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9 Yoga Poses for Constipation With Steps

In our modern lifestyle, we have found a lot changes in our day to day lifestyle. A large population are consuming several unhealthy fast food and junk food, as a result they are suffering from many hazardous disease and health problems. Constipation is one of them. Therefore, we have bring several effective yoga poses for constipation.

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The problem of constipation is gradually a common problem and if it is not treated within a proper time, then it can also increases the difficulties of hemorrhoids, body aches, headaches, bloating or flatulence.

It has been proved that, regular practice of yoga is too much effective to eliminate the problems of constipation. Therefore, here we came up with 9 yoga poses with steps and advantages that will definitely help you to get relief of constipation.

Yoga Poses for Constipation.

Here are the following 9 yoga poses for constipation;

  1. Trikonasana or Triangular Pose.
  2. Parsvakonasana or Extended Side Angle Pose.
  3. Balasana or Child Pose.
  4. Padahastasana or Standing Forward Bend Pose.
  5. Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire.
  6. Uttanpadasana or Raised Leg Pose.
  7. Pawanmukta Asana or Wind Relieving Pose.
  8. Dhanurasana or Bow Pose.
  9. Halasana or Plough Pose.

Trikonasana or Triangular Pose for Constipation.

Trikonasana is also called Triangular pose in Sanskrit. While doing this posture, the body comes into a triangle-like posture, so it is called triangular pose.

Practicing this yoga regularly will reduce the belly fat, as well as fat of waist, thigh and hips.

Moreover, this posture strengthens the bones of your feet. It also helps to balance the blood pressure of the body and relieves diabetes.

How to do Trikonasana or Triangular Pose?

Step 1.

At first stand by a distance of about two feet between the two legs. Keep both hands straight with the body.

Step 2.

Now spread your arms to the shoulder away from the body and take the right hand up and take those with the ears.

Step 3.

Then gently exhale and bend from the waist to the left. In the meantime, the right hand should be adjacent to the ears and do not bend the knees.

Step 4.

Now try to bring the right hand parallel to the surface. Also try to touch the left ankle with the help of left hand.

Step 5.

Stay in the same position for about 10-30 seconds and breathe at normal speed. Then breathe and come to normal condition. Similarly, do it on the right side also. You can repeat three to four cycles in such a way.

Benefits of Trikonasana or Triangular Pose for Constipation.
  • It is the best yoga to reduce waist and belly fat.
  • Like Tadasana, it also makes the whole body feel stretched.
  • It leads to new energy communication in the body.
  • Lungs are also healthy and are able to work in a better way.
  • Doing this can cure problems such as groin pain and sciatica.
  • It is one of the best yoga poses for problems like constipation and acidity.
  • This yoga makes the body muscles resilient and can also reduce stress.
Precautions of Trikonasana or Triangular Pose.
  • Do not do this yoga when blood pressure is high or low.
  • Those who have severe pain in the groin or have a slip disc problem must avoid.
  • Make a distance from the head or even if there is pain in the neck and back.
  • If you are suffering from acidity, do not do it.
  • Avoid those who have a problem with the sciatica and slip discs.
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Parsvakonasana or Extended Side Angle Pose for Constipation.

While doing this yoga, the body makes the posture of the lateral, so it is called Parsvakonasana. Regularly practice can provide you relieve in many physical problems.

How to do Parsvakonasana or Extended Side Angle Pose?

Step 1.

First stand upright and then make a distance of about three to four feet between the two legs.

Step 2.

Then turn the right foot at an angle of 90 degrees.

Step 3.

Then spread the arms away from the body with a deep breath and bring it to the shoulder.

Step 4.

Now, while breathing, the right knee will bend to an angle of 90 degrees and bend to the right.

Step 5.

Now try to place the right hand on the ground behind the right foot. If there is difficulty in placing the hand on the ground, try to touch the ground with fingers.

Step 6.

While bringing the left hand to 60 degrees, try to bring it to the ear and try to see the fingers of the left hand. In the meantime, breathe normally.

Step 7.

Be in this position as much as possible and then breathe and come to normal position. Then repeat the same cycle on the left side.

Benefits of Parsvakonasana or Extended Side Angle Pose for Constipation.
  • With the help of this posture, body weight can be easily reduced.
  • It is the best yoga to reduce belly fat.
  • This yoga helps to reduce the fat of the waist and thighs.
  • It also provides relief from constipation and acidity by improving the digestive system.
  • It strengthens the ankle and knee.
Precautions of Parsvakonasana or Extended Side Angle Pose.
  • If you have severe pain in your knees and groin, do not try.
  • Patients with sciatica do this under the supervision of an instructor.
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Balasana or Child Pose for Constipation.

Balasana is also called child pose in English. It is one of the easy and effective yoga posture. Your body does not have to suffer too much to do it and the belly and hip fat starts to be destroyed and this is one of the effective yoga poses even if there is a problem related to constipation and gas.


How To Do Balasana or Child Pose?

Step 1.

