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Exercise Routine and Diets for Men and Their Body Types

If you are a fitness freak or trainer then it is so important to know about the exercise routine and diets for men and their body types. However, the idea of a perfect body is the one that has minimum amount of fat and maximum amount of muscle.

This requires a unique combination of diet and exercise. The diet and exercise is primarily based on the body type one has. However, muscle growth and weight loss both call for a unique combination of diet, exercise for different body types.

Exercise Routine and Diets for Men and Their Body Types.

There are mainly 3 body types:

(l) Ectomorph: Thin guys.

(2) Mesomorph: Strong and medium built.

(3) Endomorph: Heavy build.

body types
Men Different Body Types


There are different exercise and diets for different men and their body types, like muscle growth for ectomorph.

Diet For Ectomorph For Muscle Growth.

A diet high in moderate-to high glycemic carbohydrates, high in protein, to optimize nitrogen retention and tissue repair and high in good fats is recommended. Aim to add two to three pounds per week, increase your calories intake. In order to grow one must eat and eat.

Ectomorph Body Type Diet.


  • 2 servings of oat meal, cereals, etc.
  • 3 servings of eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.
  • 2 servings of milk, juice, water etc.
Lime Juice

Mid- Morning.

  • 2 servings of high carb, high protein shake.
  • 2 servings of peanuts and walnuts.


  • 2 servings of chicken, fish, lamb, etc.
  • Servings of carbohydrates (potatoes, wheat, whole grain)- 2
  • Two servings of milk, water etc.


  • 2 servings of high carb, high protein shake.
  • 2 servings peanut butter and dry fruit energy bar.


  • 2 servings of chicken, fish, meat etc.
  • Two servings of wheat, barley, brown rice etc.
  • 2 servings of milk, water etc.
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Exercise for Muscle Growth.

Now an ectomorph must lift heavy weight that limits you to lift only a small number of repetitions. this is what causes muscle to grow. We aim at building muscles and at the same time preserve calories for repair and recovery.

Weight-training session should not exceed 45 minutes of intense training. It would be advisable to avoid cardiovascular workouts for now. Three to four exercises per body part and 4 sets per exercise is recommended.

Pyramid approach is applied and one may calculate his ideal load. If you lift your ideal weight you achieve extreme muscle growth. Drink plenty of water.

Ectomorph Body Type Workout.

4 sets of each exercise-pyramid the reps: 12, 8, 6, 4.

Monday: Back.

  • Deadlifts.
  • Lat pull downs.
  • Seated cable rows.
  • Dumbbell shrugs.
Lat Pull Down Routine and Diets for Men and Their Body Types
Lat Pull Down

Tuesday: Chest.

  • Incline bench press.
  • Decline bench presses.
  • Dumbbell presses.

Wednesday: Legs.

  • Squats.
  • Leg presses.
  • Lying leg curls.
  • Standing calf raises.

Thursday: Shoulders.

  • Military presses.
  • Upright rows.
  • Lateral raises.

Friday: Arms.

  • Dips.
  • Arm curls.
  • Reverse triceps press downs.
  • Reverse curls.
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Weight Loss for Ectomorphs.

Here ectomorphs need to maximize weight loss. If we desire a defined look we have to follow an appropriate diet and exercise regimen to lose weight.


Reduction of carbohydrates consumption is advisable. We need to preserve the muscle at the same time reduce excess body fat and water. Eating a diet high in protein, moderate good fats, low to high glycemic carbohydrates.

This approach aids in keeping mental focus, replenish glycogen reserves, and boost protein synthesis, simultaneously utilizing body fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.

Losing weight may be just easy but preserving the lean mass is the key. You should remember that, exercise along with diets are very important for men and their different body types.

Sample Diet Plan.

Ectomorph are found to be hard gainers because of their thin skeletal structure, low body fat, and a high metabolism.


  • 1 serving of oatmeal, cereal, rice etc.
  • 2 servings of eggs yogurt, cottage cheese etc.
  • 2 servings of milk, juice, water etc.


  • 2 servings of high protein shake.
  • 2 serving of almonds, walnuts, anjeer, cashews, peanuts.
almonds Routine and Diets for Men and Their Body Types


  • 2 servings of chicken, meat, fish, etc.
  • 1 serving of wholegrain bread, pasta, potatoes, corn etc,


  • 2 servings of chicken, meat, fish, etc.
  • 1 serving pecans, peanut etc.
  • 2 servings of water.


Exercise for weight-loss for ectomorphs must be a combination of

1 semi-heavy weight training bouts

2 short intense cardio sessions.

