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7 Magnificent Yoga Poses To Improve Concentration

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The mind is playful and it is difficult to stay focused. That is why we find it difficult to focus on our work. So, if the mind comes under our control, many problems associated with our lives can be solved in a pinch. However, some people prefer to work alone at night to increase their concentration, but it is not good in terms of health. You can take recourse to yoga for concentration and memory. This will not only help in controlling the mind but also improve health. In this article, we will talk about some of the yoga poses for concentration and focus. We will give detailed information on yoga for concentration and mental focus.

How Does Yoga Helps in Concentration and Mental Focus?

Yoga can play an important role in maintaining the concentration of the mind. The body, breathing and brain can be connected together through yoga. It can also reduce stress, which can help to boost up concentration.

7 Yoga Poses To Improve Concentration and Mental Focus.

The 7 yoga poses that helps to improve concentration are;

  1. Tadasana.
  2. Vrikshasana.
  3. Garudasana.
  4. Natarajasana.
  5. Bakasana.
  6. Ustrasana.
  7. Paschimottanasana.


How Profitable Is?

While doing this yoga, you have to take care of the breath, which can also be seen on the brain. This can relieve stress and help to increase concentration.

How To Perform?

Step 1.

Stand upright on a flat place. Both legs should be joint together.

Step 2.

Then lift the fingers of both hands upwards.

Step 3.

Thereafter, take a long deep breath and try to pull the body upwards by placing the body weight on the toes.

Step 4.

Now, try to stay in this state a little longer and breathe normally.

Step 5.

Then leave the breath and come to normal condition and relax the body for a while. Then repeat this process again.

You can do this posture for about 10 minutes.


If there is any pain in the body due to the stretching while doing the same, stop doing this posture.

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How Profitable Is?

In this posture you have to stand on one leg and concentrate the whole meditation. The tree can be found to be liberated from anxiety. Also, stress can be overcome, which can help to increase concentration.

How To Perform?

Step 1.

Stand upright by laying the yoga mat in the flat place and connect the two legs together.

Step 2.

Then keep the right soles on the left thigh with the help of the hands, keeping the body balanced.

Step 3.

Then take the hands over the head and come to the position of salutation.

Step 4.

Try to stay in this state a little while, but keep in mind that the balance of the body remains.

Step 5.

Now gradually come to the first stage of yoga. Relax the body for a few minutes. Then, do this process on the other side also.

You can do this posture for two to three times.


If you have headache or insomnia, do not do this posture. In these problems, the tree can aggravate your discomfort.

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How Profitable Is?

If you can’t concentrate in any work, you should do it in every morning or evening. This can improve concentration and you will be able to work carefully.

How To Perform?

Step 1.

First stand upright to do this posture and keep breathing normally.

Step 2.

Then turn both hands in the front and bend the two knees slightly.

Step 3.

Then rotate the right foot from the front and move it behind the left foot. At this stage your right paw will be slightly above the left claws.

Step 4.

Then breathe normally and put the left side on the right and rotate the left hand and try to come to the right hand and make salutation posture.

Step 5.

Try to stand for a minute at this stage. Do the opposite action to come out of this posture. Then do it on the other side also.

You can do this posture for 5 to 10 minutes.


If you have any swelling of the veins or there is pain in the joints, avoid doing this posture.

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How Profitable Is?

The body has to be balanced in Natarajasana. It can also help in increasing concentration. This posture helps to maintain the blood circulation of the body smoothly. Also, memory can be improved.

How To Perform?

Step 1.

First of all, stand in the pose of Natarajasana.

Step 2.

Then move the left foot slightly and bend the right leg backwards with the knee.

Step 3.

Then lift both hands and drag the left hand to the front and hold the right foot with the right hand and drag it towards the back.

Step 4.

At this stage stand by the support of one foot, but keep in mind that the body should be balanced and take the breathe in a normal way.

Step 5.

Then gradually come to normal state. Then do it on the other side also.

Do this posture for 5 to 10 minutes.


If there is pain in the legs, avoid doing this posture, otherwise the pain may increase even more. You can also fall when the body is not balanced.

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How Profitable Is?

It is believed that the Bakasana help to maintain concentration of work, as it improve blood circulation in the body. It can beneficial for the mind.

How To Perform?

Step 1.

First of all, sit in the pose of Vajrasan and place the hands on the front side.

Step 2.

Then put the palms on the ground and turn the elbow out.

Step 3.

Now drag the two legs inward and take the knees to the elbows. Keep breathing in a normal way.

Step 4.

Then take a deep breath and put the body weight on the palms and lift the foot up and place the knees near the triceps over the elbow.

Step 5.

At this stage, your shape will be visible. Stay in this posture a little longer, then come to normal condition.

This posture can be practice 5 to 10 minutes for effective result.


If there is any problem in the hands, do not do this posture, because the whole weight of your body is on the hands in this posture.

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How Profitable Is?

The ability of the lungs and blood circulation improves with the help of this yoga pose. In addition, it is also beneficial for muscles. Improving blood circulation can also improve concentration.

How To Perform?

Step 1.

At first, stand upright on the knees by laying yoga mat.

Step 2.

In this situation, the thigh and chest should be in a straight line. Also keep breathing normally.

Step 3.

Then take a deep breath and bend from the waist back.

Step 4.

Move both your hands back and hold the heel of the left foot with the left hand and the heel of the right foot with the right hand.

Step 5.

Then tilt the neck backwards. Put the whole weight of the body on both hands and feet.

You can do this posture for up to 10 minutes.


If you have never done this posture before, reduce this posture at the beginning and do it under the supervision of the expert. This posture can cause problems of constipation, diarrhea, headache, migraine and hypertension.

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How Profitable Is?

Doing this posture gives mental and physical peace. This can help to maintain concentration.

How To Perform?

Step 1.

First of all, spread the two legs according to your height.

Step 2.

At this stage the neck, head and spinal cord should be straight.

Step 3.

Then place both hands on the knees.

Step 4.

Thereafter, try to catch the toes while bending forward and try to touch the forehead with the knee.

Step 5.

Thereafter, try to touch the ground with the elbow by tilting the arms downwards. Stay at this stage for a few seconds and breathe normally. Then gradually rise up and come to normal condition.

You can repeat this posture two to three times.


If there is any problem in the abdomen, avoid doing this posture. Most of the pressure in this posture falls on the abdomen, which can aggravate the stomach problem.

Read Now: 6 Best Core Strengthening Yoga Poses.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. Is yoga good for concentration and focus?

Of course, yoga is good for concentration and focus. It not only helps in improve your physical health but also helps in improving your mind too. If you practice yoga on a regular basis it helps in keeping your mind calm. Thus, calm mind helps to focus better and thereby its improve concentration.

Bottom Line.

We hope that after reading this article, you will be able to control your mind and improve your concentration with the help of these yoga poses. At the same time, it is also beneficial for your overall health. In addition, you may have known which posture should be given how much time. Also, what kind of precautions should be taken while doing yoga? Hoping so, this article will be helpful to you.

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