First you have to sit in the state of Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose.

Step 2.

You have to keep your waist tight while sitting in the thunderbolt position.

Step 3.

After sitting in the Thunderbolt position, you should take a deep breath and tilt your body forward at the same time.

Step 4.

After tilting the body forward, try to rear both your hands and tilt your head to the ground.

Step 5.

Now you just have to stick to this situation. But you don’t need to force your body. By regularizing this posture, you will gradually remain in this situation for a long time.

Step 6.

Now exhale, you have to lift up your body and come back to Vajrasana. Now repeat this process again and again. In the beginning you can do this posture five times and increase the number with the time period.

Benefits of Balasana or Child Pose for Constipation.

  • This posture is considered beneficial for improving blood circulation.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Remove pain of waist, back and spinal cord.

Precautions of Balasana or Child Pose.

  • If you suffer from diarrhea, avoid doing this posture.
  • If there is injury or pain in the knee, this posture should not be done.
  • Pregnant women are advised not to do this posture.
  • People who complain of high blood pressure do not do this posture.
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Padahastasana or  Standing Forward Bend Pose for Constipation.

It is composed of two words, the foot and hand. While doing this yoga, the hands are kept on the ground with legs, which is why it is called Padahastasana.


How to do Padahastasana or Standing Forward Bend Pose?

Step 1.

Stand upright by connecting the legs together on the yoga mat and keep the hands straight.

Step 2.

Now take the hands up while breathing.

Step 3.

Then bend forward and try to decorate the two palms with the ground near the feet. As well as put your forehead with your knees.

Step 4.

Take the breath at this stage. Keep in mind that the part below the waist should not be twisted.

Step 5.

Stay in the same posture for a few seconds and then wake up breathing and try to bend back while taking the hands up. Thereafter, exhale and bend forward. Repeat it about three to four times.

Benefits of Padahastasana or  Standing Forward Bend Pose for Constipation.

  • It put pressure around the abdomen, which reduces the belly fat deposited there.
  • The back, hips and thighs feel stretched, causing them to be strong.
  • Problems such as headaches and insomnia are relieved and mental stress is also reduced to some extent.
  • The digestive system works in a better way, causing problems such as gas, acidity and constipation to be overcome.
  • Do this as yoga to reduce the stomach.

Precautions of Padahastasana or  Standing Forward Bend Pose.

  • If you have pain or injury in your back, do not do this posture.
  • If there is pain in the back while doing this, stop immediately and contact the doctor.
  • Avoid if you have any heart problems, hernia and abdominal inflammation.
  • This posture should not be practice during pregnancy.
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Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire Pose for Constipation.

Every disease that occurs to human beings is rooted from the abdomen. If the health of the stomach is not right, then your stomach is set to be messed up. In this respect, Kapalbhati has been considered as a biography for mankind. With this, the stomach is miraculously cured.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

How To Do Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire?

Step 1.

First of all, sit in Sukhasan and close the eyes.

Step 2.

Now you have to breathe slowly from the nose. The stomach should go inside while breathing.

Step 3.

Keep in mind that you just have to breathe and not hold it. Keep the mouth closed during this. The breathing process should be continue.

Step 4.

Keep doing it as long as possible. So, you can do about five to ten rounds.

Benefits of Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire for Constipation.

  • Help to reduce belly fat and assist to maintain a ideal body weight.
  • Improve the digestive system and remove the stomach problems.
  • Studies proved that it is one of the effective yoga poses for the problems related to gas, acidity and constipation etc.
  • It reduce the age effects.

Precautions Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire.

  • Those who have hypertension or heart disease should not be taken up.
  • Epilepsy, hernia and respiratory patients should avoid this.
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Uttanpadasana or Raised Leg Pose for Constipation.

Uttan means ‘elevated’ and the Pada means the ‘feet’. In this posture, the legs are raised slightly, so it is called the Uttanpadasan. This is an important posture to be lying down.


How To Do Uttanpadasana or Raised Leg Pose?

Step 1.

Lay on the waist on the yoga mat and keep the hands adjacent to the body.

Step 2.

The face of the palms should be towards the ground.

Step 3.

Now take a long deep breath to raise the legs up to an angle of about 30 degrees.

Step 4.

Keep in mind that the head is not to shake.

Step 5.

The feet have to be raised so that they do not look at us.

Step 6.

Stay in the same state for about 30 seconds and keep breathing and leaving slowly.

Step 7.

Then take the feet down and rest with a long deep breath. Do this posture about three to four times.

Benefits of Uttanpadasana or Raised Leg Pose for Constipation.

  • This posture is the best way to reduce obesity.
  • It keeps the navel in its place and improve the digestive system.
  • While doing this yoga, there is pressure on the abdominal muscles, which makes it stronger.
  • With the help of this, the abs of the abdomen can be made without going to the gym.
  • Those who complain of gas, acidity, constipation and indigestion etc., must do this yoga.
  • It strengthens the muscles of the waist and promotes new energy into the body.

