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10 Best Yoga Poses For Thyroid With Steps

Yoga is the only way to live a simple, intuitive and healthy life. It is not only beneficial for health, but also the effective for the mind. However, many ways of doing yoga become prevalent, but the purpose of all is healthy body and mind. Nowadays, due to our busy schedule and poor eating habits many physical problems is increased day by day. Thyroid is also one of them. So, in this article we will discuss about some best and effective yoga poses for thyroid along with steps and picture. At first, it is also important to know about the thyroid is and its types.

What Is Thyroid?

Thyroid is the name of a gland found in the neck, not a disease. This gland regulates metabolism in the body. Whatever we eat, this gland works to convert it into energy. It also regulates the heart, bones, muscles and cholesterol.

In addition, this gland also manufactures two kinds of hormones. One is T3 i.e. Triiodothyronine and the other is T4 i.e. Thyroxine. When these two hormones become unbalanced, several health issues arise like weight gain or loss.

Types of Thyroid.

Thyroids are two types;

  • Hypo thyroid.
  • Hyper thyroid.

How Yoga Poses Are Effective For Thyroid?

Before proceed it should be clear that yoga is only beneficial when it is practice in regular basis. The first rule of yoga is that, it should be perform without stress. Here we will explain in detail about various yoga one by one.

10 Best Yoga Poses For Thyroid. 

The 10 yoga poses for thyroid are as follows;

  1. Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand Pose.
  2. Matsyasana or Fish Pose.
  3. Viparita karani or Leg Up The Wall Pose.
  4. Halasana or Plough Pose.
  5. Ustrasana or Camel Pose.
  6. Dhanurasana or Bow Pose.
  7. Ujjayi Pranayama or Ocean Breath.
  8. Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire.
  9. Janushirshasana or Head to Knee Forward Bend Pose.
  10. Shavasana or Corpse Pose.

Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand Pose For Thyroid.

It is made up of three words. ‘Serv’ means ‘all’, ‘anga’ which means ‘organ’ and ‘asana’ which means ‘pose’. According to the name, the benefits of this yoga is also same.

It is a yoga with shoulders. While doing this, the weight of the whole body comes on the shoulders and has a positive effect on the whole body. While doing this posture, the neck and shoulders feel stretched, making them stronger and increase the flexibility in the waist.

It helps to activate the thyroid and hypothalamus gland. At the same time, balanced the hormones, which can reduce thyroid problems to a great extent. By doing this posture, the digestive system is also able to function properly and reduce mental stress. It is also called the Queen of Yoga.

Sarvangasana yoga

How To Do Sarvangasana?

Step 1.

First of all, lie down on the ground. Keep the hands straight with the body.

Step 2.

Then take your feet slowly upwards and move backwards.

Step 3.

Then lift your hips and waist upwards.

Step 4.

Then support the elbows on the ground through your hands and straighten the legs and knees upwards. The knees and feet should be touched together.

Step 5.

In the meantime, the whole weight of the body should be on your shoulders, head and elbows. At the same time, the chin was on the chest.

Stay in the same posture for about a minute or two and breathe long and deep. Now move the back legs backwards and straighten the hands and bring the waist to the ground and gradually bring the legs back to the ground.


Those who have severe thyroid, high blood pressure, groin pain, hernia, weakness or neck and shoulder injury should do this yoga poses under the supervision of an instructor.

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Matsyasana or Fish Pose For Thyroid.

As the name suggests, the body becomes fish-shaped when doing it. This is called Fish Pose Yoga in English. Like Sarvangasana, this yoga also has many health benefits. It reduce the waist pain, relieves neck problems, reduces abdominal fat and most importantly, acts as a panacea in the thyroid. So, it is consider as one of the effective yoga poses for thyroid.

This makes the neck, chest and shoulders feel stretched and reduce stress from the muscles. Also, suppress the respiratory and lung diseases. If you have a problem with constipation, that too can be corrected.

Doing this yoga gives comfort to the upper part of the back and gives flexibility to the spinal cord. Those who have pain in the knees and back can also get relief from it. This yoga is also good for the eyes.


How To Do Matsyasana?

Step 1.

Sit in the Padmasana on the ground and take recourse to the hands and slowly bend backwards and lie down on the back.

Step 2.

Now lift the body up with the help of hands and balance the body on the strength of the feet and head.

Step 3.

Then hold the left foot with the right hand and the right foot with the left hand. In the meantime, the elbows and knees should be adjacent to the ground.

Step 4.

While in this situation, breathe slowly. Stay in the same state for about 30 seconds to one minute.

Step 5.

Then lie down while breathing and take the hands and then sit down in the early stages. Do about three or four such cycles.


