Like wrinkles, grey hair is inevitable. Like wrinkles, delaying their appearance is possible. Genetics and aging are the cause of the former; our lifestyle habits , the second. In this sense, diet plays a key role in the formation of grey hair, which is the absence of melanin (responsible for giving color to our hair) in the root of the hair bulb due to the cellular aging process with an important genetic component.
Are There Foods That Can Delay the Appearance of Grey Hair?
Oxidative Stress.
It is the accumulation of harmful substances in the cellular environment. This increases in situations of alcohol consumption, tobacco, high-fat diets, lack of exercise or stress . All of this causes you to age earlier and prematurely.
It has been observed how inside each hair there are some stem cells that have a unique ability to move between the growth compartments of the hair follicles. “However, these become ‘stuck’ as people age, losing the ability to They have to mature and maintain, in this way, the color of the hair, which causes grey hair to develop.

Nutrients and Foods That Help Delay the Appearance of Grey Hair.
- Vitamins of group B: B5, B6 and, especially, B12 are going to be key for the scalp and the hair itself. In this way, it is essential that we look for foods that are rich in this group of vitamins, present in proteins, in animal protein concentrate (poultry, eggs, fish) or in legumes (chickpeas, lentils, etc.).
- Vitamin D: it is present in foods such as mushrooms or mushrooms.
- Calcium: we find it in dairy products.
- Vegetables , we must have an adequate intake of green leaves and shoots, such as lamb’s lettuce, spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, among fruits, we must consume them raw and those that have a lot of fiber.
- Omega 3: is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that helps prevent the aging and inflammation process prior to cellular aging itself, so it will help grey hair appear later. We are talking about blue fish (salmon, sardines, anchovies, etc.) and avocado, among others.
- Foods rich in iron , such as organ meats (especially liver).
- Cereals, especially barley and wheat.
- Anti-inflammatory foods such as turmeric, ginger, alfalfa, rosemary, garlic, saffron, etc.
- Minerals such as zinc, selenium, manganese: present in small shellfish, such as shrimp; cockles; oysters; Brazil nuts; hazelnuts, almonds; sunflower and mustard seeds; whole grains; edamame; pineapple; etc
What Foods Promote the Early Appearance of Grey Hair?
- Avoid processed foods
- Quickly assimilated carbohydrates
- Foods rich in saturated fats and sugars, products that are not properly preserved, tobacco, alcohol and those foods that have many oxidants.
It is necessary to take into account those diets that restrict this type of food, for example, those used when a person has bacterial overgrowth or those used for some type of intolerance or sensitivity. This can cause grey hair to appear at an earlier age (the average normal appearance of which is around 40 years of age).