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Hyperbolic Fasting: Benefits And Side Effects

You must have kept a fast at some time, but do you know the scientific significance of hyperbolic fasting? Do you know how hyperbolic fasting benefits your health? Of course, some fasting is associated with religion and faith, but apart from religious significance, the benefits of fasting are also related to health. So, today we will learn about the health benefits and side effects of hyperbolic fasting. Also, in this article we will tell you about the type of hyperbolic fasting and some of its disadvantages.

What is Hyperbolic Fasting?

If we talk about the definition of hyperbolic fasting, then it is vary from person to person. Usually, during hyperbolic fasting, a person sacrifices whole or some special food and drink etc. for a specified time.

Sometimes people take water, fruits or just juice during the fast. The duration of the fast can be a day, a week or even more. As we mentioned above, fasting is not only associated with reverence and devotion, but its have many health benefits, which we will explain in the later part of this article.

Types of Hyperbolic Fasting.

If you talk about the type of hyperbolic fasting, then it may be different for each person. There are many types of hyperbolic fasting, some of which are as follows;

Morning Fast – In this fast, a meal is taken only twice a day except for breakfast.

Evening Fast – Consume food only once in a whole day.

Fasting of Juice – A person does not consume solid or heavy substances only consume fruit juices.

Fasting of Water – Here the person cannot eat anything, he or she can only drink water.

Avoid Milk – In this fast, the person can drink only milk.

Fasting Without Water – This fast is very difficult because the person can’t eat food or any kind of drink.

Diagnostic Fast – If the person is going through any type of medical test and need to remain empty stomach in that test, then it is also a kind of fast. The person remains without eating or drinking until the test is done or until the person is asked to eat and drink.

Weekly Fasting Some people fast on a particular day of every week. It is up to the person to drink water or eat flour during that fast. Keep in mind that during this time do not consume salty foods.

Intermittent Fasting – This fast is quite popular nowadays.  This fast is done to lose weight. In this, the time or pattern of eating is changed. A person can fast for one or two days or can stop eating one time or eat less. During this session, you cannot eat any solid foods, yes, but beverages like – juice, coffee, tea and water can be consumed.

These were just a few types of fasting. Apart from this, there are other types of fasting in which a person does not consume sugary foods. Some fasts are those in which the person stops eating high-calorie foods. How to fast, it completely depends on the capacity of the person and his body.

Now, it is time to know the benefits of hyperbolic fasting. For some people, the benefits of hyperbolic fasting mean the blessings of God and His grace. Yes, it is, but at the same time, it is also beneficial for your health.

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Benefits of Hyperbolic Fasting.

The benefits of hyperbolic fasting are not just for the happiness and peace of your mind, but also for your health.  Below we are giving you information about the same.

Helps To Get Detoxified.


Many times, fast food or oil-spicy foods cause toxic substances to accumulate in the body. This causes not only stomach problems but also many other problems such as skin problems. In such a situation, it is necessary to remove these toxic elements from the body. In this situation, if fasting, which includes pure beverages like fruit juice and buttermilk instead of food intake, the body can be properly detoxified, which can also relieve skin problems.(1)

Lose Weight.

Weight Loss

Obesity is the problem of more than half of the people. In such a situation, if it is not taken care at the right, it can cause many physical problems. Well, fasting can be a good way to lose weight. Intermittent fasting is very much in practice these days. We have explained this above in detail. This fast can prove to be very helpful in reducing weight.

There are some changes in this fast, such as – people stay in fast for a few hours, they consume beverages instead of solids. This type of fasting changes the time and pattern of eating. This fast can prove to be very helpful in losing weight.(2)

Improve Digestive System.

Digestive System

Most people are troubled by the problem of poor digesting system. In this case, fasting can also be beneficial for your digestive system. By fasting, the body’s own healing systems start functioning properly, due to which the body starts fighting on its own. According to a research, 62.33% people did not have indigestion problems during fasting, while 27% people got indigestion problems. So to give your digestive system a rest, you can fast.(3)

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Blood Pressure.

Blood Pressure

Along with the obesity, another physical problem like hypertension is also raised. Blood pressure problem can be heard in many people nowadays. In such a situation, if it is not taken care at the right time, it can also cause many heart related problems.

You will be surprised to know that hyperbolic fasting can bring relief to a large extent from the problem of high blood pressure. As we told you about the intermittent fasting above, which usually recommends 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating, can prove to be quite beneficial. Many physical problems can be relieved by this fast, of which high blood pressure is also one. By doing this fast properly, the problem of hypertension can be reduced to a great extent and the blood pressure of the person can be controlled.(4),(5)

Lower Cholesterol.

As we have told you above that nowadays there is a trend of intermittent fasting. This fast is helping people to lose weight a lot. Now when obesity or weight loss will occur, the risk of many diseases can also be reduced. In such a situation, cholesterol also sometimes becomes a cause for concern.

