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Yoga and Its Several Health Benefits

Yoga is a Sanskrit word which means “connection and union”. It is a cluster or group of physical, psychological and mystical practices. Yoga was first originated in ancient India and they discover its benefits.

We have found many evidence of Yoga in Rigveda and Upanishads.

In India, Swami Vivekananda adopts the yoga tradition at the time of 19th Century. Apart from him several persons in India such as Seetharaman SundaramBishnu Charan GhoshSwami KuvalayanandaSivananda SaraswatiBikram Choudhury and many more were support Yoga.

In 20th century Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya were developed several effective yoga asanas. Thereafter, three of his students developed specific styles of yoga.

What is Yoga? 

Actually Yoga is more than the physical exercise. It’s a skill of controlling the mind along with the body and it can help you to reform and gloom your characteristic. Yoga provide you internal peace and happiness.

Footnote. Yoga means connection and union, it’s a group of physical and mental practices. Originated in ancient India. Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya along with three of his students develop several styles of yoga.

Classification of Yoga.

Yoga is classified according to its tradition and variety of methods, such as;

In 2nd Century Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra classify yoga in 8 parts based upon its specifications, such as;

Pillars of yoga

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra

Today most of us practice asana (Physical posture) with several positions. It’s a modern form of exercise which is very popular among the common people. Yoga is a vast chapter with different number of exercise. There are different types of yoga and has different benefits. Such as;

Asanas (Sanskrit)Asanas (English)Image
Adho Mukha Vriksh asanaDownhill Facing TreeAdho-Mukha-Vrikshasana1
Adho Mukha Shvan asanaDownhill Facing Dogadho mukha savasana
Anant asanaAnanta poseanant asana
Akarna Dhanur asanaShooting bowAkarna Dhanurasana
Ashtanga NamaskaraEight limbed SaluteAstanga Namaskara
Ardha Chandr asanaHalf moonardha chandra asana
Anjaney asanaCurve MoonAnjaney asana
Astavakr asanaEight angledastavakrasana
Bhadr asanaCobbler postureBhadrasana
Bal asanaChildBalasana
Bhairav asanaFormidablebhairavasana
Bak asanaArms straightbaksana
Bhek asana  FrogBhekasana
Bhujang asanaCobraBhujan-Asana Sphinx Pose
Bharadvaj asanaBharadvaja curlBharadvaj asana
Bhujapid asanaArm persistent poseBhekasana
Bidal asanaCatCat Pose
Caturanga Dand asanaNear to the ground PlankCaturanga
Chakr asanaWheelchakrasana
Dand asanaStaff dandasana
Durvas asanaDurvasa PoseDurvas asana
Dhanur asanaBowdhanurasana
Garbha Pind asanaOrigin in WombGarbha Pind asana 
Gomukh asanaCow facedgomukha asana
Goraksh asanaCow herdGorakhashasana
Garud asanaEagleGarudasana1
Hanuman asanaHanuman Posehanumanasana Yoga and its benefits
Hal asanaPlough Halasana Yoga and its benefits
Jathara Parivartan asanaBelly twistJathara Parivartan asana
Janusirs asanaHead to Knee Janusirsasana
Kapot asanaPigeon Kapot asana
Kaundiny asanaKaundinya Poseyoga for concentration Yoga and its benefits 
Karnapid asanaEar pressing Karnapid asana
Kukkut asanaCockerel PoseKukkut asana
Kurm asanaTortoise PoseKurmasana
Kraunch asanaHeron PoseKraunchasana
Lol asanaPendant PoseLolasana
Mal asanaGarland PoseMalasana
Manduk asanaFrog Pose

mandukasana Yoga and its benefits

Makar asanaCrocodile PoseMakarasana
Matsy asanaFish Posematsyasana Yoga and its benefits
Matsyendr asanaLord of the Fishesardha matsyendrasana
Marichy asanaMarichi PoseMarichyasana Yoga and its benefits
Mayur asanaPeacockmayurasana Yoga and its benefits
Mukt asanaLiberatedmuktasana
Nav asanaBoatnaukasana1
Nataraj asanaNataraja Posenatrajasana
Parigh asanaGateParighasana
Padm asanaLotuspadmasana
Parshvakon asanaSide angle Parshvakon asana
Pash asanaNooseNoose
Parshvottan asanaIntense side stretchParsvottasana
Pincha Mayur asanaFeathered Peacockpincha mayurasana Yoga and its benefits
Paschimot anasanaSeated Forward BendPaschimott Asana
Padottan asanaWide Stance Forward Bendpadottasana
Rajakapot asanaKing Pigeonrajakapotasana
Shalabh asanaLocustShalabasana
Samakon asanaSide Splitssamakonasana
Shav asanaCorpse


Sarvang asanaShoulder StandSarvangasana
Siddh asanaThe Adept Posesiddha asana
Setu Bandha Sarvang asanaShoulder supported bridgesetu bandhasana
Shirsh asanaHeadstand PoseShirshasana
Sukh asanaEasysukhasana
Simh asanaLionSimhasana
Supta Vir asanaReclined heroSuptavirasana
Surya NamaskarSun SaluteSurya namaskar
Svastik asanaLucky markSwastikasana
Supta Padangusth asanaBig toe supinepadangustha
Tad asanaMountain pose