If you are suffering from a serious spinal cord disease, knee pain, hernia or ulcers, do not do this yoga at all.

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Viparita Karani or Legs Up The Wall Pose For Thyroid.

This yoga pose must be practice to cure thyroid. It is almost like a congruent, but it is a little simpler. Doing this relieve mental stress. If someone is feeling tired or pain in the legs, he will be relaxed by this posture and the stretches of the muscles of the feet will also be removed.

By doing this, blood is well-infused in the body. Many health problem also eradicate by this yoga. The muscles of the neck, shoulders and back get relaxed. It is also very beneficial for thyroid patients. This posture balances the activity and relieves the problems in thyroid.

Viparita Karini
Viparita Karini
How To Do Viparita Karani?

Step 1.

You should lay your yoga mats near the wall and sit on the wall side.

Step 2.

Then lean backwards by resorting to the hands and lifting the hips, legs up and straight with the wall.

Step 3.

Spread the hands away from the body and keep the palms upwards.

Step 4.

Stay in this posture for about 5-15 minutes.

Step 5.

Then bend the knees and move around and sit in a normal state.


If you have more pain in the back or neck, do not do this posture. Women should not do this posture at the time of menstruation.

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Halasana or Plough Pose For Thyroid.

Those who complain of diabetes, obesity and thyroid must do Halasan. While doing this posture, the body posture becomes like a plough in the field, so it is called Halasan. It is help to reduce increasing weight by controlling the metabolism.

This posture also beneficial for the throat disease, headache and hemorrhoids. This can also fix problems like constipation. When we do this posture, the flow of blood starts to be more in the head. Due to this, the hair gets sufficient quantities of mineral content and it also decreased the hair loss.

It is not easy to do this posture, so you should perform under the supervision of an instructor and if there is a problem at the beginning, you can make a half-halasana.


How To Do Halasana?

Step 1.

First of all, lie down on the back on yoga mat and keep the hands straight from the body.

Step 2.

Now gently lift the legs upwards without turning it from the knee and then take the back and move the legs backwards. Try to touch the toes of the foot from the ground. Keep in mind that at this stage the hands should be straight.

For about a minute, slowly come to the initial stage. Do about three or four cycles per day.


Those who have cervical and high blood pressure should avoid.

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Ustrasana or Camel Pose For Thyroid.

Ustra means ‘camel’. When we do this posture, our body is almost like a camel, so it is called camel pose in English. It reduce all kinds of physical disorders and anger. This pose create stretch on the neck, so it is beneficial for the thyroid.

In addition, it helps to reduce fat from the stomach and improve the digestive system and also control diabetes. If someone has a slip-disc problem or has a lung disease, it is a very effective pose for them.


How To Do Ustrasana?

Step 1.

At first, sit in the pose of Vajrasana.

Step 2.

Make a distance of about one foot between the knees and the legs.

Step 3.

Now stand on the knees and bend backwards while breathing.

Step 4.

Place the right palm on the right heel and the left palm on the left heel. Note that there is no setback in the neck.

Step 5.

Then the thighs should be in the right angle direction from the floor and the head should be tilted backwards. In this posture, the whole weight of the body should be on the arm and feet.

Step 6.

Breathe and release slowly while staying in the same state. After being so long for about a minute, gradually come to normal condition.


Those who have high blood pressure, hernia problems, back pain, heart disease should not do this yoga.

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Dhanurasana or Bow Pose For Thyroid.

This posture is done by lying on the abdomen. In this posture, the body looks like a bow, so its name is bow pose in English.

In this posture, the thyroid gland are stimulated, so that hormones can work better. Therefore, this yoga is best for thyroid patients. In addition, this yoga acts as a panacea for people suffering from obesity, diabetes and groin pain.

Those who have constipation or digestive problems this yoga is too much effective for them. While doing this posture, the chest feels stretched and the lungs are able to work well. Therefore, it is beneficial for asthma patients.


How To Do Dhanurasana?

Step 1.

At first, lay down on the abdominal force on a yoga mat.

Step 2.

Then turn the knees while breathing and hold both ankles tightly with both hands.

Step 3.

Now try to lift the head, chest and thigh up while breathing. Lift the body up as much as possible.

Step 4.

While doing so, there will be some distance between your two legs, which try to reduce slightly after reaching this stage.

Step 5.

Breathe and leave comfortably while staying in the same posture.

Step 6.

Then take a long deep breath and slowly bring the body down and come to the original position.


Those who have complain of appendicitis or have hernia and ulcers should not do this posture.

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Ujjayi Pranayama or Ocean Breath For Thyroid.