We aim at maximizing caloric burn and simultaneously preserving muscle tissue.

Based on your body type your weight training session should not be more than an hour. We need to preserve muscle tissue, prevent over training and with aerobic activity achieve fat loss.

Four exercises per body part and four sets per exercise is our focus. We need to find our one-repetition maximum weight for each exercise. Using pyramid approach for repetitions.

Rest for 20 seconds and hydrate yourself with sports drink.

Cardio sessions should be short and done twice a week preferably empty stomach in the morning. Running, skipping rope or cycling at moderate pace for 20 minutes.

At the gym elliptical trainer, stationery bike or rowing machine may be selected. After workout take adequate rest.


4 sets per exercise- pyramid repetitions: 15, 12, 8, 6.

Monday: Back.

  • Close grip lat pull downs.
  • Stiff legged dead lifts.
  • Shrugs.

Tuesday: Chest.

  • Incline dumbbell flyes.
  • Decline dumbbell flyes.
  • Cable cross overs.

Wednesday: Legs.

  • Front squats.
  • Leg extensions.
  • Leg curls.
  • Seated calf raises.
shoulder press Routine and Diets for Men and Their Body Types
Shoulder Press

Thursday: Shoulders.

  • Shoulder presses.
  • Lateral raises.
  • Upright rows.
  • Front raises.

Friday: Arms.

  • Seated dips.
  • Preacher curls.
  • Tricep kick backs.
  • Concentration curls.
  • Aerobic work out.

Empty stomach training, after adequate warm up is advisable. Do not train more than 20 minutes. Train abdominals on Mondays and Fridays after warm up. Treat Saturday and Sunday as rest days.


Muscle growth diet for maximizing muscle growth.

Selecting what you eat is our prime focus keeping in mind our moderate metabolic rate.

What you eat is more important than when you eat. A diet that is moderate in low to high glycemic carbohydrates, high in protein and high in good fats is appropriate.

This diet promotes glycogen replenishment, optimizes nitrogen retention and tissue repair. This also meets your caloric needs and enhances further growth. Selective eating is everything.

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Mesomorph Body Type Diet.

Along with exercise it is important to maintain proper diets for different men and their body types. So, here are a sample diet plan;


  • 2 servings of oatmeal, cereal, sweet potatoes etc.
  • Two servings of eggs, yogurt, cheese etc.
  • 2 servings of milk, juice, water.

Mid Morning.

  • 2 servings of high protein shake.
  • 2 servings of fruits and dry fruits.

Meal 3. Lunch.

  • 2 servings of chicken, meat, fish.
  • 2 servings of long grain rice, kidney beans, chick peas, sweet potatoes, baked beans, oatmeal.
  • One serving of water.

Meal 4. Evening.

  • 2 servings of high protein shake.
  • 2 servings of rice bread, dates, jelly beans, honey, corn flakes, raisins, bran muffin etc.

Meal 5. Dinner.

  • 2 servings of chicken, meat, fish etc.
  • 1 serving of peanut butter.
  • 1 serving of water or fresh vegetable juice, tomato juice, green tea or fat free milk.
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Exercise of a mesomorph for muscle growth program must focus on lifting heavy weight that allows you to perform few repetitions. Aim to lift heavy and allow body to repair and recover.

Focus on maximizing overall growth, preventing over training and retaining calories. Keep your weight training session under 1 hour. Cardiovascular workout is avoidable. 3 to 4 basic exercises for each body part and 4 sets per exercise is ideal.

Lift your ideal weight and experience extreme muscle growth. 1 minute rest between sets and hydration is recommended. Try tough workout and remember to rest.

Mesomorph Body Type Workout.

4 sets per exercise -pyramid the repetitions. 10, 8, 6, 4.

Monday: Back.

  • Dead lifts.
  • Lat pulldowns.
  • Seated rowing.
  • Dumbbell rows.

Tuesday: Chest.

  • Incline bench presses.
  • Decline bench presses.
  • Dumbbell presses.

Wednesday: Legs.

  • Squats leg presses.
  • Lying leg curls.
  • Standing calf raises.
Toned Shoulders with Military Press Workout
Military Press Workout

Thursday: Shoulders.

  • Military presses.
  • Upright rows.
  • Lateral raises.

Friday: Arms.

  • Dips.
  • Dumbbell Curls.
  • Reverse tricep Press Downs.
  • Reverse Curls.

Warm up appropriately and train abdominals on Monday and Friday. Treat Saturday and Sunday as rest days.

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Mesomorph’s Weight Loss.