Precautions of Uttanpadasana or Raised Leg Pose.

  • It should not be perform during pregnancy.
  • Those who have a stomach operation should also refrain from it.
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Pawan Mukta Asana or Wind Relieving Pose for Constipation.

The next order in the yoga to be lying is the Pawan Mukta asana. While doing this, there is a force on the abdomen. Wind means air and free means to emerge. By doing this, the air that has gathered in the abdomen comes out.

Pawanmuktasana Yoga Poses for Constipation

How To Do Pawan Muktaasan or Wind Relieving Pose?

Step 1.

Lie down directly on the waist on the yoga mat. Your hands must be next to the body.

Step 2.

First take a long deep breath and bend the right leg and try to put it from the chest while holding the knee with both hands.

Step 3.

Then lift the head while breathing and try to touch the nose with the knee.

Step 4.

Stay in this state for a few seconds and then exhale and bring the foot and head to the ground.

Step 5.

Similarly, do it with the left foot and then do it together with both legs. Such can make at least five to ten cycles.

Benefits of Pawan Mukta Asana or Wind Relieving Pose for Constipation.

  • This posture reduces the belly fat and makes it flat.
  • By doing this, the gas that has been gathered in the abdomen is removed and also relieves acidity and constipation.
  • It strengthens the spinal cord. At the same time, the lungs also work well.

Precautions of Pawan Mukta Asana or Wind Relieving Pose.

  • If you have pain in the groin, knees or neck, do not do it.
  • However, no posture should be followed by food except Vajrasana, but especially it should not be done at all.
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Dhanurasana or Bow Pose for Constipation.

While other postures are lying on the waist, this posture is used abdominal force. While doing this, the body shape becomes like a bow, which is why it is called bow pose.

dhanurasana Yoga Poses for Constipation

How To Do Dhanurasana or Bow Pose?

Step 1.

Lie down on the abdominal force on the mat and bend the knees while breathing and try to catch the ankles with the hands.

Step 2.

Now lift the head, chest and thighs while breathing.

Step 3.

You can raise the body as much as you can at convenience.

Step 4.

At the last stage, try to put the entire body weight on the lower abdomen.

Step 5.

Now, try to reduce the distance between the two legs.

Step 6.

Keep breathing and leaving slowly while in the same pose.

Step 7.

Finally, leave a long deep breath and return to normal condition. Four-five such cycles can be done at a time.

Benefits of Dhanurasana or Bow Pose for Constipation.

  • If you want to lose weight, you must also try this yoga.
  • Patients with diabetes must also do this yoga. This yoga balances the level of insulin in the body.
  • A person suffering from asthma and groin pain can also do this yoga. He seems to have a positive effect in some time.
  • Those who complain of frequent navel fall or constipation can also do it.
  • Thyroid patients can also practice this yoga.

Precautions of Dhanurasana or Bow Pose.

  • Those who have severe back pain should refrain from this pose.
  • If you have a hernia problem or have stomach ulcers, you should not do this posture.
  • Do not do it even if there is a complaint of sciatica or appendicitis.
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Halasana or Plough Pose for Constipation.

If this yoga is practice properly, the weight can be reduced to a positive extent. In this yoga, the body’s posture becomes like a plough used by farmers, so it is called Halasana. It is a little difficult to do it, so those who are not able to do it, should be practice half-halasana.

halasana Yoga Poses for Constipation

How To Do Halasana or Plough Pose?

Step 1.

To do this, lie down on the waist and keep the hands with the body.

Step 2.

Now gradually lift your feet up and bring it to an angle of 90 degrees.

Step 3.

Now take the legs as well as the back while breathing and try to touch the thumb from the ground while taking the legs back. This posture is similar to the plough that is used into the field.

Step 4.

Stay in the same posture as long as possible and then gradually return to normal condition and rest. You can repeat it for three or four times.

Benefits of Halasana or Plough Pose for Constipation.

  • This is one of the best yoga to get rid of obesity.
  • In addition, it gives relief to those who have hair loss problems.
  • This yoga poses is one of them, which proved effective in many diseases like constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • Those who have thyroid and diabetes problems can also do it.
Precautions of Halasana or Plough Pose.
  • Those who have a cervical or spinal cord problem do not do it.
  • Do not perform, if you have high blood pressure and dizziness.
  • Avoid doing this yoga in pregnancy.
  • Patients suffering from heart disease should also refrain from it.
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Bottom Line.

There are many causes of constipation such as poor lifestyle and eating habit. Therefore, one should take special care of his food habits and lifestyle to get rid of constipation.

There are several home remedies  are available along with food through which you can easily get relieve from constipation, while some people are unaware about those or they think it can increase the problem of constipation. For example, use fiber-rich food and healthy nutrients.

However, along with the food habits, regular freehand exercise or yoga poses for constipation will assist you to get the best and effective result.

+4 Sources

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  1. Epilepsy;
  2. Understanding Hernia — the Basics;
  3. Appendicitis;,the%20navel%20and%20then%20moves.

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