consume Pipli powder with warm milk for 11 or 21 days. It is also beneficial to use Pipli powder in liver inflammation.

Beneficial In Impotence.

Fry the Pipli with cow ghee and then grind it with sugar, honey or cow’s milk, consume it 10 minutes before or after meals. This will eradicate the problem of premature ejaculation besides impotence.

  • Take the Pipli fruit and make a fine paste and fry with 48ml oil or ghee.
  • Add sugar or honey and cow’s raw milk to it.

Dosage : 3 – 5 grams, once or twice a day 10 minutes before meals. It is useful in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Beneficial In Periods.

Menstruation Pipli For Weight Loss

Making Pipli brew or consuming Pipli powder with warm water relieves the stomach and back pain caused by periods every month.

Relieve Headache.

Grind long pepper or Pipli to make powder and then mix with water and apply it on the forehead to cure headache.


Equal amounts of Pipli and vacha powder, 3 grams twice a day with milk or hot water cures headaches.

Get Rid From Cold.

Taking 2 grams of Pipli, peepal root, pepper and fennel powder with honey can protect you from cold.



Consumption of equal amounts of roasted cumin seeds and a little rock salt to half a teaspoon of Pipli powder in empty stomach in the morning with buttermilk helps in hemorrhoids.

Heart Diseases.


Cholesterol levels can be maintained by adding honey to Pipli powder in the morning, which is beneficial for a healthy heart. Apart from these, consumption of Pipli with lukewarm water in the morning and evening can cure stomach ache, cramps and diarrhea.

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Prevent Tuberculosis.

Pipli has immune boosting properties due to which it is beneficial in the treatment of tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. It is very useful to improve lung strength and appetite.

tuberculosis Pipli For Weight Loss

It can prevent weight loss during the treatment of tuberculosis and also protects liver damage caused by the effects of drugs used during tuberculosis treatment. Pipli increases the efficiency of many Ayurvedic and modern medicines.

Rheumatoid Arthritis.


The root of this herb is called a thin eagle Moola Kashaya (Cocculus hirsutus) which is also effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

How Much To Eat?

At present, no scientific evidence is available related to the exact amount of its intake. We would recommend that consult a doctor on this subject. Doctors will tell you the exact amount of intake depending on your health condition.

Side Effects of Pipli.

Improper consumption of Pipli can cause the following side effects – (10)

  • Burning in the hands.
  • Burning in the legs.
  • Eye irritation.
  • Damage to the heart.
  • Headache.
  • Pregnant women must seek medical advice before using it.
Bottom Line.

Hopefully, after reading this article, you may have become very aware about the health benefits of Pipli. Pipli is a great ingredient in case for weight loss along with other health benefits. If used carefully, the benefits mentioned in the article can be obtained.

At the same time, it is important to keep in mind the side effects of it while using. Pipli’s properties can help to reduce the effects of physical problems mentioned in the article. It is not a treatment of any disease. You must consult with your doctor before starting.

+20 Sources

Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Overview for various aspects of the health benefits of Piper longum linn. fruit :
  2. :
  3. Remedial merits of Piper longum Linn with astonishing antidiabetic potential :
  4. Anti-Malarial Plants of Jonai, India: an Ethnobotanical Approach :
  5. Anti-Tussive Activity of Piper Longum Churna :
  6. Study of variation in Piperine content of Piper longum genotypes :
  7. Insight into the possible mechanism of antidiarrheal and antispasmodic activities of piperine :
  8. Asthma :
  9. Anti-inflammatory activity of two varieties of Pippali (Piper longum Linn.) :
  10. Ethnomedicinal, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Piper longum (Linn) :
  11. Nighantu, Nighaṇṭu: 15 definitions : 
  12. Gajpippali :
  13. Phlegm Symptoms :
  14. How to Reduce Pitta? :
  15. What is Vata Dosha? :
  16. Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies :
  17. Glutathione Benefits :
  18. Antitussive Syrup :
  19. Role of Vacha (Acorus calamus Linn.) in Neurological and Metabolic Disorders: Evidence from Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Clinical Study :
  20. Cocculus hirsutus :

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