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Best Exercises and Yoga for Epidural Lipomatosis

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Epidural Lipomatosis is a rare condition that causes contraction of the spinal canal and compression of nerves in the spine. It affects men more than women. Epidural Lipomatosis is most common in patients undergoing obesity, steroid overproduction or widespread exogenous steroid therapy. However, with the help of regular exercises and yoga Epidural Lipomatosis can be treat.

Symptoms of Epidural Lipomatosis.

  • Back pain.
  • Weakness in the lower ends.
  • Numb.
  • Issues of bladder or bowel control.

It is important to identify the condition as soon as possible to prevent severe nerve damage and other issues.

In order to cure and keeping your spine healthy, we are suggest you some exercises and yoga to stay fit and prevent the condition of Epidural Lipomatosis.

Best Exercises and Yoga for Epidural Lipomatosis.

If you think taking rest will eradicate back pain, it’s not. You should also exercise for a while. Because exercise or yoga is better for overall wellbeing. Exercise or yoga in regular basis gives support to the spine, which gradually relieves back pain.

But, before doing any kind of exercise or yoga for Epidural Lipomatosis, you must consult your doctor once. Because, some exercises are not considered recommended for you according to your health condition.

Exercises for Epidural Lipomatosis.

Partial Crunches.

Sit Up Exercise
Partial Crunches

This exercise strengthens your back and stomach muscles. While doing this exercise, you have to bend your knees and lie down. You have to keep your hands under your head. And slowly move your chest towards your knees. Keep in mind that don’t raise your body more than your chest, otherwise you may have back pain.

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Hamstring Stretch.

hamstring stretch
Hamstring Stretch

To do this exercise, you have to sit down on the ground first. Bend one of your knees and place a towel on the toes of the other foot and now move this foot slowly upwards. Make sure your knee is not bent. Now try to pull that towel slowly towards you. Stay in the same position for 10 to 15 seconds.

Bird Dog Pose.

You should tighten your stomach muscles while doing this exercise. You have to lie down on your stomach while doing this. Now, extend one of your back legs and drag the opposite hand forward. Stay like this for a while. This exercise will definitely give you some rest in the back.

bird dog pose
Bird Dog Pose

This practice is a great way to learn how you can keep your back steady during the movement of hands and feet. Do not allow lower back muscles to relax while doing this exercise. Take only the organs to greater heights where there is no pressure on the back.

Bridge Pose.

setu bandhasana
Bridge Pose

Bend on your knees and lie on your back and place your heel on the ground. Tilt your heel towards the floor. Lift your hips above the floor until the shoulders, hips and knees are in a parallel position. Pause for about 6 seconds, and then slowly move the hips to the floor and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Place your hand on the lower back while moving your hips upwards.

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Yoga for Epidural Lipomatosis.

Along with the above mentioned exercises yoga is also an effective tool to prevent Epidural Lipomatosis. Doing yoga softens the muscles of the waist. This leads to a lot of relief in back pain. That is why the great yoga gurus of India created yoga science.

In this article we will explain 7 yoga asanas apart from exercises that effectively relieve epidural lipomatosis, lower back pain and improve the posture. You can also get ultimate relief from back pain by practicing these yoga asanas.

Bitilasana and Marjaryasana (Cat And Cow Pose).

Both Bitilasana and Marjaryasana are one class of Vinayasa yoga. In this posture, the spine will move up and down. This asana is inspired by the habit of bending the spine of a cow and a cat.

When it comes to humans, apart from having sex, a person never has the opportunity to bend the spine. That’s why this asana helps to strengthen your kegal muscles. Both these movements brings many positive changes in your sex drive. This yoga asana assist a lot in relieving back pain.

Bitilasana and Marjaryasana
Bitilasana and Marjaryasana

How to do Bitilasana And Marjaryasana?

