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12 Health Benefits of Capsicum With Side Effects

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Red, yellow, purple, orange and green capsicums are often seen in the market. It is also known as ‘Bell Pepper’. There are mainly five species of capsicum, which are capsicum annuum, capsicum chinense, capsicum frutescens, capsicum baccatum and capsicum pubescens. All these species are known as peppers in common language. However, in terms of health benefits of capsicum are yet to be known. Today in this topic, we will discuss the health benefits of capsicum in detail. Also learn about usage and some common side effects.

Health Benefits of Capsicum.

Nutrient deficiency in the human body can often lead to serious health problems. Capsicum contains many nutrients that can help to keep a variety of health problems away. Let’s see the several health benefits of capsicum. They are:

  1. Improve Eye Sight.
  2. Prevent Anemia.
  3. Rich in Vitamin.
  4. Prevent Cancer.
  5. Beneficial for Heart Health.
  6. Improve Skin Quality.
  7. Weight Loss.
  8. Diabetes.
  9. Stomach Problems.
  10. Menopause.
  11. Arthritis.
  12. Hair.

Capsicum Improve Eye Sight.

It is mostly beneficial for the eyes. It can be consumed to avoid cataracts, especially at a growing age. Capsicum contains elements called lutein and zeaxanthin, which can protect the eyes against glaucoma.


It also contains vitamin A, which can help to improve eye sight.(1)

Capsicum Prevent Anemia.

Anemia is a condition in which adequate healthy red blood cells (RBC) are not formed in the body. Red blood cells convey oxygen to all organs of the body. Iron deficiency prevent natural production of the red blood cells and as a result the problem of anemia arise.

Red Blood Cells

Capsicum contains some amount of iron, which can prevent anemia. Also, vitamin C is found in capsicum. Vitamin-C can help to absorb iron in the body.That is why the regular consumption of capsicum can prevent anemia.

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Capsicum Rich In Vitamin.

Capsicum is rich in many kinds of vitamins.(2) It contains vitamins-A, B, C and K. Vitamin A helps to keep the skin, bones and teeth healthy. Scientific name of Vitamin C is ‘Ascorbic Acid’. It is good for the teeth and also has the ability to heal wounds.

Riboflavin i.e. vitamin-B2 is also found in capsicum. It assist in the proper growth of the body. It also contains thiamine i.e. vitamin-B1, which serves energy to the body. In addition, vitamin K present in capsicum is considered good for the bones.

Capsicum Prevent Cancer.

An element known as capsaicin found in capsicum, which contains anticancer properties.(3) According to a study published on the website of NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information), the presence of capsaicin can help to protect against the apprehension of various types of cancer.(4)

cancer cells Benefits of Capsicum
Cancer Cells

Here we make it clear that cancer is a serious disease. Its treatment requires undergoing intensive care process. It cannot be fixed only through home remedies.

Capsicum For Healthy Heart.

The element capsaicin is also beneficial for the heart. According to a research published on the NCBI website, the intake of paprika containing capsicin can improve metabolism.


Also, it can reduce the risk of metabolism such as obesity and heart disease. However, more research is required to know the benefits of capsicum in the prevention of heart disease.

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Capsicum Improve Skin Quality.

Capsicum can also beneficial for the skin. It contains an element called capsaicin, which is used in many creams used for skin.


It can help to bring tightness in the skin and also prevent several problems associated with the skin. At present, more scientific research is required in this regard.

Benefits of Capsicum For Weight Loss.

Are you trying to control your weight? The use of capsicum can beneficial for other obesity-reducing efforts. Capsicum contributes effectively to improving appetite and controlling triglyceride levels. In addition, regular consumption can also reduce poor cholesterol level in the body, which is one of the major causes of obesity.

Weight Loss

The nutrients and minerals present in capsicum increase metabolism and strengthen the immune system. That can help you to reduce the symptoms of obesity.(5) (6)

Benefits of Capsicum For Diabetes.

Studies have shown that capsicum can help in reducing the level of blood sugar. Because regular intake can increase insulin production in the body. Which can help to prevent type 2 diabetes.(7)

diabetes insulin

The diabetic can consume particularly green capsicum as it has hypoglycemic properties in high quantities.

Capsicum For Stomach Problems.

Capsicum is beneficial in eliminating gastrointestinal problems.(8) Tannins present in capsicum help in eliminating problems like inflammation of the stomach and other gastrointestinal problems such as dysentery and diarrhea etc. It also helps in the production of gastric mucus.

Which reduces the likelihood of peptic ulcers. In this way, if you want to keep your stomach healthy, you can use the medicinal properties of capsicum.