Excessive cholesterol can also lead to heart problems and other health related problems. In such a situation, total cholesterol can be controlled by fasting. During fasting, there may be an increase in HDL. Although further research is needed on this, we can assume that at least fasting may help to reduce harmful cholesterol (LDL) slightly.(6),(7)

Beneficial For Skin.


Many times, not only the cream and cosmetics, but also the effect of food and drink starts on the skin. The effect of consuming too much oil and spices or junk foods starts appearing on the skin and face, resulting in pimples and stains.

In this case, fasting can be very beneficial. We have already told you above that fasting can help the body to get detoxified. When the body detoxifies, the toxins present in the body will come out, which will give you a new glow to the skin and make the skin look beautiful. In addition, the consumption of fruits and pure-natural beverages during fasting can play a beneficial role in skin health.(8)

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Mental And Emotional Benefits.

Hyperbolic fasting affects not just physical health, but mental and emotional health as well. Hyperbolic fasting improves concentration. Also helps to concentrate in any task, anxiety-stress and insomnia can overcome.

What To Eat During Hyperbolic Fasting?

If we talk about food, it depends on what type of fast the person is maintaining. Below we are talking about some foods, which can be consumed during fasting. With these, your body will be able to get sufficient nutrients, which can reduce the risk of any kind of discomfort during fasting.

If you are fasting for the first time, you can start with a partial fast. It has to be kept away from certain types of foods for a specified period of time. During this time fruits, fruit juices or light foods can be consumed, such as:

  • Do not consume fried foods during fasting.
  • Eat juicy fruits.
  • Dry fruits can be consumed.
  • Milk can be consumed.
  • Fruit juice can be consumed.
  • If you are not eating salt, you can cook green vegetables without salt.

If you are fasting, you can include milk in your diet. Moreover, if you do not like milk, you can have tea or coffee. Keep in mind that if you have problems with acidity or gas, then avoid drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach.

*Note: The foods mentioned above are intended as a substitute for a fasting person. The person can change these according to the type of fast.

After knowing the benefits of hyperbolic fasting and what to eat during hyperbolic fasting, now it is time to learn about what to avoid during hyperbolic fasting?

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What To Avoid During Hyperbolic Fasting?

Pay attention to the precautions mentioned in this part of the article and try to follow it as much as possible, so that you can get the benefits of hyperbolic fasting completely.

Before hyperbolic fasting, prepare yourself physically and mentally. There is a considerable difference between fasting and religious fasting done to lose weight. For both types of fasting, you prepare your mind and body in advance and decide in advance for what reason or for what goal you are fasting. During many religious fasts, some daily routine tasks also have to be changed, so be prepared for that as well.

  • If you are fasting for the first time, then start with a short time fast. Avoid fasting for long periods.
  • Eat right and nutritious food before fasting, so that you do not have any problem during fasting. Keep in mind that you should avoid overeating at one time.
  • Avoid exercising too hard, because your body needs energy during this time and exercising can cause a lack of energy in your body. This can also make you feel tired and weak.
  • If you have health problems or are taking any medicine, do not fast.
  • Eat nutritious foods during fasting, such as fruits, fruit juices and milk etc.
  • After fasting, obviously there can be more hunger. In such a situation, do not eat some heavy food or overeating while breaking the fast or immediately after the fast is over. Eat a nutritious diet in balanced amounts.

If fasting is not done properly, there can be disadvantages of fasting, about which we are giving you the information in this part of the article.

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Side Effects of Hyperbolic Fasting.

  • If you do not consume the right nutritious foods during hyperbolic fasting, you may have health problems like dehydration, dizziness and weakness.
  • If you fast for a long period, you may also have anemia.
  • Eating heavy immediately after fasting can also cause you stomach problems.
  • Some people may also complain of irritability or anger due to being hungry.
  • Being hungry for too long can cause headaches and body problems.
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Bottom Line.

After knowing the benefits of hyperbolic fasting above, you would have come to know that it not only brings peace to the mind, but can also improve your health. Here we want to make clear one thing that, we are not encouraging you to fast for a long time because it can also lead to loss rather than gain.

The benefits of fasting will be available only if you do it in the right way and keeping your health in mind. During fasting, you should consume sufficient amount of water, juice and fruits, so that you can avoid the side effects. If you have any type of physical problem, then fast only after the advice of the doctor. If you have any experience or information regarding the type of hyperbolic fasting or this topic, then feel free to share it with us.

+8 Sources

Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.

  1. The dubious practice of detox;
  2. Intermittent fasting and weight loss;
  3. An Observational Study to Assess the Physical, Social, Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Fasting;
  4. Medically supervised water-only fasting in the treatment of hypertension;
  5. Intermittent Fasting in Cardiovascular Disorders—An Overview;
  6. Fasting reduces cholesterol levels in prediabetic people over extended period of time, new research finds;
  7. Impact of intermittent fasting on the lipid profile: Assessment associated with diet and weight loss;
  8. Fasting and Its Impact on Skin Anatomy, Physiology, and Physiopathology: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature;

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