Now you need to reduce carbohydrate consumption. Muscle to fat ratio is high as you have moderate metabolic rate.

Preserving muscle mass is important while losing fat. High protein diet, moderate good fats and low to high glycemic carbohydrates aid in optimizing tissue maintenance , sustain metabolic rate and provide energy to your body.

You may lose 2-3 pounds per week. Losing fat is not the deal but preserving hard gained muscle is.

Mesomorph Body Type Diet.


1 serving of oatmeal, cereal.

2 servings of eggs, cheese curd.

1 serving of milk , juice water.

Mid Morning.

2 servings of high protein shake.

1 serving of peanut butter, grape-nuts, yam, fruit cocktail, sweet corn, oatmeal cookies.


2 servings of chicken, meat, fish.

1 serving of sweet potatoes, oat meal, baked beans, chick peas, kidney beans etc.

1 serving of water, juice.

chicken soup
Chicken Soup


2 servings of high protein shake.

1 serving of baked potatoes, bran muffin etc.


2 servings of meat, chicken, fish.

1 serving of peanuts, raisins, pancakes.

2 servings of water.


Exercise for fat loss for a mesomorph should include:

  • Semi-heavy weight training.
  • Short intense aerobic sessions.

The goal is to burn fat while preserving muscle mass. Keep your training under one hour each session. We recommend four exercises for each body part and four sets per exercise.

Try out different loads till you find your ideal load that allows you to perform 15 repetitions. Rest for 20 seconds and hydrate yourself throughout the workout.

Now aerobic workout must be short and intense like interval training. Perform aerobics thrice a week empty stomach first thing in the morning.

You may choose between rowing, skipping, running. In between sprint 3 times for 15 seconds. This way you can boost metabolism and maximize caloric burn. Now rest after workouts.

Mesomorph Body Type Workout.

These exercise and diets are specially planned for different men and their body types. It must be 4 sets per exercise.

Pyramid the repetitions: 15, 12, 10, 8.

Monday: Back.

  • Close grip lat pull downs.
  • T-bar rows.
  • Stiff legged dead lifts.
  • Shrugs.

Tuesday: Chest.

  • Incline dumbbell flyes.
  • Decline dumbbell flyes.
  • Cable cross overs.

Wednesday: Legs.

  • Front squats leg extensions.
  • Leg curls.
  • Seated calf raises.
Preacher curl
Video Source- Preacher curl

Thursday: Shoulders.

  • Shoulder presses.
  • Lateral raises.
  • Upright rows.
  • Front raises.


  • Seated dips.
  • Preacher curls.
  • Tricep extensions.
  • Concentration curls.
  • Cardio workout.
  • Interval training.

Warm up before work out. Train on an empty stomach. Do not train more than 20 minutes. Abdominals need to be trained on Mondays and Fridays. Saturday and Sunday are rest days.

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Here your body type has slow metabolism therefore we need to regulate what you eat, when and also the bulk you consume. Low glycemic carbohydrates, protein rich foods, moderate fats and fluids are required to optimize muscle building, replenish glycogen and meet your caloric needs.

Add a minimum of 2-3 pounds each week. Remember to regulate the timing, content and quantity of your meals.

Endomorph Body Type Diet.


  • 2 servings of oatmeal, chickpeas, sweet potatoes, kidney beans.
  • 2 servings of cheese, eggs, curd etc.
  • 1 serving of water, apple juice, vegetable juice, fat free milk.

Mid morning.

  • 2 servings of protein shake.
  • 1 serving of fruits.


  • 1 servings of chicken, fish.
  • One serving of oatmeal.
  • 1 serving of water.
whey protein
Protein Shake


  • 2 servings of protein shake.
  • 1 serving of chickpeas.
  • 2 servings of dry fruits.


  • One serving of chicken, fish.
  • 1 serving of fruits.
  • 1 serving of water or tomato juice.


  • 2 servings of high protein shake.

Exercise for Muscle Growth.

Endomorphs need semi heavy weight training and low impact cardio sessions.

Our main aim being stimulating maximum growth and simultaneously elevating your metabolic rate to attack excess body fat reserves.

Do not train more than 1 hour per session.

Find your ideal weight by trying out various loads.

Use pyramid approach for repetitions.

Take 60 seconds of rest in between and hydrate yourself.

Aerobic workout must be low impact, moderate intensity performed empty stomach in the morning. And do not do it for more than thirty minutes.

One can choose to walk at moderate intensity for 20 minutes and cool down for 5 minutes. This workout can be done thrice on week days but not on leg workout day.

Endomorph Body Type Workout.