Trikon asanaTriangle poseTrikonasana
Trivikram asanaStanding splitsTrivikram asana
Tittibh asanaFireflyTittibh asana  
Tul asanaBalanceTulasana
Upavishta Kon asanaOpen AngleUpavistha konasana
Ushtr asanaCamel poseUshtrasana
Utkat asanaPowerfulutkatasana
Urdhva Mukha ShavasanaRising Facing DogBhujan-Asana
Uttan asanaVertical Forward BendUttanasana
Utthita Hasta padangusth asanaStanding BigToe HoldUtthita hasta padangustha Yoga and its benefits
Vajr asanaThunderbolt
Viparita Dand asanaInverted StaffViprita Dandasana
Vasisht asanaSide plankVasishtasana
Uttanapad asanaLegs up the walluttanapadasana
Viparita Virabhadr asana Inverted WarriorViparita Virabhadr Asana 
Virabhadr asana IWarrior IVirabhadrasana I
Virabhadr asana IIWarrior IIvirabhadrasana2
Vriksh asanaTree poseVrikshasana
Vrischik asanaScorpion pose 
Vir asanaHero
Yoganidr asanaYogic sleepYoganidr asana  

Benefits of Yoga for Men. 

Yoga can be a game changer for you. It help you to take decision with clarity and make you a better person. You can take it as a fun and challenge.  

Practicing Yoga in regular basis have several health benefits including physical and mental such as;

  • Improved flexibility and decrease rigidity.
  • Better muscle strength.
  • Improve joint health.(1)
  • Improve heart muscle.(2)
  • Reduce stress and give relaxation.
  • Tone every corner of muscle.
  • Improve bone health.
  • Enhanced breathing, energy and strength.
  • Control blood sugar.
  • Improve metabolism.(3)
  • Effective for Weight loss.
  • Increase blood circulation.
  • Boost your immunity power.
  • Boost oxygen supply in the blood.
  • Prevent disease.
  • Improve internal organs.
  • Provide peace of mind.
  • Upgraded athletic enactment.
  • Provide better sleep.(4)
  • Increase core strength.
  • Control blood pressure.
Footnote. Practicing yoga in regular basis have many valuable health as well as mental benefits such as it Improve heart health, Improve metabolism and Increase your immunity power etc.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. What are the advantages or benefits of yoga or Benefits of yoga in improving health?

Here are the topmost 22 advantages or benefits of yoga,

  • Better muscle strength.
  • Improve joint health.
  • Upgraded athletic enactment.
  • Improve heart health.
  • Increase core strength.
  • Time Efficient.
  • Boost oxygen supply in the blood.
  • Budget friendly.
  • Increase blood circulation.
  • Reduce cholesterol level.
  • Enhanced breathing, energy and strength.
  • Control blood pressure.
  • Improve bone health.
  • Prevent disease.
  • Improve internal organs.
  • Provide peace of mind.
  • Improved flexibility and decrease rigidity.
  • Reduce stress and give relaxation.
  • Reduce Age Signs.
  • Boost your immunity power.
  • Provide better sleep.
  • Improve metabolism and support weight loss.

2. What are the advantages of Bikram Yoga?

Doing Bikram Yoga in regular basis have several health benefits, here are the 13 advantages of Bikram yoga;

  • Increase strength.
  • Improves flexibility,
  • Increase endurance level.
  • Improves balance.
  • Prevents chronic illnesses.
  • Prevent injuries.
  • Effective for Weight loss.
  • Tone muscles.
  • Sculpting your body
  • Improves posture.
  • Promotes better sleep.
  • Provide peace of mind.
  • Improve breathing quality.

3. Advantages of yoga in meditation?

Several posture in yoga helps you in meditation. Here are the 8 advantages of yoga in meditations;

  • It keeps your mind sharp and clear.
  • Improve mental calmness;
  • Increases body awareness.
  • Improves concentration.
  • Relieves chronic stress patterns;
  • It relieves stress and improves overall health.
  • Relaxes the mind.
  • Improve attention and focus.

4. What are the advantages of power yoga?

Here are the 13 benefits or advantage of power yoga, such as;

  • Increase flexibility.
  • Promotes stamina.
  • Strengthen muscles and joints.
  • Beneficial for weight loss.
  • Improve posture.
  • Strengthens your bones.
  • Improve body balance.
  • Boost immunity power.
  • Strengthen heart muscle.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Strengthens your body.
  • Reduce belly fat.
  • Rejuvenate mind and body.

5. Is yoga good for my health?

Yes, practicing yoga in regular basis with balanced diet gives you several positive health benefits. It does not required any professional trainer or experience. Person with any age can earn lots of health benefits with the help of yoga.

Bottom Line.

Practicing yoga can bring a positive change in your life. Person with any age group can maintain a healthy lifestyle with the help of yoga. It’s have several health benefits as mentioned above.

In modern lifestyle it is a very efficient way of exercise. You can practice yoga at your home without the help of any advance equipment and trainer. For your comfort you may use a mat and flexible cloth such as trousers.

However, without balance nutrition yoga lost his effectiveness. So, you must have follow a healthy diet to get the full effectiveness and health benefits of of yoga.

+3 Sources

Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Effect of integrated yoga therapy on pain, morning stiffness and anxiety in osteoarthritis of the knee joint: A randomized control study;
  2. Yoga for Heart Failure: A Review and Future Research;
  3. Long-term effect of yogic practices on diurnal metabolic rates of healthy subjects;
  4. Yoga for the Treatment of Insomnia among Cancer Patients: Evidence, Mechanisms of Action, and Clinical Recommendations;

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