  • Lay a yoga mat on the floor and kneel down on both your knees.
  • You can also sit in the posture of vajrasana.
  • Now place both your hands forward on the floor.
  • Lift your hips with a little weight on both hands.
  • Straighten the thighs upwards and make a 90 degree angle on the knees.
  • Your chest will be parallel to the ground and you will look like a cat.
  • Now take a long deep breath and tilt your head backwards.
  • Push your navel from bottom to top.
  • At the same time, raise the tailbone (lower spinal cord).
  • Now tilt your head downwards, exhaling your breath.
  • Try applying the chin of the mouth to your chest.
  • Look at the distance between your knees in this position.
  • Keep in mind that your hands should not bend in this posture.
  • Keep your breath long and deep.
  • Turn your head backwards and repeat this process.
  • Repeat this action 10-20 times.
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Balasana (Child Pose).

Balasana is a simple and basic level asana. It is considered to be the asana of the style of Vinyasa yoga. It should be practiced for 1 to 3 minutes. It does not require any repetition. Balasana creates a stretch in the hips, thighs and ankles. While it helps in strengthening the waist, neck and shoulders.

Balasana is actually the posture of resting by yogis while doing yoga. In this posture, the yogi’s body goes into the position of the fetus. Balasana basically helps in keeping the thighs in shape and relieving back pain.


How to do Balasana?

  • Kneel down on the yoga mat.
  • Touch both ankles and heels together.
  • Slowly stretch your knees outwards as much as possible.
  • Take a deep breath and bend forward.
  • Keep the stomach between the two thighs and exhale.
  • Widen the trilateral/sacrum at the back of the waist.
  • Now try to pull the hip towards the navel, shrinking it.
  • Freeze on the inner thighs within.
  • Try to lift the head slightly from the back of the neck.
  • Try to pull the tailbone towards the pelvis.
  • Bring the hands in front and place them in front of you.
  • Both hands will remain in the knee-long.
  • Try to touch both shoulders from the floor.
  • The stretch of your shoulders should be felt in the entire back with a shoulder blade.
  • In the same situation, last for 30 seconds to a few minutes.
  • Slowly breathe while pulling the front torso.
  • Raise the tail bone and return to normal while tilting the pelvis down.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose).

Traditionally this yoga was practiced to increase flexibility throughout the body and relieve any pain in the waist or neck. Both waist and neck are considered very sensitive in the body.

Your hips are in the air during the practice of this asana. This increases the circulation of blood in the pelvis part. While the head is low, the brain becomes more excited. This asana also helps in increasing inner confidence by tone your muscles.

adho mukha savasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana

How to do Adho Mukha Svanasana?

  • Lie down on the yoga mat on your stomach.
  • Lift the body with the force of legs and hands while breathing.
  • Create a table-like shape.
  • Slowly lift the hips upwards while exhaling.
  • Keep the elbows and knees tight.
  • Make sure that the body becomes in the shape of a reverse ‘V’.
  • During the practice of this asana, the shoulders and hands should be parallel.
  • The legs will remain with the hip.
  • Make sure your ankles stay outwards.
  • Press the hands towards the ground and try to stretch the neck long.
  • Keep your ears touching the inner part of your hands.
  • Try to focus your eyes on the navel.
  • Stay in the same position for a few seconds. Then rest the knees on the ground.
  • Come back again in a table like position.
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Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend).

Uttanasana is a Sanskrit word. It literally means stretching posture. A stretching posture. The practice of this asana has some amazing benefits to the body. This asana not only heats your body but also gives you a new life.

The head is under your heart while practicing uttanasana. This causes the blood to flow towards the head instead of in the feet. This leads to a good amount of blood and oxygen in the brain.

Moreover, it is a medium difficult hatha yoga style asana. The duration of doing this should be between 15 and 30 seconds. It does not require any repetition. Regular practice stretches the hips, hamstrings and calves while strengthening the knees and thighs.

Uttanasana Exercises and Yoga for Epidural Lipomatosis

How to do Uttanasana?

  • Stand straight on the yoga mat and place both hands on the hips.
  • Soften the knees by pulling the breath in.
  • Bend forward, bending the waist.
  • Try to balance the body.
  • Move the hips and tailbone slightly backwards.
  • Gradually raise the hips upwards and the pressure will start coming on the upper thighs.
  • Hold the ankle backwards with your hands.
  • Your feet will be parallel to each other.
  • Your chest will continue to touch the top of the foot.
  • There will be wide space between chest bones and pubis.
  • Press the thighs inward and keep the body steady on the heel.
  • Tilt your head downwards and stare through your legs.
  • In the same situation, remain stable for 15-30 seconds.
  • Shrink the stomach and lower limbs when you want to leave this condition.
  • Exhale and place the hands on the hips.
  • Slowly rise upwards and stand up normally.

Pawanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose).

Pawanmuktasana helps in removing unnecessary gas from the digestive tract of the stomach. Therefore, it is called Wind Releasing Pose in English. It is an excellent asana which is considered very important for good digestion.

It helps to tone the abdominal and waist muscles. Patients suffering from poor digestion (Indigestion) problems are generally advised to perform pawanmuktasana.

There is some difficulty in doing this asana in the beginning, but with regular practice, it can be done very easily.

Pawanmuktasana Exercises and Yoga for Epidural Lipomatosis

How to do Pawanmuktasana?

  • Lie down in the shavasana on the yoga mat.
  • Bend the left knee and bring it to the stomach.
  • Exhale and trap the fingers of both hands together.
  • Keep your fingers under the knees.
  • Now try to touch the chest with the left knee.
  • Raise the head above the ground and try to touch the knee with your nose.
  • Stay in the same posture for 10 to 30 seconds after touching the nose with your knees.
  • Gradually exhale and return to normal.
  • Now do the same with the right foot.
  • Repeat this pose 3 to 5 times.
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Supta Matsyendrasana (Reclined Supine Twist).

It is also known as Supine Twist, The Recycling Twist, The Recycling Lord of the Fish Pose and The Jathara Parivartanasana. Doing this asana removes many diseases and also helps to awakened kundli shakti.

This asana is considered to be a supplement to Halasana, Bhujangasana and Sarvangasana. This asana bends the spine to make it long and strong. At the same time, it massages the internal organs and frees them from toxins.

Supta Matsyendrasana Exercises and Yoga for Epidural Lipomatosis
Supta Matsyendrasana

How to do Supta Matsyendrasana?

  • Lie down on your back.
  • Stretch both hands on both sides of the shoulder.
  • Bend the right leg close to the knee and lift it upwards.
  • Rest the right leg on the left knee.
  • Exhale, lift the right hip.
  • Bend the back to the left and let the right knee go downwards.
  • While doing this, keep both hands on the ground.
  • The right knee should rest completely on the left side of the body.
  • Turn the head to the right.
  • Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Then come to the initial position.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose).

It is the 8th among the 12 asanas of Surya Namaskar. It is also known as sarpasana, cobra asana or snake pose. In this posture the body forms the shape of a snake. This yoga asana is performed by lying on the floor and bending the back. While the head is in the posture of the raised hood of the snake.

Bhujangasana has a lot of benefits. It strengthens the back and makes the spine flexible. It also strengthens our digestive and reproductive system. This can increase the strength and flexibility of the spine. The ability of all organs in the lower abdomen to function may increase.

Bhujan-Asana Exercises and Yoga for Epidural Lipomatosis

How to do Bhujangasana?

  • Lie down on the ground on your stomach.
  • Place both palms on the ground near the thighs.
  • Keep in mind that the ankles should keep touching each other.
  • Bring the hands equal to the shoulder and move the palms towards the floor.
  • Put body weight on your palms.
  • Lift the head and drag it towards the back.
  • Your elbow will remain bent until this time.
  • Pull the chest forward while pulling the head back.
  • Pull the head like a snake’s hood.
  • Note that the shoulders stay away from the ears and the shoulders remain stiff.
  • Increase the pressure towards the floor with hips, thighs and feet.
  • Keep the body in this position for about 15 to 30 seconds.
  • During this time, keep the breathing speed normal.
  • Feel like your stomach is pressing towards the floor.
  • You can also do this asana for 2 minutes.
  • To release, slowly bring your hands back to the side.
  • Rest the head on the floor. Place your hands under your head.
  • Gently bend the head aside and breathe slowly for two minutes.
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Bottom Line.

Therefore, regular practice of these yoga and exercises will assist you to cure epidural lipomatosis in an effective way. It will also helps you to keep you spine strong and prevent unnecessary back pains.

+3 Sources

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  1. Spinal Canal Definition :
  2. What is Vinyasa Yoga :
  3. Kundalini – The Divine mother :

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