Exercise Sample.

4 sets per exercise.

Pyramid the reps: 18, 15, 10, 8.

Monday: Back.

  • Dead lifts.
  • Lat pull downs.
  • Seated cable rows.
  • Dumbbell shrugs.

Tuesday: Chest.

  • Incline bench press.
  • Decline bench press.
  • Dumbbell press.
Decline Dumbbell Presses
Decline Dumbbell Presses

Wednesday: Legs

  • Squats.
  • Leg presses.
  • Lying leg curls.
  • Calf raises.

Thursday: Shoulders.

  • Military presses.
  • Upright rows.
  • Lateral raises.

Friday: Arms.

  • Seated Dips.
  • Curls.
  • Reverse triceps pushdowns.
  • Reverse curls.
  • Low impact training.
  • Warm Up Before Training.

Train for 20 or more minutes empty stomach in the morning. Abdominal training should be done on Mondays and Fridays. Saturday and Sunday are resting days.

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Endomorph’s Weight Loss.

In order to lose fat one has to reduce overall caloric intake. Metabolic rate of endomorphs is very slow therefore losing weight requires discipline and commitment. High protein diet, carbohydrates, low glycemic carbohydrates in low quantities and low to moderate good fats is what we need to eat.

This is how we can maintain mental focus, replenish glycogen stores and boost protein synthesis at the same time utilize fat for energy instead of carbs. Lose 2—3 pounds each week is fine. Staying focused on weight loss goal is hard so real effort is needed.

Sample Diet.


  • 2 servings of sweet potatoes or baked beans, chick peas.
  • 1 serving of eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese.
  • 1 serving of vegetable juice or fat free milk.

Mid Morning.

  • 2 servings of high protein shake.
  • 1 serving of dry fruits.


  • 2 servings of chicken, meat, fish.
  • 2 servings of water.


  • 2 servings of high protein shake.
  • 1 serving of low kidney beans, chick peas, oatmeal.
  • 1 serving of peanut butter, fruits.
Salmon Fish


  • Serving of chicken, meat, fish should be 1.
  • 1 serving of dry fruits.
  • One serving of water.


  • 2 servings of protein shake.

Exercise for Weight Loss.

An endomorph’s routine includes:

  • Moderate circuit-training sessions.
  • Short intense aerobic sessions.

We need to maximize caloric burn while preserving muscle mass. Weight-training should not be done more than one hour. Perform each exercise in the appropriate circuit in succession, then repeat twice for a total of three cycles. In between take rest for 45—60 seconds and hydrate well.

Cardio sessions should be short but intense like impact interval training. Perform aerobics thrice a week empty stomach for thirty minutes.

Select bike, elliptical trainer or rowing and use it at moderate pace for 5 minutes, sprint three times for 15 seconds, then repeat. This maximizes caloric burn in short period of time. Rest after hard training.

Exercise for Weight Loss.

Sample Routine.

1 set per exercise per cycle—12 reps for each set. Three cycles per circuit.

Monday Circuit.

  • Leg presses.
  • Bench presses.
  • Lat pull downs.
  • Shoulder presses.
  • Dumbbell curls.
  • Tricep press downs.
  • Crunches.
  • Calf raises.
Hammer Curl

Wednesday Circuit.

  • Dumbbell lunges.
  • Dumbbell incline bench presses.
  • Cable rows.
  • Upright rows.
  • Seated calf raises.
  • Leg raises.
  • Overhead triceps extensions.
  • Dumbbell hammer curls.

Friday Circuit.

  • Dumbbell squats.
  • Cable flyes.
  • One arm rows.
  • Lateral raises.
  • Reverse curls.
  • Triceps kick backs.
  • Reverse crunches.
  • Standing calf raises.
  • Low impact interval training.
  • Warm up before work out.
  • Train on empty stomach.
  • Train for 20 minutes.
  • Mondays and Fridays abdominals need to be worked.
  • Saturday and Sunday are rest days.
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Bottom Line.

Before starting out any exercise and diet program for men and their different body types, you must plan a proper schedule to achieve great results and these apply to one and all.

There are number of theories floating around regarding weight training routines. Any routine will effective when it is well supported by proper nutrition and guidelines.

+4 Sources

Freaktofit has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, educational research institutes, and medical organizations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.

  1. Increased weight gain, nitrogen retention and muscle protein synthesis following treatment of diabetic rats with insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and des(1-3)IGF-I;
  2. How to Do Pyramid Weight Training Workouts;
  3. Protein Synthesis;
  4. Are Pecans Good for You?;

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