Those who have thyroid must do the Ujjayi pranayama. This yoga pose vibrate the thyroid gland present in the neck and improve working capacity of the gland. In addition, this posture prevent the reflection of growing age on the face. So, it is consider as one of the effective yoga poses for thyroid.

Regular practice also clam the brain and improves digestive capacity. If you have any liver problems or cough and fever, it is also beneficial for them. Not only that, this posture is also boost energy in the body. It is also effective for those who have a habit of snoring while sleeping.

Anulom Vilom
Ujjayi Pranayama

How To Do Ujjayi Pranayama?

Step 1.

At first sit on the ground in Padmasana or Sukhasana.

Step 2.

Breathe inside by tight the throat. In this way, a voice comes while breathing.

Step 3.

Try to inflate the chest while breathing.

Step 4.

Now keep the breath as long as possible.

Step 5.

Then close the right nose from the right thumb and gradually release the breath from the left nose.

Step 6.

In addition, you can also exhale from both the noses, without closing the right nose.


Those who have low blood pressure should not do this pranayama.

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Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire For Thyroid.

Everyone knows that, abdomen is the root of every disease. Due to stomach issues several disease will take place. Thyroid is also one of them. In such a way, kapalbhati is the best pranayama to heal the stomach.

If it is done in regular basis, good results are soon to be visible. Kapalbhati not only relieves thyroid, but also good for digestive system and problems like constipation, gas and acidity are eliminated from the root.

In addition, the function of lungs and kidneys are improved, boost memory and reduce hair loss. At the same time, weight is controlled, asthma is relieved and the face appears to be refined.


How To Do Kapalbhati?

Step 1.

For this, you can either sit in Sukhasana or sit in Padmasana.

Step 2.

Now breathe slowly and leave slowly.

Step 3.

Then gently throw out the breath from the nose. While doing so, your stomach will move inward. In the meantime, keep the mouth closed.

Step 4.

Gradually do this process and do no put any emphasis. Keep doing it as long as possible and stop when you are tired. Do it again after a while. You can do four-five cycle.


Should avoid if you have high blood pressure, hernia, respiratory disease or ulcers.

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Janushirshasana or Head to Knee Forward Bend Pose For Thyroid.

The name of this yoga is made by the combination of two words i.e Janu and shirsha. It stretches shoulders, abdomen, waist, hips and knees. In this respect, it is one of the effective yoga poses for thyroid.

By doing this, the effect of hormones in the body becomes improve, which gives relief from the thyroid. In addition, this yoga also improves the digestive system and soothes the mind by relieving fatigue, mental stress and headaches. The regular practice of this yoga gives women comfort from menstrual problems.

janusirsansana Yoga For Thyroid

How To Do Janushirshasana?

Step 1.

Sit comfortably on the yoga mat and spread the legs to the front. Keep the spinal cord perfectly straight.

Step 2.

Now bend the left knee and place the left sole near the right thigh and close the left knee to the ground.

Step 3.

Then lift the hands directly over the head and rotate the waist to the right.

Step 4.

Then bend forward while breathing and try to catch the thumb of the right foot by hand. At the same time, try to kneel the elbow from the ground and the head.

Step 5.

Stay in this position by holding breath for a while. Then, while breathing, gradually rise up and straight, take the hands down. Thus one cycle will be completed and then repeat the whole process with the other foot.


Those who have pain in the lower back or knees should avoid this posture. Also, it should not be done even if there is diarrhea.

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Shavasana or Corpse Pose For Thyroid.

It is called shavasana because the body look like a dead person. It should be done at the end of all yoga poses. This posture provide relaxation to the body also calm and concentrate the mind.

It also balance hormones, calm the mind, improve memory, relax all muscles and control blood pressure. This posture is one of the easy posture which anyone can easily do.

shvasana Yoga For Thyroid

How To Do Shavasana?

Step 1.

Lie down on the back on a yoga mat and keep the hands at some distance from the body. The palms should be upwards.

Step 2.

Keep a distance of about one foot between the legs.

Step 3.

Keep the head straight and close the eyes. Now breathe slowly and release.

Step 4.

Ignore the thoughts that are coming in the brain. Instead, try to focus on your breath and keep yourself stress free. You can stay in this state as long as you want.


This is the only posture that anyone can do.

*Note: If you are doing yoga for the first time, our advice is to do it under the supervision of a trained yoga trainer.

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Bottom Line.

We hope that you have got all kinds of information related to yoga poses for thyroid. If you practice these yoga postures regularly along with balanced diet thyroid problem and other health issues will be eliminate.

+2 Sources

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  1. Triiodothyronine;
  2. Thyroxine;

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