Benefits of Capsicum For Menopause.

Capsicum can be effective in reducing menopause symptoms.(9) Because capsicum has a good amount of flavonoids.


These can contribute significantly to reducing the symptoms related to menopause in women. So, capsicum can be a good domestic measure for women who are undergoing menopause.

Benefits of Capsicum For Arthritis.

It is believed that the intake of capsicum can relieve you from the pain related to arthritis. Because capsicum has anti-inflammatory properties. Due to which it can be effective in reducing both arthritis pain and inflammation.(10) (11)

knee Benefits of Capsicum

In addition, phytochemicals present in capsicum also help to control the pain in tissues during arthritis. If you are also an arthritis patient, you can consume capsicum as a treatment to avoid joint pain.

Capsicum For Hair.

It is the desire of all to have healthy, black, long and dense hair. However, due to poor lifestyle and lack of proper nutrients, we face various hair problems. But you can overcome these problems by regularly incorporating capsicum into your diet.

hair Benefits of Capsicum

The nutrients and minerals present in capsicum can treat problems such as thinning of hair, split ends, hair loss and dandruff. It promotes blood circulation in the scalp. Which help to increase the hair.(12)

Nutritional Value.

Capsicum is rich in various types of nutrients. 100 grams of capsicum contains the following nutrients;

NutrientValue/per 100gm
Energy18 kcal
Carbohydrates4.71 gm
Sugar2.35 gm
Fiber1.2 gm
Iron0.42 gm
Protein1.17 gm
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)77.6 mg
Vitamin A353 IU


How to Use Capsicum?

Capsicum can be used as a vegetable along with several ways. Here are some ways through which you can use capsicum in your daily routine.

  • Vegetables can be made with capsicum and potatoes.
  • Capsicum can also be consume as a salad.
  • It can be used as a stuffing between sandwiches and burgers.
  • Capsicum can also be consume with pasta.
  • It is used in mix vegetable soups.
  • Capsicum can also be poured into the Pulao.
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When and How Much You Should Eat Capsicum?

There is no definite time to eat capsicum. It can be consume at any time. You can take it in the morning snack, in the evening snack or in salads with food. According to a study by NCBI, 1350 mg of capsicum can be consumed in a day.

Side Effects of Capsicum.

Capsicum is a good diet, but under certain circumstances its intake can be harmful, such as;

  • People those are suffering from blood related problems should not consume capsicum. These can cause unnatural blood flow.
  • If anyone suffering from blood pressure should avoid capsicum. This may further aggravate the problem.
  • You must quit the intake two weeks before surgery, otherwise it can cause more blood flow at the time of surgery.
  • The intake of capsicum can increase blood sugar, but there is no concrete evidence available. Therefore, use it in small quantities as a precaution.
  • Intake of capsicum can cause allergies to some people, so if someone already has an allergy, consult a doctor before consuming.
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Bottom Line.

Capsicum is very effective vegetable. Apart from the taste of food it’s also increased nutrients in the food. So, capsicum can be considered a tasty and excellent vegetable. However, people those are suffering from serious health problems should use capsicum on the advice of the doctor. The benefits of capsicum may vary for all. It is not an option for any medical treatment.

+12 Sources

Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Orange capsicums on the menu for long-term eye health;
  2. Vitamin Variation in Capsicum Spp. Provides Opportunities to Improve Nutritional Value of Human Diets;
  3. The Two Faces of Capsaicin;,reviewed%20most%20recently%20in%20ref.
  4. Anticancer Properties of Capsaicin Against Human Cancer;
  5. Capsaicinoids supplementation decreases percent body fat and fat mass: adjustment using covariates in a post hoc analysis;
  6. Dietary capsaicin and its anti-obesity potency: from mechanism to clinical implications;
  7. Capsaicin Reduces Blood Glucose by Increasing Insulin Levels and Glycogen Content Better than Capsiate in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats;
  8. Phytochemistry and gastrointestinal benefits of the medicinal spice, Capsicum annuum L. (Chilli): a review;
  9. Efficacy of a Homeopathic Medicine of Capsicum frutescens L. (Solanaceae) in the Treatment of Hot Flashes in Menopausal Women: A Phase-2 Randomized Controlled Trial;
  10. Treatment of arthritis with topical capsaicin: a double-blind trial;
  11. Effects of capsaicin on the metabolism of rheumatoid arthritis synoviocytes in vitro.;
  12. Administration of capsaicin and isoflavone promotes hair growth by increasing insulin-like growth factor-I production in mice and in humans with alopecia;

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